You go to a tea corner, spend โน10, and get a cup of tea. You transact cash for goods and services. However, you miss out on the possibility of gaining social money. The more social money you make,...
"First earn a lot of money, get rich, then become a philosopher," said Indian film actor Shahrukh Khan. Philosophy is all about understanding what you don't need in life. Why not start from the end,...
In this article, we will learn about How to identify social media influencers, life coaches, fake gurus, and fake growth experts? How to detect their lies? How is a real successful person differs...
How to write in the time of AI? Should we listen to the advice of people that we should write small and easy articles and essays? How do readers emotionally connect to authors? What role does the...
Why people are saying that AI is the future of healthcare? Where VC are pouring money into healthcare AI? Can AI really solve the healthcare problems? Has technology helped in reducing diseases?...
Why artificial intelligence and technological growth makes human life difficult rather than easy? In which ways do AI adversely affect the human population? Who will get benefitted by the AI push?...
1. King Safety First The short castle is one of the commonest moves. The King is put to the corner and the rook is brought towards the center. Business: The king, the founder, and the owner must be...
A. Business A business is a transaction between two entities(a customer and a service provider), where the customer compensate an entity(company or individual), financially for their goods or...
A. Knowledge Our brain faces several challenges and problems throughout our life, as well as on a daily basis. It learns from the experience, through reading, and from interactions with others. Over...
A. Viagra It was meant to treat COPD, but it became medicine to cause cardiac arrest. B. Viagra Capital(VC) Just as Viagra was meant to treat COPD, pension funds, insurance, provident fund, and...
A. Context One of the commonest threads we see amongst Lyfas patients, particularly those aged between 30-45, and working in IT is a trauma of dissatisfaction with promotion/increment/appraisal.I...
One of the most unexpected articles about startups you would ever read. Take the rollercoaster ride through history, case studies, bloodline, logic to see behind the obvious of the startup scaling...
A. Type of Thieves in Corporates Here are some of the common corporate thieves: Credit Thief(do I even have to define this?) Apprisal thief(you work hard and deliver more than anyone, just to...
A. F-Glance Writing Pattern The F-Shaped pattern for reading. It means people scan webpages in various patterns. One of them is the shape of the letter "F." People start reading in a horizontal...
A. Make this change in teaching style Stop using the keywordS "Any Doubts?", "Understood?," "Any questions?," "Look here", "Listen please" B. Brain and Neuroscience 1. Human babies are born...
A. Context After almost three years of communication with various patients, their caregivers, self-proclaimed "lead generators", self-proclaimed enablers, and the so-called "better than the rest"...
A. What is a Technology Business? a) Company: An entity that transforms abundant unusable resources into wealth that society(people and other dependent beings) can use. Ex: Chip manufacturers...
A. Mercenaries Before we understand the concept of employment, let us first talk about Mercenaries, the other system in history that pledged its loyalty based on the money and the wealth...
Data Gives No Insights and Measurements, But Data Gives A Direction, Only Life Gives Knowledge, Seniors Give Wisdom A. The objective of The Post To tell you, why data plays less than 10%...
Solve a Big Problem.Be Obsessed with a ProblemSam Altman School of Intelligents A. No Problem is a "Big Problem," Problems are always personal and small 1. A problem is one that to a brain is a...
1. The critical part of the software that no one educates a youngster about is that, unlike other fields(like sales and marketing), the software is project-based. Some projects are so good that they...
Why Job Losses and Mass Layoffs? In 1971, the then US president Nixon(Yup, the Watergate man) delinked $ from gold. This enabled the US to print as much money as they desired. Money is essentially a...
A. The Biggest Turn-Off In Lead Generation 1. "Hi, can we talk/meet sometimes next week to explore synergies?"2. "Hi, hope you are doing well."3. "Hi, I am Rupam from Lyfas. We help patients with...
A. Some Theories of Sales 1. Sales appears a "not so desirable" career or profession at first because we have seen sales girls, boys, door-to-door salespeople, and now day-long sales calls for...
A. Context Recently a leading publicly traded bank's internal digital meeting was recorded by one of the participants and was leaked or released in the public space, resulting in the sacking of a...
A. Why Layoffs Will Increase in the coming days? The US economy has blown debt out of proportion. $ being the global trade currency, the dollar's inherent value is decreased, and a lot of countries...
Definition of a Leader The leader comes from an Old Germanic word that refers to a man who fights arm battles of freedom against dragons and leads his tribe during migration to take them to a safer...
Required Survival Skills in the Environment of Layoffs a) Learning a skill as a craft, rather than just doing thingsb) Focussing on growth, rather than xx increase in salary, position, perks.c)...
"I finally learned to dream big. Wanted to hear from someone who has big dreams, of being valuable. To get motivated, please write something on this topic."
A Lyfasian Do not dream; set goals in the...
Science:-Happiness is overrated. Happiness activates the parasympathetic system, which leads to rest and recovery. The real deal is negativity. Negativity drives adrenaline, which helps you to grow...
Why is experiencing motherhood the secret desire of a man? Family gives a man the opportunity to become a father. A man also has the female hormone estrogen and a deep emotional desire. Motherhood...
How Human Organs Work as a Machine Human Body and brain as a single mechanical system. This video demonstrates how different subsystems work as a factory inside our body to even help us be alive....
โBeing powerful is like being a lady.ย If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.โ
-Margaret Thatcher The 10 Powerful Laws that No One Cared for While Investing in Crypto 1. If a product is...
Why Job Losses?In 1971, the then US president Nixon(Yup, the Watergate man) delinked $ from gold. This enabled the US to print as much money as they desired. Money is essentially a debt. It is a...
Cost per professor in Indian Engineering colleges 1. According to the 7th pay commission, a professor's monthly salary is 1,16,000/-.2. A professor handles two subjects in a semester that lasts six...
The Journey of some modern VCs becoming dumb and stupid 1. In 1958, the Rockefeller family, sitting over tons of money but not the ability to build the next new thing, started hunting for the next...
"Staying in one company for long will make your career stagnant. You must keep switching"bad advice Why Frequent Job Switching is a Bad Advice? 1. The critical part of the software that no one...
People do business with people they trust. Trust is measured as a predictable behavior irrespective of the situation in a social setting.a) become social.b) remain predictable(mood swings and facial...
here are some things that everyone should understand.1. Give the blueprint of Meta to ten of us, and we will build the entire system up and running with cheap distributed hardware chips in not more...
Autobiography of Manoranjan Bajpayee "You ain't gonna leave the jail for another ten years," heard the Dalit boy from the refugee colony, and he started crying. Father used to travel with locals...
What is a Career and Life Plateaus? A plateau is a flat area. Growth is a buzzword these days. Everyone wants to grow in life, succeed, grow their wealth, grow socially, grow their personality, and...
The Unbelievable Success Story of Wilma Rudolf There was a black girl in America, Wilma. She was in class six and had polio. She had to walk with a crutch. It was a School sports day. All her batch...
What is learning? Learning is the process of acquiring new memory (called a learning block) and storing that memory in our permanent memory so that the brain can use it at a relevant time. A...
History of McNamara Fallacy Robert McNamara was US secretary of defense between 1961 to 1968 in John F. Kennedy's administration. Robert McNamara, US Defense Secretary in Kennedy Administration...
Trust Video Illustration How we use the word "trust." "I trust you." "Don't you trust me"? "That person broke my trust." These are common phrases we often use in our lives. Subconsciously we know...
Who are shrewd people? Shrewd people with a dark triad(a combination of three dark psychological traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) always want to take an authoritative...
Who are the verbal bullies? A verbal bully is a passive-aggressive person, who appears nice externally, but is extremely hateful internally. Often they are envious of you(or anyone). So, they...
What is Preventive Health Chronic Disease People spend a hefty lot of money every year on the treatment and management of chronic diseases. Chronic disease put almost 84% burden on the healthcare...
The 17-Learner Type Consumers 1) Non-learners(No matter what won't learn) 2) Self-learners ( will figure out what to learn and will learn themselves) 3) Group learners (Learns better while...
Dear freshers who want to pursue an entrepreneurial career here is a simple roadmap. Take your career and venture as a 21-year roadmap.7-7-7 rule. Divide the road into 7 years slot. 7 years of...
Table of Contents
All of the material on this site is intended as educational information only in regards to alternative, and personalized healthcare options available to healthcare consumers. The advice on this site is intended solely for informational and educational purposes and is NOT intended to replace your doctor. Please consult a medical professional if you have questions about your health.