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How A Man Experiences Fantastic Lifetime Motherhood Through Entrepreneurship?*

How A Man Experiences Fantastic Lifetime Motherhood Through Entrepreneurship

Why is experiencing motherhood the secret desire of a man?

Family gives a man the opportunity to become a father. A man also has the female hormone estrogen and a deep emotional desire.

Motherhood is the most Emotionally exhaustive event for any female. When a man builds a business, it is like his baby. He thinks about the business all day and sleeps over it. This rises estrogen levels and emotion-stimulating hormones. He becomes a “mother.”

There are challenges in everything, but still, there is optimism and hope. But the pain of delivering and growing the baby is so unprecedented that it becomes an inseparable part of the founder, how a mother and her baby are inseparable(called a unity object in psychology).

The child then grows up and tries to separate from the mother(called safe-base), explore the world, and come back(separation-unification).
The isolation and unification make a mother anxious, and repeats dopamine shot of this totally exhausts her.

Mothers across all animal kingdoms are hyper-emotional, aggressive, speculative, over-protective, manipulative, possessive, and sensitive.

Be very careful of your planned adventures with the baby. “She” will come hard at you. You will find “Her” teeth and nails to be much sharper than your plans and thoughts 🙂

How does giving birth to an entity fulfill a man?

A woman carries XX chromosomes, but a man carries XY chromosomes. So femininity is integrated into every man’s psychology, deeply. The emotional being of a man that drives him to create and take pain comes straight out of the X chromosomes. And therefore it is quite obvious that a man would have all the emotional insecurities such as jealousy that a woman has deeply routed into their genes.

Whenever there is feminine energy, and a feminine self, that self would always want to give birth and raise babies. It would want to sacrifice for the baby, wake night after night for the baby would want to feed the baby. And therefore, creating and then trying to take that creation to the world, and taking care of the creation is embedded and integrated into a man’s psychology so deeply that they are not even aware of this.

An Idea is like a child. A man nurtures the idea, and puts his intellect and resources into the idea, and then seeing the idea that was nurtured in his brain seeing the light of the day fulfills a man. His brain is the womb of the baby idea.

How growing a company is similar to upbringing a baby?

  1. Infant Death:-When the company is in its infancy, it runs a threat of death by competitors, and a lack of resources and funding, from the market. Almost 90% of companies die within the first 3 years of birth just like the threat to a newborn baby. (21 Lakh babies die every month in India).
  2. Mother’s Death:- Even though the death of mothers while giving birth to babies has reduced significantly, they were extremely high even till the late 18th century. In the same way, an entrepreneur puts his everything into growing a baby and runs the chance of being broken and losing everything in life.
  3. Closed Group: A baby is susceptible to catching diseases from others. Therefore up to the age of three, every baby is protected from the outside world as much as possible and is grown by a close family of parents and grandparents. In the same way, when a founder takes his new company’s product and services to the outside world, the chances of them meeting people who have no experience of running a business, and no interest in opting for the product may shower the entrepreneur with “expert advise virus.” The entrepreneur may falsely start believing that the idea/business/product is malnourished and may immediately want to pivot or change, which may lead to the instant death of the business.
  4. Kindergarten: We don’t put babies into complex education, but introduce them to schooling through playschools and kindergartens where their learning is less and fun is more. In the same way, no new business can find a product-market fit in a day. The entrepreneur takes the product into a small niche market, lets the product play, and interacts with a very small market to learn and have fun. As the business grows, the entrepreneur starts taking the idea to bigger and more diversified markets for the business to learn from the market and grow.
  5. Attention: Children are mothers 100% and full-time attention. This is because the risk to the babies till they start understanding the world is very high. Others can steal the idea, and manipulate the baby. The baby may be hungry. Just like a mother, an entrepreneur has to pay attention to every minute detail of the baby.

Why is entrepreneurship hard, like motherhood?


We interact with the world and the environment through stress and pain. Even though people try to avoid both stress and pain, in reality, all our major organs are connected to each other through Autonomic Nervous System and through two branches namely the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Sympathetic activation happens under stress and parasympathetic under pain. The more pain our body suffers, the more it needs to heal. For this, the body needs hormones like GH(Growth hormone) for healing, which needs parasympathetic activation. The parasympathetic system also drives our emotions. A mother endures labor pain because this pain triggers the parasympathetic system(also called PNS), and elevates the emotional level. It is the same way, the pain that an entrepreneur takes elevates the parasympathetic system. New businesses are so hard and so no-rewarding that giving up is not even a choice, but rather the only reality. In such a situation where death and failure are the most dominant possibility, no one can nurture a business without extraordinary emotions. The more emotions one wants, the more excruciating pain one has to endure to activate the parasympathetic system.

That is exactly the reason entrepreneurship is hard, physically exhausting, emotionally challenging, and loaded with unmeasurable and never-ending pain.

What is the spiritual connection between a man and entrepreneurship?

Spirituality is a faith, an unseen, experiencing a power that will enforce justice and make things happen. We don’t see God, but we experience him, feel him, and remain connected to him. Without faith in God, a man can not visualize a still non-existent world. This is because belief is not abandoned. If you are to believe that a mere idea will become a reality one day, then you are to also believe that there exists a power that will guide you to take that idea to the light of the day through all the pains that you are to suffer.

The idea and product become the faith and religion of man. This new idea and business may end up consuming the entire life of a man. One can not relentlessly pursue the business amidst the failure chances, day after day, year after year, without a strong faith in the reality of the idea. As the faith and belief in the idea grows, the notion of an unforeseen power to be guiding man gets stronger and stronger with each passing day. This leads the man into a world of transcendence, where the man feels connected with a higher self, a self beyond reality, and a self beyond the obvious. That is how an entrepreneur becomes spiritual because of the amplification of faith.

Should every man become an entrepreneur?

Whether every man becomes an entrepreneur or not is not certain, but the more masculinity expresses itself, the more a man’s X chromosome and his inner femininity also get expressed. Therefore exploration, taking larger responsibilities, taking pain, becoming more spiritual, and creating and changing the world become stronger emotions with each passing day.

A man can become an entrepreneur in every aspect of life, even within the organization he serves. He may serve people through his job and services. He may take responsibility for the entire project and team, putting himself under scrutiny, becoming accountable, and taking the pain and pressure of the market. A man can become entrepreneurial even within his home, taking decisions, growing the wealth of the family, and ensuring the emotional and philosophical growth of the family. A man can become an entrepreneur even as a janitor, innovating better ways to keep the bathrooms clean.

Therefore, entrepreneurship is not merely starting a new business or a startup. Entrepreneurship is the liberty of serving the larger society by absorbing more pain in order to satisfy the inner feminine and mother self through that pain.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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