Lyfas Life Care

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The Reality of “Toxic Corporate Culture” Narration

A manager in blazer appears to spread hands and gesturing "whats happening" and an young employee is sitting in the ground resting his back against piles of files while a wall clock is seen. All the characters are doodles.

A. Context

Recently a leading publicly traded bank’s internal digital meeting was recorded by one of the participants and was leaked or released in the public space, resulting in the sacking of a senior employee who appeared rude.

B. Current Public and social media discourse

1. “toxic corporate environment.”
2. Bank cleaning off its hands.
3. Bad culture,
blah blah.

Interestingly, every form of complaint against every entity is at an all-time high and rising. The trend is more disturbing in the workplace. Freshers and young generations appear to be dissatisfied with every dimension of life, jobs included.

Hence it becomes essential to dissect this trend of complaining in general and complaining in the workplaces in specific.

C. The Deep-Rooted Problem

1. Voyeurism

As a society, India has progressed well to

a) Take screenshots of private chats and share them with others.

b) Make private and family life a perfect public circus. What’s the point of jockeying if neighbors with VIPs don’t see?

c) Scrolling feeds, the status of others.

d) Shooting videos of private moments(Yea sex once, record, and jerk off infinite times)

e) Random video calls, anytime, anywhere by any family members(more so by partners) because of insecurity and lack of trust.

Birth, death, cry, accident, drought, flood, shit, pee, fart, sex, eat, jerk off all should be captured in, and seen in the video.

A camera in the hands of a stupid is no different than a knife with a monkey.

2. Pampered Privileged Princes and Princesses

1. Ecology is a food chain. Billions of Bees are to be killed each year for you to get “healthy vegan” Avocados and Almonds. Squirrels, snakes, birds, ants, and sloths are slaughtered en mass for you to get your “healthy millets, organic veg.”

Getting daily food is hard in the animal kingdom, loaded with life risks every day.

2. When fathers carry an 18-year-old on their shoulders, and mothers feed 18-year-olds in their laps, and when food produced out of the massacre of billions of living beings is fed without any accountability, without ever farming, attending silly classes by lethargic losers called teachers, then you get pampered princesses and prince.

They feel(because no one can think while sitting on father back at 18) that world is a bed of roses and they deserve:- {add list}.

Other soft skills of privileged princes and princesses:
a) Dumb.
b) Lazy.
c) Loaded with metabolic and chromosomal diseases.
d) dysregulated mood.
e) No practice and habit of arranging daily food.

D. Voyeuristic Privillaged Worklessforce

The internal state of the employees, more so the new privileged princes and princesses are “We deserve”:
a) Good salary(🙄 na, pura GDP chahiye).
b) 30 seconds of work a day.
c) 1/4 day work a week.
d) Party park.
e) Daily hike.
f) Work from the toilet.
g) Shooting videos
h) Sharing screenshots
i) No pressure
j) respect
k) admiration, attention, adulation, (read worshipping).

E. How Industry Will Likely be Responding

Food across the animal kingdom is daily 16 hours of effort(other than for devolved dogs). Business is a bloody contact sport like heavyweight boxing. If you can’t stand punches, you are knocked off.

“mummyyy! They are bowling me bouncers, yorkers, getting me out, not giving me underarm balls to hit!”

Across industries princes and princesses now will be handheld, and handed over to their pops and moms, so that they can play a videogame on their parent’s lapse, and shoot videos.

F. The Reality Beyond the Fairytale

1. Over 90% of jobs are replaceable and are getting replaced at a fast pace by machines, AI, and engines.

2. Talking about banking, it produces nothing, no essential services, but rotates money in the market. AI can rotate better money.

3. Total employees in PayTm=16,000, MarketCap=$5.56B, in operation for=13 years total employees in HDFC=1,66,000, Market Cap $36B, in operation for 39 years.
Paytm per employee cap=$343k, HDFC $225k. So for HDFC to improve per-employee value, it has to sack 60,000 employees. That is 37.5% of HDFC’s workforce is sitting on the Layoff bomb.

4. That is the pre-AI era. Now nearly 1,00,000 run a risk of losing their jobs. Who are they? Ones with responsibilities of parents, children, education, housing, and medicines, many of whom are sole breadwinners. And the company and its employees will not play hard to be above the game and competition to save their jobs and existence?

5. Go and try to produce goods worth ₹100 and try to sell that ₹100 good daily for 10 days.

“One who lives by the sword, dies by the sword” and today “one who lives with a camera, dies by the camera.”

An old proverb

The prince and princesses are up for a ride.

G. The Bigboss Syndrome

There are all sorts of sports, cricket, football, Kabaddi, Chess, Badminton, some solo, some team sports, some bloody, and some comfortable. One can choose the sports one like. One can not enter a soccer pitch and complain about being fouled.

However, the pampered bros are playing Candy Crush Video games on the pitch. Whether one works as an employee or entrepreneur, everyone needs to take the hit, and everyone has it hard today.

Of course, Tennis has more money than badminton, but neither everyone has it to play tennis, nor everyone can afford it. And not everyone who can afford gets any return from Tennis.

One can grow in any field that one chooses. No one can grow even in anything if they spend time playing, watching, or thinking bigboss.

H. Is Action Against a Senior Manager Who Appeared to Use Harsh Words in A Meeting Justified?

No company charter tells:
1) A manager can not/or must not shout or can not and must not create any pressure on the juniors.
2) However, every company has a privacy policy and by that, no data, and intellectual property must go out of the company. A meeting shares a company idea and hence is an intellectual property.
3) Thus the first plan of action has to be against the one who leaks the company IP.
4) As individuals, we must always avoid participating in any public “court.” It is the senior manager today, it can be us tomorrow.
5) When a team talks, the senior addresses the team, and they engage in a different way. Any conversation is based on mutual trust. Sharing screenshots, and videos are unethical and when people share others’ videos and screenshots, they set up themselves.
6) No one forces anyone to stay in a toxic environment. If it is toxic, leave. Don’t complain, solve.

Unless we teach the pampered privileged useless, clueless bro generation the reality and hardship of life, they are going to cause some serious unrepairable damages.

I. Is Culture Key to A Company?

1. A business is an entity for profit, whose main goal is to serve the customers and give its shareholders better returns.

2. The only culture of a company is to make great products and services, make their customer’s life easier with their product and services, and have more people served with their products and services than competitors, at a better time and cost efficiency.

3. Machines produce better and offer better time, cost, and quality efficiency.

4. So, for a company to be a good company, its culture has to be around building and deploying better machines+processes.

5. Any creativity and deployment is a function of chaos, not stasis. The better a machine is, the more turmoil its core will have. Data centers and furnaces are heat factories.

So, culture is a fake feel-good term propagated by losers who are neither creators nor winners. And so, they are replaceable by machines.

A competitive team brings success;
success brings confidence;
confidence rises self-esteem;
increased self-esteem increase aspirations from Mashlow’s lower layer to higher layers;
a team of high self-esteem, self-efficacy, and aspiration creates a better culture;


To summarize the entire discussion, a company or entity exists to create products and services to solve a customer’s problem better than its peers to value higher for its products and services over other available options, and that value must be translated into a financial profit, to be rewarded to the investors, and invested back into the research and innovation.

Anyone who joins a company gets into the company knowing the mission of the company, which is to be more profitable than peers. Competition is toxic and cutthroat. However if one chooses not to compete, then the entity and the individual don’t exist in the market in the first place.

The late Steve Jobs was hated almost by everyone who worked in his team and with him, and every past associate and employee stated that they were exhausted. However, they still respect Jobs because they had never achieved anything as significant as working in Job’s team. The company and the teams must focus on success, which will create the culture.

An incompetent and unsuccessful team can not create or maintain a good culture simply because they do not have the positive attitude towards life that is needed for a good culture.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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