How our body produces and stores energy? Why we are feeling more tired nowadays? How to regain energy when we are feeling low and down? A. What is Energy? Energy is our body's ability to perform any...
A. Overthinking๐ค Some of the common overthinking patterns are as follows. 1. Ruminating about the past.Ex: I was so energetic in my teenage years, but now I don't feel that energy.The school was...
A. Context One of the commonest threads we see amongst Lyfas patients, particularly those aged between 30-45, and working in IT is a trauma of dissatisfaction with promotion/increment/appraisal.I...
A. What is depression?๐ฅ Depression is often marked by a sustained low energy state, where one feels bored, and uninterested even in day-to-day work, with a profound loss of self-esteem, and...
A. Top Reasons for Post-COVID Sleep Insomnia The active brain is the root cause of Post-Covid Sleep Quality Degradation Why brain doesn't seem to stop after COVID? Low Energy: Covid was(or is) a...
History of Modern Medicineโ1โ Athens Diagnosis word comes from Greek, like many(or rather most) of the healthcare terminologies. In ancient Greek, the philosopher Plato first started putting the...
Influenza Virus There are 4 types of seasonal influenza viruses, types A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses circulate and cause seasonal epidemicsโ1โ of disease. Influenza A...
A good police force is one that receives no complaints; a good army is one that has to fight no wars; a good government is one that has to govern minimum; likewise, a good healthcare company is one...
How have we improved the life of Chronic Patients by In-Depth Diagnosis and Explanation of their life using Unique Lyfas Life Meaning Framework(ULLMF)? Background A group of senior psychologists,...
ANALOGY Imagine you are an IT employee, in a critical project. Your boss is scolding you round the clock to finish it. He is screaming and shouting. You are in stress and have started working 18...
Behind Allergic Disorders:- How It Starts & How to Protect a Child from Allergic Disorders THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS:- In Medicine, we have a theory called "The Hygiene Hypothesis". According to...
DEFINITION:- Every relationship is transactional(barring of course the mother-new born baby love), which are held by several factors like- growth, knowledge, emotions, energy, resources, power and...
DIAGNOSIS:- Emptiness rises when there is no purpose in life and when you do not know why to get up tomorrow. It is the inability of your mind to do repetitive tasks and be happy about them. Such...