Table of Contents
A. Viagra
It was meant to treat COPD, but it became medicine to cause cardiac arrest.
B. Viagra Capital(VC)
Just as Viagra was meant to treat COPD, pension funds, insurance, provident fund, and fixed deposits were meant to be companions of bad times and retirement for hard-working, honest citizens.
When that hardworking money goes to those without COPD, but with Viagra for a “strong, bigger and better return”, that money becomes Viagra Capital, and the owner, a Viagra Capitalist.
There is no tomorrow, as neither Viagra will last till tomorrow, nor the “Nasha of the Mardangi of Viagra Capital”.
C. The Soft Shephard Viagra Capitalist
Allow a shepherd who has a soft, with the kick of Viagra, the facade of “Strong Manotomy” then desires nothing but to crush virginity with ruthlessness(as long as it lasts, of course).
D. The Viagra Capital Outcome
Show him a youth on a bike and a girlfriend holding him tight, and he will turn the youth into a delivery boy and swipe-right the girl in. Show him a hotel, and it will become couple-friendly. Show him a nursing home, and it will become an abortion center.
“Viagra takes it all, the normal appears small”
E. The Startup Brothel
Have you observed a recent trend of funds for “woman entrepreneurs”, corpus for “woman entrepreneurs,” and special privileges for startups with woman founders? And you thought the world has moved towards equality, didn’t you?
F. Licky Tongue’s Greed of Thrown Viagra
Loosers, those who can’t “erect a business” aspire to become Sugar baby mentors, and Casting Couch judges. Thrown cheap meet always aspires boot licking dogs, don’t they?
G. Judges?
What have you done in life besides licking your corporate and government officer’s boots to judge anyone, at least our daughters? What’s your contribution to the human race?
H. Mentors?
You can’t even mentor your “quick-fall” and softness what would you mentor the girls? Those who need degrees, and past institutions even for the name to be read, will mentor others on how to serve millions of people.
I. The “₹10L” Booty?
Just as a joker on Viagra with someone else’s pension money orgasms on turning the youth of a country into delivery boys, you orgasm on destroying the self-esteem of our daughters for a “₹10L” grant-booty out of it, don’t you?
J. Pitching Sessions?
Questioning talented young girls with passive aggressiveness is an extension of the question you asked all your life “aaj to bahot saje ho, kiske liye?” isn’t it? You couldn’t tolerate the beauty of your wife, and you will tolerate the venture of a young girl? So soft!
K. A Note to the young talented girls
1. You don’t need casting couches to become actresses, and Sugar daddies to complete your education. In the same way, you don’t need booty to run your business.
2. India is a place where everyone appreciates talents, particularly youngsters. We are a country where we give our life to our children. When you build good businesses, your customers will support you, market your business and give you life advice on business.
3. When you go to those pitching sessions and hear those old loosers laughing off your business and effort, just ask them “Are you feeling small seeing a girl standing on her own?” is it enough to trigger them to bring them out of their passive aggressiveness behind the polite masks.
4. And when you hear 3-6 months of mentoring for a ₹10L booty, know that you are being given only 10% of the total fund, the rest will go to loosers. If you dedicate that time to the business, you can start making ₹1L profit a month.
Live with peace, dignity, passion, and sanity. Success is not how much you have in your bank, but how happy you are at the end of the day. And passive-aggressive bootlickers are the last ones to see you happy.
From circus to brothel, bootlickers have dragged it too far.
With Viagra Capital’s thrown booty, touch yours, not our daughters. Mercy and tolerance are not everyone’s forte.👆🏻
K. Conclusion
Romans on Viagra paraded Arminious’s wife and son in the street after defeating him in 15 BCE. Alaric depopulated Rome in 409 AD to have no children born there for another 1300 years.