Why artificial intelligence and technological growth makes human life difficult rather than easy? In which ways do AI adversely affect the human population? Who will get benefitted by the AI push? If there are downside to AI then why so many people are pushing for AI?
A. Fundamentals of Human Life and Survival
Every biological beings have the primary requirements of Survival, Thriving, and Reproduction. Survival is all about having the basic necessities of life, security, and safety, and on the other hand, thriving is all about growing in life which means improvement in health, mental health, knowledge, skills, social connections, relationships, wealth, understanding of the world, creativity, and so on.
Interestingly enough, survival and thriving are kind of contradictory, in the sense that we often learn more when life throws challenges, and because learning is thriving, without serious challenges in life, we stop thriving. Therefore life is a battle between survival and threat to survival.
B. What are the Key Fundamentals in Survival and Thriving?
We need a safe place to need. We need daily food. We need energy for maintaining our systems such as transport, irrigation, lighting, and so on. Water is a key essential which is important for drinking and several other tasks.
The problem is that our earth has only a limited amount of hospitable land, and the planet is 70% water. Out of this 70% water resource, only 1% water is drinkable water. Even though we have enough energy from the sun, our modern life requires stored energy, which the sun can not provide. Transport, communication, manufacturing, and other things require 24×7 energy. Due to this, we use other forms of energy such as fossil fuels, batteries, and so on.
C. Consumption and Production Dynamic
Everything that we do, our lives, and our relationship with the environment and the ecology are governed by a fine dynamic of Consumption and Production. Therefore in order to maintain a balance in the ecology we need to produce and give back to ecology as much as we consume.
Limited energy
Certain things like Solar energy are unlimited. However, nearly all other resources are extremely limited. For instance, we have a limited amount of reserved drinking water. So when the human population increases and a lot of drinking water is utilized in manufacturing and households, the water levels start depleting. Even though in the modern days, we process sewage water, and seawater and convert them to drinking water, such processing also takes massive amounts of energy, and significant pollution is generated by such processing plants.
Limited Land
The same goes true for habitable lands. For example, the Sahara desert is 8% of the total land of the earth, which needless to say is inhospitable. There is no water in Sahara, and the land is not suitable for agriculture. Due to this population can not settle in Sahara.
As a whole, 24% of the Earth’s land mass is mountainous. Amazon forest covers 4% of the Earth’s land, whereas Antarctica is 2.7% of the Earth’s land. All the deserts including Sahara construct about 33% of the earth’s land. Therefore merely 40% of the 29% of land areas on earth is suitable for human colonies and establishment. That is merely 11% of the total earth.
As the population grows, availability of the resources reduces
Our planet’s human population has recently crossed 8 billion. That is 8,000 crore people. On average, each human requires about 6 liters of minimum daily water and 2000 cal of daily food. More water requires more rainfall. It is only through the rainfall that the saline sea water becomes cloud and we get fresh drinkable water. Plants and forests enable humid weather that governs the process of rainfall. To support more population, we need to deforest more, which reduces rainfall and thus drinkable water percentage. With the reduced rainfall, agriculture output reduces. This further reduces human workability.
If we look very closely into our food habits, with each passing day, we are pushing for more carbohydrates and sugar. Because the agricultural output is becoming limited, we have to meet the energy needs with limited production. This reduces complete food, micronutrients, and our body and brain’s ability to stay healthy reduces drastically.
D. Why Machines and Automation are increased
The more human abilities reduce, the more food availability reduce, and the more drinkable water reduce, we need to reduce the amount of works human do and pass the work to machines. This is because machines can keep working 24×7 like a task. Of course, they need energy, but because they don’t have other needs such as emotion, feelings, healing, and empathy, their work output per unit of energy is far superior to humans. So, if we are to arrange supply for the increasing population, we are to increase that supply through machines and automation.
E. The fundamental problem with increased productivity through reduced human participation
Increased machines decrease fertility, and therefore increase aging population
Let us consider that in modern days, technology-assisted machines can take care of about 70% of all the productivity needed for the entire human population. 30% of humans are required to maintain the systems. Even if we consider that we can keep producing food, energy, and water for 10 billion people for the next 100 years with 2 billion people working, about 8 billion people, or 70-80% of the human population can not thrive. We have already read above, how thriving is inversely correlated to the availability of resources.
When we are busy arranging food and meeting daily needs, our brain gets a purpose, and when that purpose is eliminated, our brain starts getting aggressive. An aggressive brain reduces reproduction. Therefore even though the human population increased exponentially since 10,000 BCE, when we started agricultural colonies, the reproduction rate(which is also called the fertility rate) has reduced consistently.
The problem with a low fertility rate is that it is hard to replace the aging population. The more we get older, our ability to work further reduces.
More unproductive and lazy population
Not only the aging population is a concern, but at the same time, when 20% of people have the skills to participate in the production for 100% of the earth’s population, then those 20% suffers from overwork. When they see that they are getting exhausted working, whereas others are enjoying the same life without putting in any effort, their willingness to work also reduces. As we are social animals, the majority trend always influences us. Therefore as the percentage of the unproductive population increases, the productivity of the productive population also decreases.
2. Food is limited, and so are energy and water, and so when they are put in one, they get removed from the other aspects of life.
F. Information is an additional need, not core to life
Information significance reduces with a better life
Information is part of the thriving. More information, better statistics, and data help us to make better decisions. But because thriving is a function of the struggle for survival, the more population is getting easy food, the brain’s desire to thrive reduces.
The less and less interested brains get in knowledge and information, the less important becomes the information. Because lazy uninterested brains can not take decisions irrespective of the amount of knowledge they have. This is because our ability to take better decisions improves as we struggle with life. And when there is no struggle in life, no one can correlate theoretical knowledge with the practicalities of the implementation.
Not only the productivity per capita and productivity per calorie reduce with reduced struggle for life, but as reduced struggle for life reduces thriving, which reduce curiosity for knowledge, as knowledge is needed for us to surive in a tough situation;
Now, because the information age is based on the hypothesis that information and data make one powerful and life simpler, which is a big fat lie because the simpler one’s life gets, the least significant the information becomes.
You can see this example in every aspect of your life. The human brain is incapable of doing anything without a strong purpose. And when there is no purpose to information, other than appearing and feeling smart, the very information becomes meaningless.
For instance, you get brilliant information in this article, that we only have 11% hospitable land on the planet. You also learned that our population exploded from the industrial age of 1760. You also learned that our fertility rate is decreasing. You also learned that the decrease in fertility rate is due to a reduction in thriving, which is due to the easiness of life, which is due to machines, and therefore the more machines we introduce, the less useful the machines become.
You thought you learned something. But you merely consumed information. The question is how this information is beneficial for you to solve the problem of food, water, energy, and land. And if all of these are already available to you, then what you are going to do with this information? If you think deeply, you can not use the above block of information in any which way if you do not struggle for food, water, energy, and land.
However, if you recently lost your job or earning, due to constant unemployment today, then you can use the information to be happy about the situation of jobless because you know that now you can thrive better, and will learn more.
So you see, the same information is meaningful and can be converted into worthy knowledge when you are struggling, and then the same information becomes meaningless when you are not struggling in life.
Historical Evidence
If we go to Babylon in 1700 BCE, libraries, books, universities, medicine, law, great architecture, gardens, water supply, sewage, trade(multinational), hotels, road, education, hand tools, small machines, clubs, etc, we find everything that we have today, barring mobiles, gadgets.
So Babylonian people’s energy was invested in developing a barren land into a fertile Babylon through canals and technology.
G. AI is stupidity that Stupid Capitalists won’t accept
How excess money makes humans more stupid?
We already know that excess ease of life makes life uneasy, excess population reduces fertility, reduced fertility, and increased population increases machines, which decreases productivity, which increases laziness, which decreases life, which reduces the need for machines.
Having known that, let us also understand why such a simple fact that even a five-year-old child can understand is not being understood by mature people with more money.
Once a young student came to meet Socerets, who was considered to be the wisest man back then. The student, equipped with books and theories(since Plato and other students of Socrates started writing, many had assumed to have acquired “knowledge”) wanted to check if Socrates was indeed as wise as people said. The crosschecking (not curious student) elaborated on corollaries from geometry, and drama and asked Socrates “Why geometry can demonstrate a theory, prove it, but philosophy can not prove any theory other than using logic? Shouldn’t logic also be obvious like geometry rather than selecting contradictory pathways?”
Socrates listened carefully and silently. And after some time replied, “I don’t know.”The student got perplexed and confused. How can the wisest man doesn’t know?
A dumb can become curious, and only curious can become wise.
A stupid is dumb who doesn’t believe he is dumb and dedicates his life to proving he is not, by onboarding more stupids into their group.
Now the problem with people who has access to large money is that they believe that because they have more money, they have more knowledge because only with more knowledge do you get more money.
The problem is that they do not want to either see or believe that the more money one has, the less struggle one has to do, and that reduced struggle reduces thriving, and reduced thriving reduced knowledge, and reduced knowledge increases dumbness. But because there is a significant excess of money, it is hard for the dumb to believe that he is dumb, and so their brain pushes them to think that they are wiser.
The very fact that capitalists are ignorant about their ignorance but try hard not to appear ignorant but rather smart, makes them stupid.
Stupids are always loud about their ignorance, and stupids always attract other stupids!
A herd of stupids strengthens each one of their beliefs of their smartness, and they push harder to achieve more money which is the energy behind their false belief.
As stupids are always self-destructive, because they walk far away from reality with their belief system and fantasies, they want you to believe everything they say.
However, you are not stupid, and so you must apply rationality to see through the prism of marketing and VC stupidity.
If you understand the article up to this point, you would become happy that the increased AI push itself killing the AI and their pushers. And it is a great time for you to do exactly what they are not doing.
How Artificial intelligence is killing artificial intelligence itself?
Fast-forward to today, we have technology that claims to make the human effort easier which can then be invested into other constructive work(which is more energy, water, food, land).
Isreal followed the Babylonian blueprint in 1948 to build Isreal in the desert like Babylon was built on Babal. However, post-computer era, we do not see the excess time used in making Sahara more habitable, rather we see several fertile lands(ex Rajasthan, and Haryana) vanishing.
Because human life is governed by food, water, and energy, anything that is true for any of these is true for all aspects of life. Because utilizing more land in already small available land is reducing the total habitable land due to deforestation, utilizing more energy for running servers and machines when the need for information is reducing both the land and energy, which by simple logic is eliminating AI itself.
H. How energy is playing a major bottleneck in technological advancement and scale?
Theoretically, based on the first principle of thermodynamics, energy utilization has to be kept constant, or else the food, water, and land will decrease.
In 1179 BCE when the Bronze Age finally collapsed, there were earthquakes, draughts, pandemics, no water, and limited food, because everyone wanted Bronze tools, and everyone developed metallurgical technologies.
UAE was created in 1920 based on a new energy source, that is Oil. Modern America got created due to Oil. Modern England got created due to coal. All the wars have been fought to secure more energy at that time and have access to more fertile lands.
In the Industrial Age, new machines were constantly invented to improve the combustion engine efficiency, and using the same in different areas of life. Then they became junk after the Petrol age.
Solar inventions, understandable, good or bad, adhere to energy. With mobile and laptops, no youth is seen making more barren lands fertile(in fact opposite, offices are created after making lands NA).
I. Conclusion
Capital always rides waves. Doesn’t matter trillions. The waves are just one draught-year long.
With more silicon waste and water depletion, machines that feed on equivalent to 10 million people’s annual energy consumption are mathematically set to destroy its civilization. Anything that overconsumes {energy, land, water, food} will be eliminated. Its theory.
If you are really looking to improve your knowledge, skills, survivability, and safety of future generations, invest in transforming barren lands into habitable zones. Humanity’s toughest problem is not how to work less or get information quickly, it is limited water, energy, and land, reducing productivity, increasing laziness, and a profound decrease in human values and societies.
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