Table of Contents
A. Type of Thieves in Corporates
Here are some of the common corporate thieves:
- Credit Thief(do I even have to define this?)
- Apprisal thief(you work hard and deliver more than anyone, just to witness someone else whom you never saw delivering anything walk away with appraisal)
- Concept thief(you present a concept in the meeting, and someone makes a PPT out of it and gets the project)
- Asset thief(steal code, plan, sheet, design, ppt, every intellectual work)
- Peace thief (often the low-life managers, who will send you all critical assignments just on Friday evening so as to take away your weekend).
- Labor thief(they will fascinatingly give you their work to you and utilize your labor to get their salary).
- Emotional thief(whenever you will appear happy, they will make a cheap remark to spoil your day).
- Thief of the thieves(often the fastest promoted managerial senior, gets what he needs from the next level of thieves to get ahead in his career).
- Growth thief(when you are delivering the best, faster than others, you will be put in a mundane project to stall your growth)
Because humans have always found new methods, techniques, and strategies of stealing, snatching, and scavenging from others what they want to have but can not win in a fair play, there will always be new and innovative thieves in every field of lives, corporates included
B. Laws applicable for the thieves
Law of Association
No thief has become noble in the company of a noble person, because stealing is genetic. However, one thief in a group of 10 always turns everyone else into a thief(survival dude!)
Law of Habits
No one steals out of need, it is a habit.
Law of Transistivity
Stealing doesn’t limit to one aspect of life; people keep stealing anything and everything(they want it all).
Why you feel bad when anything gets stolen?
- When someone steals away your anything, they steal away your time, emotion, energy, intellect, and peace, and you start feeling aggressive. You dump this aggression unintentionally to home, and to people you love.
- You remain busy working for 16 hours, while you see them getting paid more, for their no-work, only talk.
C. Identify the thieves
(Stealing is a habit, deep-rooted behavior, and so they will present all the following behaviors that a typical thief has).
1. Coming to your desk often, and touching your things(pen, paperweight)
2. Non-fixed eyes. Their eyes will move in every direction.
3. Too many ideas. You name it, they have the ideas for it(because execution brains are structured and don’t create ideas from thin air).
4. Recording calls, taking screenshots of chats, and using a recorder in meetings.
5. Sweaty velvet hands, and face/hair scratching(stealing creates an inner discomfort that results in itching and sweating)
6. Of course the sweetest of the talkers.
7. The most confident ones who appear to motivate and instill belief into the team(confidence is compensation for lack of competence).
8. However most important sign is the microexpression of a grin and contempt(because thieves are high on envy and passive aggression).
Even before you realize it, you will develop many of these habits.
D. Defend yourself from the thieves
(How do you protect your home from thieves? Surveillance, and boundaries).
So set boundaries:
1. Don’t discuss colleagues with other colleagues.
2. Stop chatting in WA with colleagues.
3. Prevent seniors/Colleagues from calling/messaging you after office hours.
4. Always document plans, assets, and write worklog, share it with management. One without work log will suffer.
5. When you hear “Do you know”, stop and reply “No I don’t want to know.”
6. Answer a question with a question(always) to distinguish between curiosity and “authority.” Example: “How is your progress?” reply with “You completed yours?” answering a question is energy-consuming and torture to lazies.
7. When one touches your desk object: “Don’t touch it” straight.
8. In meetings don’t spell out plans. Hear everyone, write your plan in a structured way, log it, undersign it, and submit it officially.
E. “CON”clusion
Everything is a choice(not Majboori), that has a cost, reward, and consequence.
Intigrity=>Lot of work, slow growth, peace, stable career.
Dishonesty=>easy, fast growth, fast fall.
Your life, your career, your wellbeing, and your peace. With integrity, your growth will be slow, but your career will be disaster-proof. Thieves are always the first to lose their job and career.