A. Literal Meaning of Singularity Singularity is the center of a black hole, a tiny point with infinite mass where space and time collapses. B. Lateral Meaning of Singularity So singularity refers...
A. Abuse Abuse is defined as denying one's boundary and forcefully entering one's space. B. Rape The physical boundary violation is defined as rape. Currently, most states across the globe have...
Parents 1. We did so much for our children, sacrificed our life for them, gave them whatever they needed, and now they don't care for us.2. Leave apart not caring, they don't want to even talk to...
A. Examples of Negative Feelings For A Situation: 1) Someone said something unexpected to you, (ex: When will you grow up).2) Someone doesn't behave the way you expect in a situation.3) Betryal(say...
Context This was a question asked us by one of our acquaintances a few days ago. Parents of an 8-year-old girl want to know why their daughter doesn't sing in front of the others, even though she...
Common Sense The ability to judge a situation or sensory data well is called common sense. For all practicality, the ability to understand the obvious is called common sense. This is the ability...
The Therapeutics Write down what you are thinking, think only what you write. How to Implement the Therapeutics? Memorize the above line. Read over and over and over again and memorize. Now repeat...
Male-Festival-Mood-Swing Attack(MFMSA) What is MFMSA (MFMSA) is a term coined by us, the Lyfas team, for a specific condition:- Many men(guys or even boys) suffer from a peculiar depression attack...
Key Learning of Intimacy Podcast Episode 22 1)What is meant by mood? 2) What is the difference between mood, feelings, and emotions? 3) How Same memories can evoke different moods in you? (Demo) 4)...
Key Learning of Episode 22 on Intimacy What is meant by mood? What is the difference between mood, feelings, and emotions? How can the Same memories evoke different moods in you? (Demo) What is the...
In episode 21, which is part 1 of three-part series on mood, we will learn:- 1)What is meant by mood?2) What is the difference between mood, feelings, and emotions?3) What are the key factors one's...
Context "Jaisi karni, waisi bharni," what you do, comes back to you. Many modern-day so-called "atheists" don't believe in Karma because "hey if we do not believe in God, then how can we believe in...
The word is "deserve" DESERVE. Common Usage You deserve respect.You deserve success.You deserve to become the leader of the company.You don't deserve this situation in life.You deserve a better...
Milestone Case in Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd: The Daughter Stands Up after Seven Years of Birth (Autistic Disorder) Critical Acute Care Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd has more or less become the last hope of...
Excess hard work, excess monitoring, and excessive push for success may lead you to fear failure and failure. You must balance the conscious mind and subconscious mind to achieve success. A. What is...
Many of us have questions, is it really important to visit temples? God is everywhere. Why can't we simply offer prayers from any place? What is the point of visiting temples? In this article, I...
Evolution 50 lakh years ago when Homo Sapiens started their amazing journey towards excellence, they used to live in the jungle. Men had to go out haunting. Women had to stay back to look after the...
Mental Illness is a Choice Having been a researcher now to interlink Neuroscience, Physiology, Psychology, and Pathology, and after having worked with a few thousand patients of various geographies...
Business Model Every business has a simple formula:-Exaggerate the problem,Make the Potential Customer feel Bad for having the problem,Give Fear of Missing Out to the Potential,Sell hope and...
Life Summary of a Startup Founder Startup founders are often busy solving great business and technology challenges. The founders are to work against so much of odds, from hiring, to financing, to...
This article will give you the best understanding of consciousness and awareness from simple examples, Neuroscience, Psychology, Physiology and give you self-assessment tools to measure your...
Neuroscience of Memory Long memories are stored in Cerebellum. If one has enough white matter, the memory is recalled vividly, as stories. The ability to recollect entire life events smoothly is...
Get all answers to all Female Problems from Hormones, Menstruation, Menopause, Relationships, Mood Swing, Weight Gain, Skin, Attractiveness, Memory, Hair-loss, PMS, Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension...
Boredom and Sadness The basics of mental health are how one handles boredom. There is no excitement in life on a day-to-day basis and one needs to go through usual routines. Nothing much happens and...
Context There has been a recent debate on who lives a better lifestyle? The entrepreneurs, or the employees who work in the companies? We, the Lyfas team in Acculi Labs believe only in data,...
Context All of our lives are filled with pain and trauma from the past. It starts from very early childhood. Today as adults, you may rationalize many things. But, when you were just a child, the...
Context Most of the knowledge around Yoga and meditation is subjective. Unfortunately, most of the scientific wisdom on the subject comes from the experiments conducted by clinical academicians...
Intra-Persona conflict, the genesis. When we grow up, we learn how to behave in school, how to behave at home, how to behave with parents, teachers, in the market, in functions and as we grow up,...
Research Publication Lyfas, A Smartphone-Based Subclinical Depression Tracker Subhagata Chattopadhyayand Rupam Das, Dept. of Research and Development (Digital Health), Acculi Labs Pvt. Ltd....
REASONS FOR A INCREASE IN CLUSTER-B PERSONALITY DISORDER A child needs the following for a healthy mental development and attachment style:- 1) Unconditional & Unbiased love of parents.2) Seeing...
DIAGNOSIS:- Emptiness rises when there is no purpose in life and when you do not know why to get up tomorrow. It is the inability of your mind to do repetitive tasks and be happy about them. Such...
CONTEXT:- In Indian families, property disputes are common. Often engage in legal battles pertaining to the property. How come my brother has more than me, and how can I have more? Some end up...
RELATIONSHIP LEADING TO CONCEIVE:- Mostly after marriage, people keep asking about the baby. The major focus of the relationship becomes, around having a baby. As if, this is a job, that needs to be...
The Syndrome Greek Skulpture had to make God Statues with Small Pensis because the Rulers were insecure about their own Have you ever observed the statues of great Greek and Roman Gods between the...
Upbringing a girl is far more complicated than upbringing a boy. It needs a high degree of awareness to give her a good life. A. HANDLING RELATIVES:- Husband's Mother:- 1. In many cases, the...
Mother Tongue(MT) disassociation results in high autistic spectrum disorder in children and harms your child's mental health for the life. If your child doesn't know, or can't speak in their mother...