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“Jaisi karni, waisi bharni,” what you do, comes back to you.
Many modern-day so-called “atheists” don’t believe in Karma because “hey if we do not believe in God, then how can we believe in anything being stated in the religious books?”
We have paid lakhs and crores for our degrees and for “education,” how can those roaming around in the jungles and deserts like Maharshi Vyaas, Valmiki, Rishi Augusta, Gautam Buddha, Mosses, Homer, Paygambar Mohammed know more than us? “Old people.”
In this post, I will take you through the science of karma so that you can rationally understand the whole notion of Karma and how Karma plays out in your life.
In 64AD Nero’s Rome, a fire broke out. It first started in the area of circus Maximus and then literally engulfed 25% of the city over seven days. Nero blamed the Christians and Jews for the mishaps and killed them en-mass, putting them in front of the hungry animals in Gladiator fights. Nero was killed in 69 AD.
In 70 AD, Titus Flavius Vespasianus sieged Jerusalem, looted the temple mount built some 80 years back by Herod, and destroyed the temple to dust, leaving behind only the western wall. Vespasianus came back, celebrated Roman victory, and built monuments.
in 79 AD, the Roman Thailand Pompei got dusted by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Titus got crazy and remained inside ice for most of his days to be dead in the next year.
History is littered with such karmic examples, where one met his fate based on the deeds.
The Science of Karma
A. Neurological
1. Brain may operate at either the prefrontal cortex as its executive function or frontal-cortex-midbrain mode.
2. The brain’s readiness potential is a phenomenon in which it autonomously takes decisions and starts the action at least 350 ms before even you know about it.
3. Hence, there is no free will; there is only free won’t. You can’t do anything; the only thing you can do is not do something.
4. Not doing something is proportional to the prefrontal cortex used for the executive functions(decision, analysis, thinking, abstract correlation, theorizing, principles, values, focus), which enables more “free-wont.” When this works less, that is called the intuitive brain.
5. The more one suffers pain, struggles to remain hungry, and fights life, the more brain starts getting accustomed to situations and develops a threat-handling mechanism. The brain then develops theory.
6. The more victory the intuitive brain sees, the more patterns it finds and develops methods.
Brain Area={Theoretical executive brain+Intuitive Pattern brain+ Memory+ Observation}, where
observation={visual, smell, touch, sound, taste}
and the ability to distinguish as many signals from the hybrid signals.
Each of the senses further requires training. For example, suppose you are watching TV while eating food. In that case, your brain can not develop the sense to distinguish various tastes in the food and its smell, and therefore brain slowly stops distinguishing between various smells and tastes. You lose the sense of water and poison.
B. Anxiety
Anxiety is unmanaged stress under prolonged threats (like financial, pandemics, or disease) that the brain can’t handle due to a lack of experience. It keeps speculating and converting threats into fear.
Stress=Force/Area Force=Pressure to achieve{e.g., car, home, wife, deals, promotion, iPhone} Area=Brain Area
You can test your stress from our online free stress self-assessment tool.

So, as demands and desires increase, the brain relies more on intuitive brains and patterns to achieve things faster. Brain Area reduces. Anxiety↑↑↑=(due to) Force ↑/Brain ↓↓
You can check your anxiety with our free online anxiety self-assessment tool.

Because the entire world is chasing success and a diluted definition of success, it becomes important for you to understand success. You can read a detailed scientific post on success here:

Rate of aging R ∝ (Anxiety) Biological Age=Chronological Age+Rate of Aging
Biological aging is the amount of more aging your body has than the actual aging that it is supposed to have. Because Biological Age> Chronological Age, we do not live the potential 125 years of life that we can live.
Say Anxiety is a scale from 0 to 10. So, under no anxiety, the rate of Aging=0. Your Biological Age=Chronological Age.
But if your anxiety is at 7, for a sustained period, you are 34 years old when your actual age is 27(no, 30 is not new 20, stupid!).
Success=0 accelerated aging. So,
success ∝ 1/Anxiety ∝ 1/Aging.
The good thing about the Lyfas platform is that you do not have to believe anything at face value. You can test everything with our self-assessment tests.

Now, if your anxiety is higher, your quality of life will be lower, your aging will be faster, and your potential for success will be lower. As such, you will notice that your quality of life also comes down.
Brain’s Paradox
The intuitive brain has no free won’t and thus thinks success=anxiety. So it can’t stop anxiety. Because anxiety is transitive, everyone around an anxious brain becomes anxious.
Social Success=1/∑Social Anxiety,
with more anxious people, success becomes zero, and society suffers early deaths and devastations.
Anxiety is genetic(chromosome 9) 9q31, every anxious individual in society unlocks anxiety genes. The prefrontal cortex is a Serotonin regulated pathway encoded in the 17q11 gene. So, like the intuitive brain, anxious brain, and executive brain become genetic.
Calculate Karma Score
Now that we know that Karma determines the quality of life, if you have a good quality of life, then you have good Karma, and if you have bad quality of life, then you have bad karma. If you have bad karma, you reduce the odds of people you care about having a good life. This is particularly true for your children. As we know that Karma is genetic, all your bad deeds would hunt your children and all their subsequent generations.
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Heal from Bad karma
Want to heal from bad karma and take control of your life? Seek a personal consultancy by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. To understand life better and become intimate with your life, and take control of your relationships, you can read my book “Intimacy Laws for Men, the Birth of the Lugal”, and follow my daily Youtube classes on intimacy(in-depth understanding of life, relationships, theory, concepts, emotions, feelings) which are bound to improve the executive functions of your brain, and thereby help you to find the meaning of your life and heal.
The more you struggle, say no money, no home, living on a footpath, the more your brain gets exposed to various threat conditions. Thus it doesn’t convert threat into fear. The more you struggle, say no money, no home, living on a footpath, the more your brain gets exposed to various threat conditions. Thus it doesn’t convert threat into fear.
Because you are facing real danger in life, intuition can not simply get over the situation. It has to activate the pre-frontal cortex, drive you to learn more, explore, experiment, focus, pay attention to details, and develop patience.
So, total brain volume gets increased, so the stress keeps decreasing.
Hence, as time goes by, due to the high-stress handling ability of the brain and body, you do not suffer, as the brain and body find most challenges in life manageable.
On the other hand, Victory(which most brain-dead people wrongly call success) needs a significant amount of mid-brain or intuitive brain.
The intuitive brain is a zero-sum game. For example, if you make money on trading, someone else loses. The more you win, the more you want to win because the brain is now habituated to pleasure.
The Law of pleasure says your pleasure always comes at the cost of someone’s pain. And so, eventually, you suffer because your brain can’t handle stress when the real threat comes.
So, Karma is a Science that translates into wisdom:-
“the more you suffer, the less you suffer, the more you make others suffer, the more you suffer.”