Excess hard work, excess monitoring, and excessive push for success may lead you to fear failure and failure. You must balance the conscious mind and subconscious mind to achieve success.
Table of Contents
A. What is Failure
1) Not able to reach the target/goal you had set for yourself.
2) Not able to accept what you have achieved as a success.
B. What People Say will Make you Successful?
- Acquire relevant Knowledge.
- Learn Skills.
- Practice.
- Focus.
- Do quality Work.
- Put in More Hard work.
- Get good with people.
- Research about your competitor, do things differently.
- Measure, Monitor, improve.
- blah blah.
C. So, Let me ask you some simple questions
1) Can you explain how you tie the shoelace? Exact process?
2) Can you explain how exactly you keep your balance while cycling?
3) Can you explain how you coordinate 3 pedals, one steering, constant judgment at the front, and have a focus on the back while driving and yet not feel pressure?
Can you remember any other task, where like driving, you could focus on the front, back, side(of course if you are an E&C BE student, you may remember doing this in S&S paper!!)
4) Can you explain, the process of how you are writing?
D. Why do You fail to Explain How you Do the Above Tasks?
Because our brain creates patterns and remembers them in the subconscious mind. While tying a shoelace, for instance, there is a way your fingers and hand move, that you have no idea about. The conscious brain just gives visual feedback. Even with the modern technology of fMRI, Neuroscience has failed to answer how the brain trains the muscles to do certain work.
As Carl Jung, the prodigy of Freud, father of Psychology stated “Our conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg, 5%, 95% remains unknown, the subconscious
E. Problem Solving is Done by Right Side Brain Muscles
Just as your brain trains your limbic system for shoelace tying, it trains the right brain “muscles”(the white matter) to solve a problem in a way. Just as you did not know how your brain takes care of cycling, and shoelace tying, it takes care of problem-solving.
So, all the points in B only attributes 5% to your success. That is why, it is hard for anyone to elaborate how one has achieved success(people always give it to family, friends, support, people, mentors, and LUCK), because they don’t know.
That is why it is hard to repeat a success. It is hard to explain success. You can classify one task, but that isn’t a quantitative measure of success.
Many player practices from morning 4 AM, but not all become Tendulkar. Tendulkar score many hundreds, but he couldn’t in every innings.
F. Why You Don’t Think You Are Successful?
Because you give 100% credit to the 5% brain, which again is divided into so many factors of B. You can’t feel the rest 95% of the brain, and so, you can’t cherish your success.
You are losing the game because you are playing the wrong game. Irrespective of your past success, preparedness, skills, and finance, you will fail.
The harder you try, the lesser you succeed. The more you monitor, the less you understand.
This is a counter-intuitive paradox that we live in. Our conscious brain believes that it is the one that is driving you, but the subconscious gets into a conflict and punishes you for ignorance.
Many do 95% right but get this 5% wrong. Your ability to be successful depends upon your ability to understand the conflict between your subconscious and conscious. It depends upon your ability to help the subconscious understand the conscious and vice versa.
If you do not take the time in marrying these two highly egoistic parts of your mind, if you can not consciously explain the subconscious, and subconsciously respect the conscious, then you are up for a ride in your life.
The more you think you know, the less you actually do. The more you think you can do, the less you will end up doing. If you do less, then also you will end up doing less.
Hence your success depends on one factor, your ability to do and do nothing at the same time, and in balance.
If you can decode this comment, you solve this crypto, you get the serendipity of your life. Because the problem is subconscious, unlike in other posts, I am not giving any conscious tool. 😀
I know my readers are smart and will decode this.
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