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Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 21 the Science and Root Cause Behind Mood Dysregulations

Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 21 the Science and Root Cause Behind Mood Dysregulations
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 21 the Science and Root Cause Behind Mood Dysregulations
Intimacy laws Podcast
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 21 the Science and Root Cause Behind Mood Dysregulations

In episode 21, which is part 1 of three-part series on mood, we will learn:-

1)What is meant by mood?
2) What is the difference between mood, feelings, and emotions?
3) What are the key factors one’s mood depends on?
4) What are the childhood issues that are associated with mood dysregulation?
5) What are negative thoughts, and why do you suffer a chain of negative thoughts?
6) Learn how to test your mood.
7) What is the relationship between mood and energy?
8) Why does a bad mood leads to low energy?
9) Why mood affects relationships so badly?
10) Why does changing people and current conditions only temporarily make your mood good, and then again, it becomes bad?
11) Correlation of Mood and focus.
12) What is meant by mood swing and ambivalence?
13) What is the correlation between mood and anger? Why does a bad mood make you irritated?
14) Why do mood swing leads to validation seeking?
15) Why do you feel low even when people give you validation?
16) Why do people avoid those with mood swings?

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Lyfas Life Care (February 12, 2025) Rupam Das, Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 21 the Science and Root Cause Behind Mood Dysregulations. Retrieved from
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