Lyfas Life Care

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Why Men Suffer Devastating Mood Swing and Depression Attack During Festivals

Why Men Suffer Devastating Mood Swing and Depression Attack During Festivals

Male-Festival-Mood-Swing Attack(MFMSA)

What is MFMSA

(MFMSA) is a term coined by us, the Lyfas team, for a specific condition:-

Many men(guys or even boys) suffer from a peculiar depression attack during the festivals. The attack starts almost 3-7 days before the festival and stops after hurting everyone around. Their mood gets f**ded, and he feels extremely irritated and aggressive. Then once he witnesses and experiences the suffering of the others around them, particularly the females and children, their mood suddenly starts getting better and tops up as if new energy has rejuvenated them.MFMSA has become a habit that repeats in every festival, over and over again.


  1. Increased irritation 3-7 days before the festival.
  2. Decision anxiety(should we go to native, should we not?)
  3. Feeling very low and tired.
  4. Picking up small fights.
  5. Brain fog and confusion.
  6. Anger against anyone who is remotely uncorrelated with life.
  7. Overload of past memories.
  8. Elevated suicidal thoughts.
  9. Loneliness attack.
  10. Extreme desire to hurt others and elevated thoughts of physical violence.

Genesis and Root Cause

  1. FMSA for males starts at the age of 25 when their testosterone starts rising.
  2. The primary reason is dead mother syndrome. In childhood, if the mother was unavailable till the age of 5(say in the job) or had mood swings and showed aggressive(passive aggressive face) when the male child came to share something he made, then the child’s dopamine synthesis circuit gets impaired.
  3. One hour after sunset, males’ cortisol and testosterone fall to the lowest levels(at least should fall). For 2-3 hours male collapses as a child. At that time, if the males do not get comfort, care, or love, childhood memory relapse, and thoughts of causing pain to the mother(punishment) increase.
  4. If the condition is not addressed for 5-7 years, it becomes genetically coded.
  5. During festivals, female Oxytocin(social hormone) rises and appears happy. This amplifies the dead mother’s hate and desire to punish.
  6. The inner core takes over, and the dead-mother-syndrome is expressed as passive-aggressive(or even aggressive ways). After seeing the females cry, the core again collapses into a small baby, and dopamine rises, giving the feeling of love.


1) No work, calls, or after sunset during the festive season.
2) Avoid evening communication with the mother.
3) Attack starts around 7 PM. Become aware, and separate yourself from the females and children of the home. Let the pain flow through.
4) Avoid any arguments between 7-9 PM.
5) Go for a walk at the time of sunset.
6) Spend time with other men before sunset for physiological coupling and energy balance.
7) When suicidal thoughts or violent attack peaks, don’t rationalize; let the childhood thoughts come, feel them, and accept them. The tear will roll down, rising the Estrogen levels, subsidizing the attack.

No MFMSA this festive season. Promise?

Additional Resources
Detailed Explanation of Men’s Mood, With Youtube Video, Self-Assessment Test, and further readings.

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