Table of Contents
Business Model
Every business has a simple formula:-
Exaggerate the problem,
Make the Potential Customer feel Bad for having the problem,
Give Fear of Missing Out to the Potential,
Sell hope and dream,
Let the consumer buy the dream,
Laugh your way through banks.
So, In the name of mental health therapeutics, you have to say:-
90% of India is suffering from mental illness,
mentally ill do not have any relationships, don’t succeed in careers,
If you are feeling depressed, then others are doing injustice.
Come to us.
We will heal you and you will leave a normal healthy life.
Start having relationships again.
Or, live all alone for the rest of your life.
Mental illnesses, even the basic ones are not treatable. Let me repeat Mental illness is not curable, healable, or treatable. Mentally ills have to be separated from the rest of the society and taught to focus on any functional areas in their life. They can’t have a relationship and social life.
It’s like Diabetes. If you have diabetes, you can’t have sugar.
2) Upselling
Keep upselling. Relationship help, personality development help. Keep reminding them how they should go back to the normal society and would be welcomed. Because they don’t know that you are just as mentally sick, like them, or perhaps more.
3) Validate
Never tell the patients that mental illness is a dysfunction of the brain and it is a choice made by the patient. It is the way a brain is weird. You don’t have the ability to change the brain. They are all victims. Victimhood is the number 1 compensation for mental illness. Validate them how they are victims, others are evil. They will recover soon, and go back to teach them a lesson by becoming good.
4) Expand the Market
Encourage the mentally ill to go and get integrated into the mainstream, jobs, clubs, societies, and relationships. Don’t tell them that mental illness is an irreversible contiguous virus-like HIV. They will think that indeed they are healing and go and screw others’ minds. Voila. You have expanded the market.
5) Make them Emotionally Dependent
Make the mentally ill feel good about themselves. Become their drug and addiction. Let them see themselves as better beings through your eyes. Voila. They will keep paying. Enjoy money against your con artistry.
Mental Health is the Next Big Deal. A billion-dollar industry, by mentally ill, for the mentally ill, to spread more mental illness.
PS:- Most of the so-called mental health experts and “mentalpreneurs” do not stand even a small chance to, keep their con artistry intact even for 5 minutes. But shhhhhhhhh, don’t talk the facts. Let the Con industry prosper.
On the other hand, you can use our site’s clinically validated free mental health tools, to perform self-assessment and take corrective measures. If you are the one who is suffering with some form of mental illness, then first get aware. Read our article on awareness and consciousness.