Background Many partners, the wife of a narcissist in particular often wonder, "what else can I do"? Why even after dedicating my entire life, going away from all my relationships, squeezing my...
Regret is disliking a decision you earlier took. This means that you have a tendency of doing things with limited rational thinking, and then overthinking about an activity you do. The occipital...
Questioning There are two types of questioning, one out of curiosity, and the other to guilt-trip another person, or to appear authoritative before the other person because only authorities ask...
Intra-Persona conflict, the genesis. When we grow up, we learn how to behave in school, how to behave at home, how to behave with parents, teachers, in the market, in functions and as we grow up,...
Have you lost your job? Are you worried about the future? Do you have EMIs to pay? Have you lost the confidence in getting another job? Follow these steps for a Sure Success and better mental health...
Isolated learning is poison. Never believe that you don't need a school/college. There is a musician, an artist, a talker, a coder, a joker, a loser, a fascist, a soft-spoken, a show-off guy/girl, a...
Tough Times Most of the tough problems are solved by our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind needs all the resources and energy to think, to connect dots. The conscious brain can only mull over...
Why Emptiness Increase? Emptiness rises when there is no purpose in life and when you do not know why to get up tomorrow. I can elaborate a complete mind setup of why you are going through this...
Failure A failure is your inability at this moment to achieve what you had set as your goal to achieve. Why No One Teaches Failure? Because very few people(I mean it, in no generic terms), very few...
My husband is a covert narcissist and I cannot leave him due to family pressures right now. How do I deal with him? Question by one of our readers Existing Methods for Co-existance with Narcissist...
Anyone who is so worried about getting infected by CORONA Virus, and dying by COVID-2003, are in reality suffering from hypochondriasis, and Anxiety, which is due to Gut Dysbiosis, which leads to...
Boredom and Sadness The basics of mental health are how one handles boredom. There is no excitement in life on a day-to-day basis and one needs to go through usual routines. Nothing much happens and...
Intimacy Deficiency Syndrome Disorder Intimacy Disorder or Intimacy Deficiency Syndrome refers to a lack of intimacy in a person's life. It can be direct, ie absence of a close romantic partner....
Cite this Article Context In a Psychological experiment, one participant was given money. The participant with money would have to offer a part of the money to the other participant. The first...
Current Business Verticals of UKCOH with Revenue UKCOH DepartmentsGlobal Market of the SegmentCAGRAverage SalaryJob Market GrowthHealth Sciences and Administration$ 46.2...
Title- Towards Screening and monitoring Metabolic and Mental Dysregulation using AI/ML in Perimenopausal Indian Women with the help of non-invasive optical biomarker instrument, Lyfas. Description:...
Context There has been a recent debate on who lives a better lifestyle? The entrepreneurs, or the employees who work in the companies? We, the Lyfas team in Acculi Labs believe only in data,...
Context Cross 30, people all around you will appear happy and prosperous. Go deep into their lives and you will know that most of them are struggling. By what? A strained and bad relationship. They...
Context Many of our prediabetic, Type-II diabetic patients, and PCOS Patients complained "We did everything from diet control to exercise, but unable to lower the blood sugar levels". So, we did a...
A. What is Hope? Hope is a state of mind by means of which you believe that you can overcome the current situation and that there is a good future waiting for you. Hope helps your mind to remain,...
Today, everything is shortcuts. Patients want quick tests, diagnoses, and some pills to fix these issues. Is your life seriously as simple as an ECG strip, of you really think a 400/- or for that...
Beyond "Sex is a bad thing, and for bad boys":- Implications of Lack of Sex and Ejaculation on Men's Health We have come to an age, where every natural gift from water to air has become a commodity....
Context When a child asks parents "How I was born"? The parents often answer "We prayed to God, and God gave us you". In our society, sex from childhood is taught as something "dirty". There is a...
Duchene Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive neuromuscular disorder affecting male children of acareer mother, as seen in more than 70% of cases. It is an X-linked recessive disease that...
Parameters, such as (i) HR, (ii) RMSSD, (iii) pNN50, (iv) SDNN, and (v) LF/HF are captured from a total of 567 healthy Indianadults (312 males and 255 females) using PK(Polar+Kubios) and...
the raw chest X-ray images are denoised with a Gaussian filter during pre-processing followed by the Regions of Interest, and Edge Features are identified using Canny’s edge detector algorithm....
Dengue fever is a self-limiting communicable viral disease, transmitted through mosquito bites. Its CaseFatality Grade (CFG) varies across populations due to variations in viral load, immunity of...
The present study is an attempt to propose a complementary medical front by mathematically modeling the ‘Clinical Eye’ of a VIRtual DOCtor, using statistical and machine intelligence tools...
In this work, we propose a unique cloud-based augmented reality health vital framework that extracts continuous pulse rate and pulse signal from user face images using cloud-based face detection,...
A controlled clinical study was conducted in 25(n=25) subjects to prove the hypothesis and establish the difference in LYFAS_COVID_SCORE between an infected and non-infected group of individuals....
The Heart Rate Variability and Pulse Arrival Time are combined using a single lead ECG and simultaneous capture of the arterial pulse. The test procedure is carried out on 75 subjects consisting of...
12-Lead ECG devices are costly and reed a trained technician for taking the test and a clinician for handling complex and burdensome diagnosis methods.In this research work, a single-lead ECG device...
Context All of our lives are filled with pain and trauma from the past. It starts from very early childhood. Today as adults, you may rationalize many things. But, when you were just a child, the...
Context Most of the knowledge around Yoga and meditation is subjective. Unfortunately, most of the scientific wisdom on the subject comes from the experiments conducted by clinical academicians...