Lyfas Life Care

Stop Worrying, Start Living

How do you keep sane in tough times? I feel so lost and demotivated at times. What coping strategies do you use?

Tough Times

Most of the tough problems are solved by our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind needs all the resources and energy to think, to connect dots.

The conscious brain can only mull over the problem, invoking fear of the unknown. The role of the conscious brain is to save you from any unforeseen danger.

In short:— Danger is evaluated and fear is accelerated in the conscious brain whereas the solution is obtained in the subconscious.

Solution:— So, keep the conscious brain busy in small routine tasks and let the subconscious find a solution.

Solution:— Power of small tasks and Rituals

Often you may have read that cricketers and other celebrities have “superstition”. Someone wears the left side socks before the match, someone combs hair. This is not actually superstition. This is the power of rituals. When you do a task that you have done thousands of times, your mind feels confident and can easily get over anxiety. It feels familiar with the situation. This familiarity reduces a lot of fear and gives you more confidence.

Now that you are relaxed, your subconscious keeps solving the problem.

  • Do a set of tasks as trivial as combing hai, making tea etc.
  • Do it everyday at the same time for atleast a month.
  • Get up before 6AM and go for a walk. This gives fresh Oxygen to lungs, increases your metabolic rate, improves blood circulation and give you a feeling that you are moving ahead in life.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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