Table of Contents
A failure is your inability at this moment to achieve what you had set as your goal to achieve.
Why No One Teaches Failure?
Because very few people(I mean it, in no generic terms), very few people actually understand and can handle failure.
Society judges a person by success, not failure. So, no one attempts to quantify failure and teach others how to fail? Because who wants not to achieve? And agreed, you may learn about some of the mistakes that a person made during failure, but you just can’t replicate a mistake and failure.
How to Fail?
Here are the rules to failure:—
- We mostly fail not because of lack of skill or confidence, but due to fear of failure. Failure happens in the mind first, before the outside world.
- Fear is overwhelming emotions of unknown and uncertainity. We start thinking all the bad things that can happen to us, can fail us, and all the bad things that will happen after we fail.
- The ability to calm down yourself when going through the overwhelming emotions determines your success or failure, or ability to handle the saame.
- Familiarity subsidises failure. The more attempts you make, the least moved you are by failure.
- A failure is merely an event where you did not achieve what you set out to achieve. Events are just events, neither good, nor bad. Stop thinking about them. Note down what you learned out of your failure.
- Every failure is a great opportunity to learn something extraordinarily valuable in life, that no one and no University can teach. Be happy that you paid a small price for that learning.
- Don’t fight your last war. Don’t ever make yourself think that your goal is your last chance of redemption and achieving what you want to is the only way to live. The moment your mind knows, there are more future opportunities you stop being moved by a failure.
- Often we attach failure with what would be the reaction of others like parents, partner etc. Everyone is dealing with their own insecurities and problems in life and no one has the time to sit with your failure. So, no one really bothers your success or failure at the core level.
- Those who feel sad and mocks you for failure, are the ones who had set out an expectation from you. Expectations are personal. These are the ways one wants to gain some happiness. Others happiness is their choice, not your responsibility. Stop paying too much heed of how people will judge you in failure.
- Only one who tries, do fail. 90% are so called success boosters, claimers and mongers. So they are the one who never tried anything that is downting and that seems impossible. Hence they claim that they don’t fail. Be happy for the fact that you are among elite 10% who tried.
- You can’t fail in something that you have tried 100 times, in 100 different ways.
- Practice makes everything easy. Same goes with failure. The bigger and impossible goals you set for yourself and you fail, your mind stops paying heed for such failures.
- Faer, Anxiety, Insecurity, Life-Threatning, Uncertainity, Rhetoric , Emotions. That’s pretty much the feeling of failure. Overcome each one of them, and you don’t have to deal with it.
- Failure troubles you mostly due to comparision and contrasting with others. You want to have what someone known to you has, because you believe that it will make you as happy as that person. Compare your today with yesterday, not with others. Every person and their life is unique, there is no comparision between apple and oranges.
- Celebrate life. Be happy that you are able to talk, connect, write, read, learn, use technology unlike any other species. Thank for the amazing gift that a human life is and enjoy your moment.
- Measure failure. Anything you can’t measure, you can’t improve. Don’t just wave your hands for hours and claim you worked hard but not able to fly. No one can fly that way. Measure metrics and improve them. That’s all life is about.
- There are plenty of better opportunities for a great life. Don’t struckup in the failure. Move on. Only a dead doesn’t.
- Don’t make your past success last. Do not keep thinking about whatever your success was in the past. They mean nothing, no one cares, you shouldn’t. The more you think about past successes, failure will seem miserable.
- You feel like a failure, because often you find yourself not in the top of the race you are running. Life is a marathon of 60 odd years. Keep pushing, keep jogging. Others will get tired at some point, but you would succeed.
- Prepare for your next plan and battle. That’s it.