The Key Psychological Reason for Cramps in the Period i) For each person, females create a persona. Each persona has a set of behaviors, roles, and responsibilities. For each person, females play...
The Science of Animosity Happiness is overrated. Happiness activates the parasympathetic system, which leads to rest and recovery. The real deal is negativity. Negativity drives adrenaline, which...
1. The critical part of the software that no one educates a youngster about is that, unlike other fields(like sales and marketing), the software is project-based. Some projects are so good that they...
Why Job Losses and Mass Layoffs? In 1971, the then US president Nixon(Yup, the Watergate man) delinked $ from gold. This enabled the US to print as much money as they desired. Money is essentially a...
Clinical Process 1. Patients visit a consulting physician with symptomatic complaints.2. A Physical examination(eyes, tongue, skin, odor), is conducted, and vitals(BP, Glucose, weight, etc) are...
A. What is an Expression? The way we use words, sentences, and essays to share our thoughts, and knowledge with the world, in the same way we use expression to share our emotions and feelings with...
A. The Biggest Turn-Off In Lead Generation 1. "Hi, can we talk/meet sometimes next week to explore synergies?"2. "Hi, hope you are doing well."3. "Hi, I am Rupam from Lyfas. We help patients with...
A. Some Theories of Sales 1. Sales appears a "not so desirable" career or profession at first because we have seen sales girls, boys, door-to-door salespeople, and now day-long sales calls for...
A. Abuse Abuse is defined as denying one's boundary and forcefully entering one's space. B. Rape The physical boundary violation is defined as rape. Currently, most states across the globe have...
A. Why Become a Leader? 1. Leader sounds cool, and seeing oneself as a leader makes one feel cooler. With the temperature rising, "leader" act as a natural air conditioner. 2. To become a...
1. Reduce Viral Load: If you are working in a nursery/primary school,(children below the age of 10), consider changing the profession(first priority), else prefer to teach children over the age of...
A. What are Feelings? Our cells, brain, and body coordinate with each other with the electrical and chemical messaging systems. Feelings are the brain's perception(linguistic classification) of...
A. Then: "Hate-Khori"(เฆนเฆพเฆคเงเฆเฆกเฆผเฆฟ)(Chalk in the Hands) and Ma Saraswati Traditionally, a Bengali child is introduced to learning and knowledge on the day of the Saraswati Puja. The...
A. Context Recently a leading publicly traded bank's internal digital meeting was recorded by one of the participants and was leaked or released in the public space, resulting in the sacking of a...
A. Why Layoffs Will Increase in the coming days? The US economy has blown debt out of proportion. $ being the global trade currency, the dollar's inherent value is decreased, and a lot of countries...
1. Routine ๐ซWhat School Taught Everything needs to be done at a specific time, for a specific period of time, in a sequence, for a purpose, and with complete focus and attention. The routine is...
A. What is Defeminization? Defeminization is systematically turning off the female-specific genes in the X-chromosomes, and activating male-specific genes. You have to downregulate female genes and...
Definition of a Leader The leader comes from an Old Germanic word that refers to a man who fights arm battles of freedom against dragons and leads his tribe during migration to take them to a safer...
โ1. Fake it till you make it a. Faking means creating a parallel reality(a fantasy that appears real). Example: Startup valuationb. A psychotic disorder is defined as a persistent mental state...
Micro VCs(MVC) 1. $100 M fund for 10 years, with 3% annual management fees as the real earning for fund management.2. So annual earning(as salary not earning) of $3M to allocate a fund of $7M.3....
"Health is Wealth" Meaning "Health is Wealth" is a cliche. A cliche is a phrase that can be used to describe a large subject. In the modern days, where people's attention span is reducing alongside...
Required Survival Skills in the Environment of Layoffs a) Learning a skill as a craft, rather than just doing thingsb) Focussing on growth, rather than xx increase in salary, position, perks.c)...
Context This post is more about discipline, effort, technology, science, and the emotional rollercoaster of the case in which an F34 patient recovers from Herpes I in 120 days. A. Stigma 1. Whether...
Core Learning of All the Religions In this article, we shall see how every religion has some fundamentals which point toward one simple thing : "Work hard, take the pain, be honest, and accept and...
๐Signs of Withdrawn Feelings 1. You keep talking and the other person pretends to listen to you very carefully. No change in the eye.2. You observe someone(mostly a partner) and the face will...
Step 1 Theory: What is the Psychological Trait of a Social Media Influencer? You can skip this section because an influencer must always skip working hard! No one has any control over their own...
Parents 1. We did so much for our children, sacrificed our life for them, gave them whatever they needed, and now they don't care for us.2. Leave apart not caring, they don't want to even talk to...
A. The Economy of Sex Workers On average the earning can be between โน30,000-โน50,000 for a professional sex worker between the age of 20-30 and then โน10,000 to โน20,000 after that, for selling...
Context Don't we often hear that "friends are forever?" "Friendship is the most powerful social relationship", or quotes and cliches such as "friendship is the most selfless relationship". If such...
"Your Child Has Low Attention" Scam A. Interview Child for Admission Scam A child's brain mass=400 cc. Active neurons=70-90%, ie 250-300 cc active brain mass.Teachers(or the so-called ones): Brain...
Desire-1: Mother, upto the Age 5 A child's physiology is locked with the mother's through a brain's signaling system. This is called Secondary Narcissism, where the child is just an extension of the...
A. Indian Marriage Act 1. Marriage Act of 1954 was created to provide social recognition to a relationship between a man and woman, where:a) The child, the mother gets social benefits and the right...
What is the top reason for social anxiety and antisocial personality disorder? Any social interaction requires: Trust Values Individuality Interdependency Accountability Emotions, and not just...
A. Why IUFD is a trauma? Even though the parents have not seen the baby, ultrasound, discussion about the baby, movement of the baby, dreams of the baby, and planning for the future create an...
A. Examples of Negative Feelings For A Situation: 1) Someone said something unexpected to you, (ex: When will you grow up).2) Someone doesn't behave the way you expect in a situation.3) Betryal(say...