1. Reduce Viral Load: If you are working in a nursery/primary school,(children below the age of 10), consider changing the profession(first priority), else prefer to teach children over the age of 10. Children below 10 are a powerhouse of viral shedding. Your body will be exhausted fighting viruses daily.
2. Create boundaries: It is the most important aspect to reduce neuroticism and central neuropathy. You want your nerves to function at the top for organ-organ communication.
Some rules:
a) No unplanned calls.
b) Mobile only on defined time. (Messages also in that time)
c) Stop scrolling WhatsApp statuses, and putting status. (you don’t want to anyways trigger your envy or anyone’s jealousy).
d) Don’t make your, and your partner’s mobile, laptop a common property.
3. Reading: Start reading novels. Conceiving needs very high parasympathetic nervous system activation. Reading novels provides you with exactly that.
4. Circadian Clok: If you want a complication-free pregnancy, and thereafter a non-cranky child, you must sleep early. (9 PM to 10 PM) and must wake up before sunrise. Off-sync body’s clock is the number one reason for hormonal dysregulation.
5. Conscious Eating: Don’t live to eat. Simple, easily digestible food, and just lesser than the maximum. If your digestive system remains busy digesting food, your micronutrition absorption will be low.
6. Complete Diet: Eat a complete meal->(little grain, less Carb, bitter, sweet, protein, fat, sour) and eat cooked food, and eat with your partner. All the dietary advice is bullshit. One who has not farmed food knows not a zilch about it.
7. Grow your hair: Hair follicles are rich in Estrogen receptors. In pregnancy, your Estrogen will go above 2000 ng/dl(almost 20x). For conceiving you need higher levels.
8. Avoid Conflicts: Avoid people who trigger you even for a minute. As a future mother, your first (& only) priority is your mind and body. Our stress hormones become low after sunset. Any conflict or quarreling in the evening can cause significant hormonal imbalance.
9. Aware Walking: Walk and not with headphones. Just walk, as long as you can in the morning and in the evening. Observe people, birds, and clouds. By walking slowly, and for long periods of time, and focusing you:
- Increase your focus, which increases the hormone Serotonin, reduces prolactin, and increases your desire for sex.
- By observing the surrounding while walking, you give exercise to all your sensory organs.
- It improves your blood circulation, particularly in the lower limb.
- By not using music, you can think through your life, and current situation, and get better solutions to problems while walking.
10. Avoid Self-medication: Paracetamol, Headache, and Digestion meds are to be flushed through the toilet. If you have a fever, that’s your immunity response. Digestion meds are kidney killers. When you have a fever, sleep at home.
11. Fix your immunity: Ulcers(oral, stomach, private parts), rashes, and itching are signs of compromised immunity. Fix that.
12. Hygiene: Use white and light-colored bedsheets. You know sooner when they are dirty. Change.
13. Avoid News: Do not discuss or watch any news till your baby is born and 1 year old. Any violent news may create fear, which may increase your heart rate and therefore norepinephrine levels. News nowadays is simply a source of negativity. Consider avoiding all forms of negativity before, during, and just after the pregnancy.
14. Rest in Periods: Stay relaxed and rest during periods. Work more on other days, and try to be on leave for periods. You need the eggs to form well.
15. Happiness: Remaining happy is the key. Some of the things that increase the happiness hormone dopamine are:
- Cooking.
- Creating (arts or crafts).
- Singing and dancing.
- Taking care of life(fish tank, gardening)
- Achieving small things.
- Learning new things.
Table of Contents
Few of the pointers you may want to remember throughout the period
1. Infertility in women is as big a lie as the earth rotating around the sun.
2. You will get a lot of gyaan as to what you must or should do. People want to feel good giving advice. It takes 20-30 years of dedication of life to acquire scientific knowledge, and 20 seconds to deliver advice.
3. If you keep thinking about why you are not conceiving, then the sheer negative thoughts and fear will intercept your hormonal regulations and you will be under serious depression and low energy.
4. You can’t have everything in life. It is absolute madness to think that your body can supply energy for your talks with relatives, jobs, motherhood, travel, immunity, and so on. Focus. Enjoy and live the process, rather than worrying about the outcome.
5. Healthy child is born out of intimacy. Intercourse is not intimacy.
6. Become aware of your envy when you see couples with children. Envy is a serious energy killer.
Becoming a mother is a full-time effort. Don’t think of pregnancy as a need or plan, it is for the fulfillment of your womanhood, and not for relatives.
Remember you become a mother first, then the baby comes. Motherhood is an emotion, the core of you. First, your core exists, then the baby comes. Start living life, new life will come. Don’t wait for life to come to start living.