Table of Contents
Desire-1: Mother, upto the Age 5
A child’s physiology is locked with the mother’s through a brain’s signaling system. This is called Secondary Narcissism, where the child is just an extension of the mother. The awareness neural pathways of the brain develop after 5. So only after seeing a mother, feeling her touch a child feels alive.
If the mother is unavailable, the child’s lungs and kidneys are severely compromised. Also, the child’s feelings are underdeveloped, and so the child dies every day, till death. The insecurity then becomes the root of psychopathy and left-brain dominance compulsiveness. Growing up, the child loves pain and feels only when there is pain.
Desire-2 Father, From Age 5-18
A child has to individualize from age 5, separate from the mother, explore the world, and reintegrate back. It then desires security, courage, and confidence that after separating from the mother, the child will be safe and can get back to the mother. Father teaches boundaries and values.
If the child doesn’t find its hero father, its protector around while individualizing, its liver and pancreas get severely impaired. Also, due to inseparability from the mother, the child, and mother remain narcissistic, struck in their right-brain inner object world, and far away from reality. No emotions.
Desire-3: From 18-35
a) Boys:- Identity
b) Girls: Child
A girl’s growth hormones are much higher than a boy’s up to age 18. Her ovarian system reaches a peak at 18. Boy’s pre-frontal part of the brain development ends by 25. It is consciousness. The rest of the body and brain then has to submit to this master. So a well-developed PFC will drive the boy away from home in a life’s journey and failures to learn to create an identity.
Because a girl’s reproductive system is her dominating system, her body will tell her to become a mother.
underdeveloped PFC, consciousness, and identity will cause impairment in the spinal cord, pelvic section, and finally erection.
Childlessness will make Estrogen/Testosterone<1, eliminating gender awareness, going to menopause, and leaving a trapped boy in a girl’s body.
Desire 4: 35-60 Inner Child
The quest for identity leaves behind the inner child. And so as we age, we start feeling disconnected from ourselves. Then the desire becomes to find who am I, the inner child, the core.
The inner child is the reference memory object. Without it, one will start losing memory, becoming depressed, and finally fatigued and exhausted.
The Ultimate Desire: Desire 5:(Death bed)
To see the children and siblings happy, settled, and safe. As death approaches, the brain collapses into the inner child. The child wants to play and see everyone happy seeing it play. At death, the father holds the hand of the child and walks it to God, leaving behind a happy mother.
Everything, every single thing you are being taught in the school, and then told by experts, and “others” is a big fat lie.
You are being faked, and manipulated to chase things that your core never desires. When you are alive, the brain figures out your livelihood. With core of the life intact, lifestyle becomes irrelevant, and then you get that lifestyle as a compliment.
However, if you pursue a so-called good lifestyle, without paying attention to your core needs and desires, your brain will torture and rape you every day, and you will start experiencing death every day.
If your mother left you(death, or emotionally), go to nature, make it your mother. If no father, find an old Banyan tree and sit beneath it. You will experience the same emotions.
If you are a boy, put yourself to suffering, hunger, pain, and failure. Your PFC master will take you out of all the difficulties. If you are a girl, look for the man who can give you love, and a strong child. Only under a man with identity will make you feel safe enough to pursue your life’s goal.
Pursuit of a good lifestyle=>Miserable slow death, painful life.
Pursuit of life=>Slow happy life, safe lifestyle, smooth death. Choose your fate wisely.
Suffering is forgetting one’s core desires.
The less you suffer, the more you suffer!