THE CONSCIOUS EATING PRINCIPLE:- We all know that eating more organic food, eating green vegetables, and not eating junk food and significantly improve your digestion. However, very few of us...
WHY SELF-LOVE IS IMPORTANT:- If you are not loving yourself, then you know something about yourself that I or the others don't. How can someone love you, when you don't love yourself? After all you...
MY TRAVEL PLAN AND WORRIES:- In Sundarban areas of India, many people are killed by tigers, coming out of the jungles and entering in nearby villages in search of food. Now that the so-called...
THE SUPPOSEDLY SUPER DRUG:- Thalidomide is a drug that was first introduced in Germany. A great drug, that could be used in the treatment of cancer, various skin diseases like leprosy, and various...
DEFINITION:- Every relationship is transactional(barring of course the mother-new born baby love), which are held by several factors like- growth, knowledge, emotions, energy, resources, power and...
DIAGNOSIS:- Emptiness rises when there is no purpose in life and when you do not know why to get up tomorrow. It is the inability of your mind to do repetitive tasks and be happy about them. Such...
TIME:- Let's say that your life is 75 years, from the time of birth, till your death. You are only 20 now, but your timeline spans over 75 years, called the timeline. How do 75 years matter when you...
HISTORY:- Some 500 years back, if a person had epilepsy and seizure, guess what was the diagnosis? People would have considered that person to have been possessed by demons. If the patient was very...
PSYCHOLOGY:- Oedipus Complex proposed by Freud some 130 years ago, as part of his Psychoanalysis framework is the most stable model of the experience of love by a human. This model is pretty...
THE SKY EXAMPLE:- "Star glows in the night" is simple. It is simple to comprehend and you can also make some outcomes from this, like observing venus for directions. However, the star glows, because...
SAVANNAH to SAHARA:- On and around 10,000 BCE, Sahara was a lush green land, a Savannah. Plants, rainfall, ponds, animals, and alive ecosystem. From the north of Congo, the land harvested life....
CONTEXT:- In Indian families, property disputes are common. Often engage in legal battles pertaining to the property. How come my brother has more than me, and how can I have more? Some end up...
a study by Shabnam Shabnam In Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd CASE SUMMARY:- A 22-year-old female, with early signs of stress and anxiety-induced hypertension, took on painting as a way to release...
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY:- Let's, first divide the emotions into two basic groups:- Positive and Negative Emotions. Positive Emotions:- Pleasure, Satisfaction, Achievement, etc. Negative Emotions:- Anger,...
RELATIONSHIP LEADING TO CONCEIVE:- Mostly after marriage, people keep asking about the baby. The major focus of the relationship becomes, around having a baby. As if, this is a job, that needs to be...