Disease A disease is a condition where an organ or set of organs changes the way they normally function to COMPENSATE for a PERCEIVED underneath life-threatening/abnormal biological condition....
A A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or...
The US System The US has a fascinating culture-derived out of "modern science" 1. You define a problem.2. You design a hypothesis to solve the problem(claim).3. You develop the solution.4. You prove...
What are mosquitos? An irritating small animal. It makes us slap ourselves. It bites us, sucks our blood and we tend to itch and have red marks all over the skin. We spend a significant bit of money...
Principle of Vaccine Any Covid Vaccine is mRNA vaccines. A Covid Vaccine defers a little from the other traditional vaccines in their design and functionality. Any Vaccine works with a simple...
Hearing too much news of Cardiac arrests, particularly in the younger age group in recent times? Or, have you witnessed an increase in palpitation? Here are some facts beyond Cholesterol that you...
GENESIS:- In imaging driven experiments on 14-day old transparent Zebrafishes(450M year old species!), scientists discovered that the physiological characteristics of these tiny fishes were the same...
Empathy is part of consciousness. Like other things this is a spectrum, some have it more than others, but every living being who is conscious(including bacterias) has it. If bacterias did not have...
Let us define a Man's reproductive health as his ability to desire, engage in a satisfactory sexual act, intercourse and impregnate a female mate. COMPONENTS:- 1) Psychology of attraction and...
BRAIN and LIFE:- Munira Abdulla woke up from Coma and spoke after 27 years. Jeanne Calment of France (1875โ1997), lived longest(age 122 years and 164 days). Elaine Esposito lived an unconscious...
Behind Allergic Disorders:- How It Starts & How to Protect a Child from Allergic Disorders THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS:- In Medicine, we have a theory called "The Hygiene Hypothesis". According to...
BACKGROUND:- Roseto, Pennsylvania is a town of migrants from Italy. Starting from the early 18th century many from Italy started coming to this town, which was once barren land and got settled...
MEN:- Evolution needed men to go out and face giant wooly mammoths, several tons heavier than them and several times deadlier than them. Many a time they would get killed in the hunting drives,...
EXPERIMENTS:-Blue Light Experiment a) On Plants:- โ๏ธ In an experiment I conducted on indoor plants, a set of money plants were kept in the natural light and the other set in a room which was...
HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS:-๐ง Our feelings are dependent on the purpose and outcome that we pursue. Our mind works in reward-punishment mode. It allocates resources in the hope of a reward, which is...