Smiling is easy. Smiling to hide your pain is the easiest. What is toughest is to cry to let the inner pain go out. How to Cry out your Inner Pain? Let's say someone hurts you, judges you, mistreats...
Context A lot of advice you may get to listen well and that listening is the key to sales and success. So, how to LISTEN WELL? Becoming a good listener is one of the most important, but undervalued...
Context Social well-being is one of the major aspects of our overall well-being. One of the core desires of any human being is that we do not want to remain alone. We are social animals. We are the...
Why Remember Names? The most favorite thing of any person is his/her name. When you remember people by their name and address them by their name, they automatically like you. Imagine you are...
Made bad choices in life as far as people are concerned? Those you trusted betrayed you? Here is a simple mechanism for you to be aware of such wrong people. How do you know the person you...
Type of Mindset When you have a seemingly difficult new task to perform, (say learning to fly a copter), your mind tells you how to go about it. A nagative mindset will tell you "what is the point...
This is a retro post about a small validation we did with late Senior Cardiologist, Padmashree Dr. K. K. Agarwal. Objective The objective of the validation was to check if meditation-guided...
Have you ever observed in a spot of accidents, that people are surrounded in the spot is watching the event, but doing nothing? In psychology, this is known as bystander problem or group-bias....
How do people judge you for words and actions and how the pointed fingers resulting from blame and judgment may harm your psychology and overall well-being? The Story
You see a salesman, "aah, look...
The Story
A 22-year-old fresher engineer joined his job.He was filing some documents in the office file. In a hurry, he mishandled the metal piece of the file and got his finger cut. A minor...
We all know what drastic effects plastics have on the environment. Recently many Indian state governments including the government of Karnataka has banned plastic across the states. However, we...
Complaining Complaining makes us feel good about ourselves. It gives us a perception that we are not the only ones who are imperfect, but there are other people who are imperfect too. It makes us...
Are we looking for truth or only the facts that validate our belief? Principle of Modern Science Make a hypothesis or an assumption about the possibility of a theory being true, called a null...
Signal Capturing Devices Just as we are continuously sensing visual, audio, smell, taste, touch, sensors(like IoT sensors are sensing such signals). Certain parameters are extracted from these...
Context We recently had the opportunity to take a look into a very surprising case of a diabetic coma in a diabetic individual, who recovered from COVID a week before the event. One night he took...
In this document, we present our entire business functions and operations through the way the Deck navigates. Rather than saying what we do, we show here what we do!
THE CASE STORY In one of the senior colleges in the US, authorized observed that many of the college-going students were falling Ill with cough and cold and their general health wasn't keeping all...
BACKGROUND A Diabetic patient with sugar level 450, a BP patient with BP 200/120, an Allergy patient with IgE 1020, a 29-year-old with D-Dimer 2600, a fourth stage cancer patient with 60% lungs...
Everyone knows what it is and why this post, so no time waste on generic info. CONDITION:- 1) Neutropenia:- Deficiency of Neutrophil Cells.2) Hyperglycemia:- This fungus loves glucose.3) Increases...
A PIONEER CASE:- In Bangalore, an F30 Healthcare Professional was missing her periods. She was diagnosed with PCOS. She was put on Progesterone CR. When she took medicines, she would have her...
The human body has 70-90% bacterial cells as the Human genome projects reveal. Genetically, it is more staggering. We carry 99% bacterial gene and just 1% human gene. Our genes are much closer to a...
A review of the paper published in Nature to demonstrate Virus-Host Communication: The Paper Details:- Yang, S.L., DeFalco, L., Anderson, D.E. et al. Comprehensive mapping of SARS-CoV-2...
BACKGROUND Amenorrhea (uh-men-o-REE-uh) is the absence of menstruation, often defined as missing one or more menstrual periods. Primary amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation in someone...
OUR HEALTHCARE ECONOMY 1. India's total tax collected this year is 3.2 Lakh crore. 2. Considering nontaxpayers and unorganized sectors, if we adjust tax collected to be 33% of the net income, then...
What is Mood Swing? Mood swing is essentially a switch between depression and happiness in overall feelings. Depression is the inability to solve a problem for a long time. One of the most important...
Other than Tricog, Cyclops, Cardiac Design Labs, Sig-tuple, MedGenome, Sanket, Niramayi Health you will probably not find out too many medical device startups which have survived for long, leave...
REASONS FOR A INCREASE IN CLUSTER-B PERSONALITY DISORDER A child needs the following for a healthy mental development and attachment style:- 1) Unconditional & Unbiased love of parents.2) Seeing...
How chronic inflammation is marketed today? The SCAM The corporations need something new to latch onto for marketing. Patients, general populations have played immunity-immunity in the hand of...
The performance of past vaccines like Influenza 1. Epidemiological studies suggest that a virus stops after it infects 50% of the human population. 2. We are looking at 18 months for 3.4B people to...
The Thymus Effect:- Can Bill-Jab Protect You? THYMUS The thymus is a small gland that is at the epicenter of our immunity. T-Lymphocytes(Thymus Lymphocytes) cells are created in the bone marrow and...
WHY URBAN AREAS ARE MORE INFECTED THAN RURAL AREAS? One of the puzzles that troubled us was, why the spread of the current pandemic is so high in the urban areas in comparison to the rural...
Mask induces Tissue Hypoxia, Tissue Necrosis, Acidosis, and May lead to Pulmonary Embolism SUBJECT SELECTION We did an internal study amongst 15 teammates of ours, 8 males and 7 females(n=15, M=8,...
Question1:- Why pills? Answer:- The virus stayed in the body for only a month, if we manage the symptoms, then the body can fight. Truth:- Body fights, that's why symptoms appear. Eg:-Shivering is a...
REAL LIFE STORY In a conversation, a senior physician, working with a multi-specialty hospital narrated the following story:- "A senior IT officer came for his mother's Paronychia. After...
Lyfas by Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd assess capillary blood impression from your mobile rear camera and then use Heart Rate Variability, Arterial Plethysmography, Optical Hemodynamic, Photochromatography,...
ANALOGY Imagine you are an IT employee, in a critical project. Your boss is scolding you round the clock to finish it. He is screaming and shouting. You are in stress and have started working 18...
Disease A disease is a condition where an organ or set of organs changes the way they normally function to COMPENSATE for a PERCEIVED underneath life-threatening/abnormal biological condition....
A A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or...
The US System The US has a fascinating culture-derived out of "modern science" 1. You define a problem.2. You design a hypothesis to solve the problem(claim).3. You develop the solution.4. You prove...
What are mosquitos? An irritating small animal. It makes us slap ourselves. It bites us, sucks our blood and we tend to itch and have red marks all over the skin. We spend a significant bit of money...
Principle of Vaccine Any Covid Vaccine is mRNA vaccines. A Covid Vaccine defers a little from the other traditional vaccines in their design and functionality. Any Vaccine works with a simple...
Hearing too much news of Cardiac arrests, particularly in the younger age group in recent times? Or, have you witnessed an increase in palpitation? Here are some facts beyond Cholesterol that you...
GENESIS:- In imaging driven experiments on 14-day old transparent Zebrafishes(450M year old species!), scientists discovered that the physiological characteristics of these tiny fishes were the same...
Empathy is part of consciousness. Like other things this is a spectrum, some have it more than others, but every living being who is conscious(including bacterias) has it. If bacterias did not have...
Let us define a Man's reproductive health as his ability to desire, engage in a satisfactory sexual act, intercourse and impregnate a female mate. COMPONENTS:- 1) Psychology of attraction and...
BRAIN and LIFE:- Munira Abdulla woke up from Coma and spoke after 27 years. Jeanne Calment of France (1875–1997), lived longest(age 122 years and 164 days). Elaine Esposito lived an unconscious...
Behind Allergic Disorders:- How It Starts & How to Protect a Child from Allergic Disorders THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS:- In Medicine, we have a theory called "The Hygiene Hypothesis". According to...
BACKGROUND:- Roseto, Pennsylvania is a town of migrants from Italy. Starting from the early 18th century many from Italy started coming to this town, which was once barren land and got settled...
MEN:- Evolution needed men to go out and face giant wooly mammoths, several tons heavier than them and several times deadlier than them. Many a time they would get killed in the hunting drives,...
EXPERIMENTS:-Blue Light Experiment a) On Plants:- ☘️ In an experiment I conducted on indoor plants, a set of money plants were kept in the natural light and the other set in a room which was...
Table of Contents
All of the material on this site is intended as educational information only in regards to alternative, and personalized healthcare options available to healthcare consumers. The advice on this site is intended solely for informational and educational purposes and is NOT intended to replace your doctor. Please consult a medical professional if you have questions about your health.