Isolated learning is poison. Never believe that you don’t need a school/college.
There is a musician, an artist, a talker, a coder, a joker, a loser, a fascist, a soft-spoken, a show-off guy/girl, a rich and a poor, few boys and girls, a thinker, a tinkerer, a pacifier, an aggressor, a sportsman, a player, a fool, a charmer, a calmer, a sucker, a doer, a sayer all are in the class.
So, when you are in a school or a college, you have different personalities around you in the class and as well as in the institutions.
You not only learn the subject, but you also learn how others perceive that knowledge.
You learn what others do with the knowledge. You learn to interact with others, collaborate with others. You learn to identify bad personality traits and how they affect people, so you learn to avoid them.
The same subject is understood and conceived differently by your different friends. So you know that education or learning is not about what you know, but about different perspectives of that knowledge.
You will learn social skills, the ability to accept contrarian views, debates, fun, stress, sadness, events, caring and listening to others, discipline. Being around others will take away isolation depression.
The subjects and the degree won’t matter but schools and colleges will.