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How to Use Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle to Make Love Life More Certain and Meaningful

A couple (man on left with red tshirt and girl on right with white top and pink bottom) are holding hands standing in northpole watching the night sky of the northpole where they are observing shooting stars.

A. The Uncertainty Principle Of Quantum Mechanics

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle quote image

“You can either measure the position of a quantum particle or its velocity, either one accurately, but never the both.” So, the more you learn to measure a quantum particle accurately, the more inaccurate your measurement becomes.”

This is simply because of the entanglement of the quantum particle with other particles.

B. Quantum Mechanics Applied to Real Life

A quantum particle can behave either like light(beam) or wave. So, a mechanics rule applicable to the QM is also applicable to anything with a wave motion.

You throw a stone in a pond; you see the ripples. If you observe the exact position of the stone, you will never be able to measure the ripple velocity. However, if you turn a blind eye to the position of the stone and focus on the velocity, you will be able to measure the velocity accurately.

C. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in Human Body

Because the human body is about 60-70% water, this primarily follows Heisenberg’s principle.

For example, you get a job, and you know that you are going to retire after 35 years. So you make a plan that I shall fulfill all my desires after 60. However, because you accurately know where you are today, you will never ever under any circumstances be able to measure how fast your body is aging.

D. Why Love Life is the Core to Growth

For the next seven days, try to walk with one foot, and use only one hand for working. (I know, you would be thinking “Well you imagine two mouths for eating”). Please remember, walking is work, and eating is an input to the work.

Work (W)=f.d, where f is force and d is displacement.
Considering that your travel through the passage of life, then the amount of work you will have to do to travel d amount in life will be proportional to f.
Because force is equivalent to energy, unit energy can never become a multiplier.

E. How to use Heisenberg’s principle in selecting your love partner?

You can either choose a partner, who is great for you at this point in time, or who would still be with you(emotionally, sexually, physically, spiritually) after say 30 years, but not both.

So, by law, one who is your best fit today will part away in a few years, and one who can still be with you after a few decades won’t be the best fit today.

Don’t look for the girl with the best appearance, but one with the slowest aging.
Don’t look for a guy with the best-settled life today, but the one with the fast learning and failing ability.
Don’t look for a partner who is compatible with you, but the one you need to reach the destination you plan.

Again, if you want a stable position today, tomorrow will be uncertain, and if you want the certainty of tomorrow, today will be most uncertain.

F. Understanding Flexibility from Heisenberg’s princimple

Gravity is a wave. It can travel through a black hole, light is measurable but can’t pass black holes. One with a stubborn and opinionated head will invariably be a dehydrated person by law. Be the wave, not the beam.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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