Table of Contents
A. Emotions
An emotion has primarily the following components:-
1) Long autobiographical memory(Cerebellum).
2) Context: Several sets of interrelated Events stitched together through a context.
3) Distrintive hormonal states stored as part of the Events.
4) Events, their visual, sound, hormonal states, and timeline together is called Episodic or periodic memory.
5) Imagination: Meaning, and other stories attached to the emotional bit.
📓Points to be noted
1. There are so many events, and components to every bit of emotion, that they hardly ever change. The changes are slow and last several years and decades.
2. Emotions are often processed in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Thus emotion is an executive function.
3. In The hormonal context, the imaginary part is processed at the right side of the brain.
B. Feelings
Feelings are simply a name for the 👉🏻CURRENT_TRANSITION of predominantly dopamine, sugar, and norepinephrine levels.
1. If dopamines are currently low, and then become higher=> Feel good.
2. If dopamine is already high, and getting higher=> No feeling changes.
💡 Important
1. Because hormone changes only after and during you do work, and every work requires sugar, if you put more effort, spending more sugar to get a little high in dopamine, then you suffer ambivalence(working too hard to be happy, and becoming sad when happiness happens due to excess spending of energy).
2. Current events and thus feelings are stored in the temporary memory of the mid-brain cortex and change every second.
3. Because they are in the mid-brain, feelings inhibit the pre-frontal cortex, resulting in cognitive dissonance, low consciousness, and empathy inhibition(as empathy is executive).
C. Analogies (Simple) between emotions and feelings
1. You can not feel exactly the way you felt on the first day of your college. But you will always experience the same emotion for your college irrespective of your life’s direction.
College=> Emotion(all good and bad experiences, events, friends, losses, and gains included).
First day in the college=> Feelings(relevant at that moment, not today)
2. Your emotions for hair would be the same all your life. When you lose them you will feel bad, but will still preserve the emotions when hairs were thick and waving.
The feeling is like mirrors, which help you attach to the emotions. When your hair is not combed, you see yourself in the mirror and look bad, then you comb and again see yourself in the mirror, and you feel good.
Combing is the task(by spending sugar), you enable hormone change, resulting in feeling.
D. Some Points to be noted between emotions, feelings, anxiety, awareness, and consciousness
1) Emotions give consciousness, and feelings give awareness.
2) Emotions make you human, and feelings keep you alive.
3) You can not control your emotions. Because emotions are like the horse that controls your life. You need to learn to ride the horse, not control it.
4) Awareness without consciousness makes you an animal; consciousness without awareness makes you dead.
5) Emotions can not be expressed, only feelings can be expressed.
6) Expressions can be controlled, not feelings.
7) Consciousness helps you decode feelings, beyond regulated expression.
8) Bad feelings are like rough hair, inspire you to comb. They are as valuable as good feelings. If you hate bad feelings, you will have no feelings at all.
9) Emotions make you slow, feelings make you fast, and expressions make you social.
10) Controlled and fake expressions are always detected by a conscious brain. So the more you play smart to manage your feelings, the more you will lose social significance. Work on intellectual cognition, not regulation of emotions, or management of feelings.
11) Success =Work/Anxiety. High Differential(Feelings)∝Anxiety, Low differential(Feelings)∝Depression=>Work=0.
E. Wisdom
If your mirror is broken, you can replace it. You are not attached to the mirror. But if your hair is gone, you will hate the same mirror that once you loved.
On the other hand, if you cover all the mirrors, your hair will become irrelevant to you.