Lyfas Life Care

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Anatomy of Painful Abusive Love Marriages*

Anatomy of Painful Abusive Love Marriages Rupam Acculi Lyfas Care. How love marriages turn into abusive marriages? Why 73% of all divorces are filled by women? Can a broken marriage be fixed? Identify abusive marriage anatomy.

So you are wondering why the partner changed? One who appeared ideal for most of the bonding days is not same anymore.

You look towards the parents and they kind of tell you “it was your choice”. So you try harder and harder for the marriage to work.

You are never appriciated for anything you do. Anything good, the partner wants credit. The partner never shows genuine happiness in any good news of you that the partner is not part of.

You endup taking every responsibility, the more you take, the more you get and yet you are never acknowledged.

You try too hard to prove your fidelity. You are snooped and end up clarifying everywhere you go. You always hear that “I have given you freedom”, but the questions and eyes tells different story.

You share everything, but the partner doesn’t. You are left guessing. “We need to talk”. And the partner leaves for the day, leaving you wondering what that talk is. You get silent treatment.

You have lost your friends and your life revolees around keeping the partner happy to avoid conflict. Mood of the partner swings in whisker. You see an element of aggression you never saw earlier.

Partner promises to change, but doesn’t. It is all stories. You get no closures. You appear non-existent.


If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone, and you are not the first and you won’t be the last.
Stop feeling low for making a “stupid choice” stop feeling the need to keep validating yourself that you were right.

People changes, the world changes, situation changes. Osama Bin Laden was once an engineer. That doesn’t mean that people had to give him projects instead of bullet once he turned terrorists. Life is a journey. Events happen. There are no good or bad events. You took a decision then based on what you knew. People hide, and try to appear idealistic. Living together exposes those inabilities.

But life is too precious. It is not worth to live to justify and validate one decision. Making it work is not your sole responsibility. You can’t make something work if the other doesn’t think that you have choices.

Take life as an institution. Whatever happens, happens for a cause, to teach you something. Learning is the only constant objective. The people and society that you think all the time while assessing your situation don’t care for you.

Stand up for yourself. Nobody, let me shout, nobody is more important than yourself. You have a duty to take care of the kid in you.

Don’t give atmahuti. Not worth a penny.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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