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Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 26 How and What to Talk to The Girls

Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 26 Fundamental of Communication 2 Masculine Conversation Theory
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 26 Fundamental of Communication 2 Masculine Conversation Theory
Intimacy laws Podcast
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 26 How and What to Talk to The Girls

Key Learnings in Intimacy Episode 26

In episode 26, male communication fundamentals for men with females, we will learn:-
1) Review of what females look for in communication with a man?
2) Why do females confuse a man?
3) Why do men start to avoid important topics?
4) Why do females stop sharing their actual feelings with men?
5) Why a settled life impairs the way a man communicates with females?
6) Why do successful men attract gold diggers?
7) Why a man buys a gift for a girl?
8) How a man can acquire knowledge about objective truth?
9) Why do females look for men who can provide them with the objective truth for their subjective reality?
10) Use case daughter-father relationship.
11) What is to be done when females complain against someone?
12) What is the law of Electromagnetism and why that law is important in communication?
13) Why do females get attracted by strugglers?
14) Why a man learns mostly while struggling?
15) What are pride and envy and how do they affect communication?
16) How conversation helps in energy exchange?
17) Why conversation is a lifelong quest?
18) What is the difference between teaching a girl and commanding?
19) Why do girls look for a magnet for conversation? How a man can become that magnet?
20) How to know the girls in the right way?
21) Why girls do not tell their actual life events to any man?

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