Key Learning in Episode 25 of Fundamentals of Relationship
In episode 25, the fundamentals of communication in a relationship, we will learn:-
1) What is the difference between an Objective truth and Subjective reality?
2) What is the difference between theory and practice?
3) What is the difference between knowing theory and applying theory?
4) Why female decisions are affected by feelings?
5) Why do females have different feelings in the same way?
6) What is believing brain and why do females are to repeat a sentence to believe?
7) Why do females make wrong choices in life?
8) Why do females look for past love?
9) Why school education fails a man?
10) Why do females get easily manipulated?
11) How female feeling is affected, and how that affected feeling affects their understanding?
12) Why do females look for the ones who can help them to converge their reality into truth?
13) Why not bother about what a female says or thinks?
14) What is the difference between the way a man uses the theory vs a female using the theory?
15) Newton’s Gravitational Law example in a Female’s life.
16) Ohm’s law example in a female’s life.
17) Are females Gold Diggers?
18) Understanding communication from Static Electricity.
19) Ohm’s Law of Communication.
20) What do females want to learn and how?
21) Why teaching females may become tiring?
22) Why do females feel tired and exhausted in communication?
23) How do others’ opinions affect female thoughts and feelings?
Youtube Video Episode
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