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Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 16 Master Slave Submission Pain Humiliation: Science and Theology

Master, slave, submission, bondage, pain, pleasure, and humiliation
Master, slave, submission, bondage, pain, pleasure, and humiliation
Intimacy laws Podcast
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 16 Master Slave Submission Pain Humiliation: Science and Theology

In episode 16 of the Intimacy Laws Podcast, we shall learn the science, theology, and philosophy of the master-slave dynamic, submission, bondage, humiliation, pain, pleasure, and dominance. This episode is not about sexuality but about the hardcore science and principles of master-slave dynamics. This dynamic may further help you to find a better meaning in your life and connect the pursuits of your life. You may use these principles, law, science, theology, and philosophy to understand master-slave interplay in other relationship dynamics such as an employer-employee, parent-children, God-followers, or master-slave dynamic in a BDSM relationship(this episode doesn’t cover any of the use cases though).

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You shall get answers to the following questions in this episode.

  1. What is meant by master and slave?
  2. How one becomes a master?
  3. What is the master of the brain?
  4. Why do the other parts of the brain and the body becomes a slave to the master?
  5. Correlation of master and consciousness?
  6. What are the signs of a master?
    a) Autonomy
    b) Executive function
  7. How did slaves please the master?
  8. What is the neuroscience of mastery?
  9. Why did slaves take pain to give pleasure to their masters?
  10. Why and how does the master humiliate the slaves?
  11. Why do slaves submit to the master in the first place?
  12. What is the meaning of submission?
  13. What is meant by bondage?
  14. How the master executes bondage over the slaves?
  15. What is the core difference between a female brain and a male brain?
  16. What is the meaning of a female core with the male body?
  17. What is the meaning of a male core in a female body?
  18. What are the consequences of a male core in a female body?
  19. Why do some extremely successful females become lesbians and desire females?
  20. Why does the female core in a male body desires males desire males and have a homosexual inclination?
  21. When and why do females, and particularly wives, turn aggressive?
  22. How one feels and experience God?
  23. Why can most people not experience God?
  24. Why can females multi-task better than males?
  25. Why is there no free will, and there exists only free won’t?
  26. Why has female brain size shrunk?
  27. Why are females more physically object-centric, whereas a man is more philosophical-spiritual-centric?
  28. Why is it impossible scientifically to tame a man into submission?
  29. What is tyranny, and when do masters become tyrants?
  30. What role does God play for a master?
  31. What is the science behind female greed and desire?
  32. Why does religion not work anymore?
  33. What roles do the behavior and habit play in a male and a female brain?
  34. What are the X and Y chromosome genetic features of master and slave?
  35. What is consciousness? How is consciousness linked to God?

In order to go deeper into the subject, get your book “Intimacy Laws for Men, the Birth of the Lugal, by Rupam Das” today from Lyfas shop. Use the coupon code EZCE584E to get a 20% discount on the purchase(first 20 buyers only). You also can get the book from Amazon (Buying from Lyfas shop enables you a 31% flat discount, because we value your long-term association with us, and your decision to take control of your life)

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