What role does a master-slave relationship play in intimacy? Why does such a relationship exist in the first place? Is there any science behind this relationship, or is the relationship a sexual perversion? Is BDSM a philosophy or simply a lifestyle choice? What purpose does such a relationship serve?
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- How can a male become a master?
- What role does a master mentor plays in a male’s life?
- How do male and female mentee perceive their mentors?
- Why do females, after reaching the pinnacle of their careers and field, can’t connect to their mentors?
- How does the difference between consciousness functions play detrimental roles in a male and a female master?
- Why are masters the best slaves themselves? Whom do masters submit and why?
- Why do females search for a masterly man?
- What is healing? What is the science of healing, and how do male masters heal?
- What happens to the males and females who do not have a master’s in life?
- Why do seemingly victorious and winning careers fall apart after certain progress in the career?
- Difference between patterns and theory case study of chess.
- The master-slave dynamic case study of Krishna-Arjun, Dronacharya-Arjun, Krishna-Radha, Socrates-Plato,
Galelio-Ferlini, Verrochio-da Vinci - Who becomes the master of those who do not have a master?
- Why do females choose to submit physically, and to which master do they submit?
- What is the significance of nudity in submission?
- What is humiliation? What are the humiliation masters face and the humiliation their slave face?
- What is the significance of pain in a master-slave dynamic?
- How do masters provide freedom to the slaves and turn them into masters?
- What is the significance of a leash in a master-slave dynamic?
- Why is female submission psychological, and the materialization of the submission is physical?
- Why a male’s submission is physical, but materialization is psychosexual?
- What is the difference between submission and control?
- What is dominance? Why is dominance anti-master-slave dynamic?
- Why did a female choose to submit to slavery in the first place?
- What role does dominance play in control and manipulation?
- Why do masters cause pain and humiliation to slaves, and why do the slaves accept them?
- What is the significance of kneeling?
- Why does being free make one anxious?
- What does freedom mean?
Understand the hardcore science, theory, principle, philosophy, psychology, and evolutionary needs of master-slave dynamics. With this episode, you will be able to make sense of many parts of life. Why do you attract some kinds of individuals? What is abuse, and how is the world to be seen? Based on the understanding of the subject, you can adopt the theory to every part of your life, not only sexuality.
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