A. Why the Cliche “There is no right or wrong”
All of these statements are given to confuse you to believe in something that is incorrect in order to gain your trust and manipulate you into validating others.
B. An Example of Perspective
Raja Dasrath sent his newly married son Rama for 14 years of Asylum in the jungle. His wife Sita and younger brother Laxmana accompanied him.
a) A Wife’s perspective: Rama shouldn’t have married, if he couldn’t fight for the right of his wife Sita.
b) An ideal son’s perspective: Father is always right, and so the son must oblige.
c) Father’s perspective: No father wants to send his son to suffering, but we are at times forced by situations.
According to their perspective, one would call Rama, Sita, and Dashrath right or wrong. In reality, one tries to attach a feeling about an event based on his or her situation to justify.
C. Background Laws
a) 1st Law of Morality: Every being has an equal right to live his/her full potential of life. Causing harm to any life is immoral.
i) Abortion is immoral, with no perspective
ii) Hoarding is immoral.
b) Behavioral Law: One gambling, intoxication(overdrinking or drugs), and cheating have the highest possibility of harming a life.
(They damage the conscious brain, and make the lizard brain overactive)
c) Law of Behavioral Association: One who overdrinks will also cheat(lie), one who cheats will also gamble, and one who gambles will be aggressive(inner), an aggressive can also harm life. Examples: Shakuni, Alexandar, Julius Ceasor, Nero.
d) Law of Patterns: No one does anything once. (So don’t buy sorry I won’t do again=>he/she has been and will continue to); Brain works on patterns. The brain never works in two different ways.
e) Law of consciousness: An immoral person will always be doing an immoral act due to the non-existence of consciousness to stop him/her.
D. Assessment Process
An event happens between two or more people. If one is moral and another immoral, then an act is wrong by the immoral on the moral person.
E. Assessment Case Study I: Rama, Dashrath, Sita:
i) None of the three drank, gambled, or hoarded.
ii) none killed innocents(dasheth by bad luck, Rama for recovery of Sita, and to rescue Sadhus)
Because all three are moral and conscious, none of them are wrong, and so Dashratha sending Rama to Asylum, or his following is not wrong.
F. Assessment Case Study II: Draupadi’s Vastraharan
i) Draupadi->no drink, no cheating, no murder, no gambling and so she was moral.
ii) Yudhisthir -> Gamble(so potential to cheat and harm life)->wrong (he later cheated his Guru Dronacharya by lying to him about the false death of Guru’s son)
iii) Shakuni+Duryadhana->Gamble, the attempt of killing Pandavas, Drinking, Cheating and so wrong.
Hence the event was wrong for Draupadi.
G. Attraction Law of Morality
Immortals attract immoral and run away from morals. Shakuni gamed Yudhisthir, not Draupadi or Krishna. You will always find thieves attracting thieves, and drug addicts attracting other drug addicts. If one is not indulged in such activities, you would observe them going away from such friends.
Often crimes such as rape are conducted in groups. The biggest immorality of war is carried out by groups.
In reality, no one is an average of the five-person he/she is around. He/she keeps attracting people like him/her into the life, and thus appears to be an average of them.
H. Judgement Wisdom
Judge others right or wrong, if and only if you don’t gamble, intoxicate, cheat(or lie), harmed life. Any 2 or >2 over a period of time, you will attract bad people, and events will be bad.
I. Eternal Wisdom
Immorals will pay by the life of their child.
How true is eternal wisdom?
The following evidence will convince you about the wisdom of the immoral to pay the price of their immorality by the life of their children, and by losing children.
a. History
i) Olympus made Alexandar kill his father and lied to him that he was the son of Zeus, not Phillip III. Alexander was buried alive at the age of 32. His son, also Olympus was killed. Alexander killed his father, best friend, and several million people.
ii) Julius Ceasor was once captured by Pirates of Cicily. They kept him well and he became friendly. They released him after getting 40,000 Roman gold coins as ransom. Later Ceasor came back to behead all. Then he was also killed by his own people(Brutus, his cousin, adopted child being one of them).
b. Mythology
i) Dashratha was killed by mistake. So lost my son, not forever, but for a substantial period of time.
ii) Pandavas lost their children in the war. Dhritarashtra lost him, and Kauravas lost their children.
c. Science
i) Children carry parents’ genes and are physiologically coupled, thus due to mirror neurons behaviorally coupled. However, as they still have lives to live, they are taken away by their brain from the immoral. If they don’t change, they suffer.
d. Unknown Facts
Most of the gynecologists who do abortions, often their children go away from them.
J. Conclusion
The article may not make sense to you in today’s fast world of the rat race. We are taught “everything is fair in love and war.”
It is hard to change the way the brain works, but not impossible. However, it is extremely important to take a pause and introspect your life.
The people you have in life, and what they do to you are not onto them but onto you. Your lack of self-judgment of right or wrong will keep bringing wrong people into your life, and things will get bad to worse. One simple way to understand this is when you start losing sleep and have dark circles around your eyes. (This is fast aging, and the more wrong you do, the faster you will age).
Everything has a price, everything. Money also comes at a price. If morality is the price you are paying to get what you want, your brain will take away everything that you need. We are not Ramchandra, and thus we will make mistakes, and commit wrongs. The objective of your life should be to become better, more conscious by the day.
Asses events, yourself, and others without any perspective, using rules and laws. When you find errors in choices, correct them. You have far too less time to blame others.
Your inner child and actual child are at stake. Get real.