Lyfas Life Care

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How Abortion Is Death of All

A wise Greek Philosopher is teaching a bunch of protesting females "my body my choice" about their choice and their consequence.

🔬A. Science of Why Not to Abort

a. DNA-Level Messaging

1. Seminal fluid transmits signaling agents that interact with female reproductive tissues to facilitate conception and .pregnancy.

2. Upon seminal fluid contact, female tissues initiate a controlled inflammatory response, without DNA-level altered transcriptions by the fluid, female leucocytes destroy every sperm.

3. BMP (bone morphogenetic proteins), EGF (epidermal growth factor), and FGF (fibroblast growth factor) signaling and several signaling mechanisms that carry out extracellular signaling between an Embryo and the Ovary-brain axis.

That is why humans do not conceive from other animals, because their seminal fluids do not have this DNA messaging.

c) The Genes’ Core Purpose
Survive, Thrive, and Reproduce. Therefore the baby immediately starts donating fresh stem cells to the mother called Fetomaternal Microchimerism.

✂B. Result of Abortion

1. Irrespective of whether surgical or pharmacological breaks the messaging loop.
2. It is impossible to remove all the tissues and stem cells from the mother’s body and they always remain there.
3. When the brain doesn’t get the signal from the embryo, the neocortex, and PFC consciousness, + (5-HT) synthesis is abrupt.

B. Consequence of Abortion

Lifetime effect on the mother

1. Lifelong insomnia, paranoia, and panic.
2. Impulsive and amygdala-driven with Histamine overdrive, activating autoimmunity and allergy.
3. Impulsive genes to children. A daughter will have early puberty and a son Sperm dysmorphia.
4. Subconsious will create nightmares of dead bodies and child death.

Lifetime effect on the father

5. As soon as the female conceives, the male’s Estrogen and Oxytocin increase, and testosterone falls.
6. DNA signaling is so powerful that only after the child is born, does a male’s testosterone increase.
7. With an abortion, however far you are, you will always remain at a low-testosterone level, incompetent, jealous, and afraid.

Effect on the parent and future children

8. The partners, the children, none can connect to each other, and with others emotionally, and will doubt each other with pathological jealousy.

🛕C. Religion about why not to abort

In Mahabharata, Kansha executed all the children Devaki gave birth to, to avoid being killed by her son. He got crushed by Krishna.

📅 D. Historical evidence of ill effects of abortion

Herod ruled Judea from 37 BCE onwards(historical). He ordered the killing of all the male children of Judea. Later he got paranoid, executed his wife, and died out of paranoia.

⚖E. Morality of Abortion

The first principle of morality is that every being has the equal right to live the full potential of his/her life. Killing a human life however early the life is, including fetus is killing a life before it lived full. This is an immoral act.

“killing a fetus is morally wrong because it unjustly deprives victims of their future”

-Donald Marquis

🧪F. Experiment to understand the effect of Abortion

Bring a dead fish and keep it anywhere in your home. Try to forget it. Your brain will keep reminding you about this for the rest of your life, even after you remove it.

So, even after an abortion is performed and the baby is removed from the fetus, the mother never forgets the event. Her brain always remember the event and she suffers due to her brain’s constant reminder about the same.

G. What if One Chooses not to become a mother?

A dumb is one who doesn’t know. A stupid is one who chooses to remain blind and chose not to learn from science, history, religion, morality, and animals. The stupids with their opinionated stupidity not only harm themselves but everyone around them. Abortion destroys the life of a female, the male, and their past and future children who were lucky enough to survive. This eliminates the possibility of conceiving in generations to come.

You take advantage of society, electricity, food, and safety. The children belong to society. They are to grow up and serve society with their fresh legs. Some think they are not yet ready for a child(or another), and some think about what will society say. People forget that the dead genes will remain in the body forever, and will keep saying “YOU KILLED ME.”

Your brain will become aggressive against you and you will lose everything you have in life, or care for. Slowly, but eventually. You will remain in alert mode and will fail to regroup yourself ever. Money won’t satisfy, nothing will.

This is fact and data. Rest is your fate. Some learn by choice, and some suffer by choice. Remember the word “NO ESCAPE” and correlate it with your life.

H. Conclusion

If you choose to become a blind immoral stupid to not learn from science, history, and religion then you will suffer. NO ESCAPE.

🙏🏻Thank you Maa for not aborting me. So many couldn’t say this to their mothers on their birthdays that never came!😥

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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