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Govt. Slaps 28% GST on Earning from “Game Apps”; Aneesh Bhai Slaps Govt; I support Aneesh Bhai; Not only Game Gambling be Tax-free, but Taxpayers must also pay 28% to the winners; here is why

A youngstar is celebrating after winning money in the app. Another man is smoking, a girl in minis is drining, and a man's back is seen who has almost passed out drinking.

A. My Considerations

In order to support Aneesh Bhai and oppose the government I make the following opinions:
a) Game Apps are not gambling.
b) Gambling doesn’t lead to social, family, and life disasters.
c) Every parent wants their child to grow up as a great gambler like Amitabh Bachchan movie.
d) Gambling has no correlation to overdrinking, or careless sex, or aggression.
e) Every wife loves, adores, and expects her husband to be an overdrinking and good gambler.
f) Drug, Drinking, and Gambling have no association with Crime against women in particular.

B. Opinion Proving Model of “Everything else but I am wrong”

i) Mythology and religion are wrong.
ii) Science is wrong.
iii) Wisdom is wrong.
iv) Philosophy is wrong.
v) Biographical learnings are wrong
vi) Economy is wrong
vii) Facts and figures are wrong

C. Let’s Prove My Opinion of “Game Gambling is Great”

Because the below are true but in “my opinion” they are false, they are false. Ok?

i) Mahabharata: Pasha needs skill. Shakuni had skills. Pasha was a game. Any game that needs skills is not gambling. Ok? Yudhisthir and Kauravas played a game(not gambling). Kauravas lost their lives. Pandavas lost their children.

ii) Science: Skilled Games(not gambling ok?) increases the activity of the amygdala, leading to higher activation of the HPA axis, inhibits serotonin(5-HT) consciousness pathways, and accelerates dopamine which is the root of an addiction disorder.
High HPA=>Social anxiety,
high Dopamine=> Addiction=>Drink, Gamble, One Night
high Adranaline+Epinephrine=> Aggression=>Crime

iii) Roman soldiers carried cards and board games. Then they started betting money. People betted money on Chariot races and Gladiator sports as they were skills. Rome got depopulated in 410AD.

iv) Old Bengali proverb “Pasha, Meye, Nesha, kore buddhi sorbonasha”. Gambles, Women, and addiction screw the brain.

v) Lee Chong Wee couldn’t win Badminton Olympic gold in 3 attempts, because Lin Dan was not a casino hopper, Lee was a casino addict.

vi) Drugs and gambling are the biggest deterrents to economic upliftment and are hallmarks(and vice versa) of failed states.

vii) In 2013 Venezuela govt. reopened Casinos after Chavez had closed them for over a decade. Today Caracas (Venezuela) is the highest crime index city, and Venezuela is a casino country.

D. Conclusion

Because we want our children to be stupids like Duryadhana, guided by the shark Shakunis like Aneesh Bhai;
and because we want our daughters to be raped,
and because we want to see India as Venezuela;
and because we want to marry our daughters to Charles Shobhrajs;
and because we want to see a brothel and casino next door,
we must support Aneesh bhai. Govt. should promote gaming apps, they are skills like horse races.

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