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Difference Between Literature and Stories and Why AI Will Take Away All Storified Non-literary Brains

An AI robot is sitting on piles of books and reading a book. In front of him different small humans are busy with mobile(man, woman, cyclist, old, youth, exercising)

A. Turing Test

In 1950, Allen Turing created a rather simple game to measure a machine’s ability to imitate humans. That was past.

Now with machines learning fast to summarize information and humans becoming lazy enough for a human to prove that he is not a 1950 machine. And a large population will fail the human test.

B. A Simple Experiment

Go to the female of the house(mother, sister, wife whomsoever takes the responsibility of the kitchen, and if they still are), and ask a simple question
“How would you feel if I stop going to work, sit at home and eat, but will give money.”

C. Interpretation

When females expect an entity(human or otherwise) to function daily and in certain ways, and invest their energy into that entity, if the entity stops performing, they get irritated, anxious, and overtly aggressive. Every male and females, all carry the mother’s genes(X-chrome).

It has nothing to do with the output, but rather the utilization of the energy. You may be sitting over ₹100 Cr, and yet if you are sitting ideal, she would get aggressive.

D. The Brain Degradation

From the 200gm Monkey brains, human grew their brains to about 1500gm. So much so, that even being hardly 2% of the body mass, the brain consumes about 30% of all the energy you consume. So the rest of the 98% body works under for 70% of the energy, or almost 28% less energy.

E. Literature vs Stories

A story is merely a transition of feelings from one state to another state, by conveying a message, narrated through the characters in the story.
The story gives a message, and some feelings through a sequential literal reality,

Literature is a tale of time, that is intended to force your brain to think deeper, connecting emotions, with parallelism, analogy, metaphors, history, morality, and abstract lateral narration.

F. Example

Every time you read “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, your brain will think for hours to decode the meaning and then will drive your emotions(not feelings) crazy.

Hence, literature helps one to keep several possible dimensions of reality in the brain, and also, absolutely contradictory versions of them.

G. The Simplicity Syndrome of Lazy Brains

Keep it simple. Read summary. Get information. Read stories(no no watch the 15s video). What’s the latest trend? Which course has more salary? What degree? How much income?

H. The Real Threat

“How else to satisfy her”? Whenever you bring rice at home, throw 1/3rd into the trash. You will get the answer to “why she is not satisfied.”
Your threat is not AI, but the man who is building that AI carrying mother’s “X”, and X has remained 95% the same for 2 million years.

I. AI Doesn’t Have the Ability to Comprehend Literature

Understand, even the universe is 2-Dimensional with all the celestial bodies aligned in a 2D space, but not the human brain. It is the only entity in the universe, that has abstract N-dimensions. Neurons can connect in clusters, with clusters, in-depth, in breadth, in isolation, in group, from one area of the brain to another area, with strong bonds, and weak bonds.

And they are to be trained to do so. If you are information-centric, and reading or consuming linear information then the multidimensionality of the brain is destroyed. Information is statistical, the brain is calculus, abstract, and non-sequential.

AI doesn’t have the ability to deal with literature, impossibility, or anything that doesn’t exist or exists in multiple contradictory states, a non-linear mode.
In the age of the machine, it doesn’t matter how much you know, because a machine will know better than you. It will complete MBBS in 3 months. But it will never ever be able Peirce through the eyes of a human to tell what is going on deep inside.

So, what you know matters least. Your feelings, thoughts, and logic all fall flat. Can you think in abstract contradictory multidimensional non-linear ways?
Invest time, and resources in literature, if you want to live.

J. Conclusion

What you are seeing in her is a story, what she wants you to read in her is literature.
AI consumes stories; stories seek literature for intimacy but attract other stories to engulf them to remain a better story.
Now decode.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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