Table of Contents
Overall Impact of Our Work with Acculi Labs and Lyfas on the Nation
As the world is going toward an economic slowdown, do not forget:-
1. We were the first to call out the hollowness of the VC capital and one of the very few to return our VC investment(5Cr).
2. In the Intimacy Laws for Men, the birth of the Lugal, long before FTX collapsed, I elaborated on how the startup ecosystem will collapse and gave you a roadmap to deal with the scenario.
3. At a time when one vile of injection was sold for 50k during COVID, do not forget we saved 6000 lives without any medicines.
4. Much before the current absolute collapse of Crypto, I called out the hollowness of the economy and evaluated how $1 costs almost none.
5. Much before current startups realize that the next round of funding is hard, I consistently warned against the Indian startup business practices and the Silicon Valley connection to bad money in Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Book and podcasts.
6. We were the first to warn employees from working from home against moonlighting before the current layoff started. This week alone, 60,000+ employees are laid off, and the number will cross 10,00,000 in the next three months simply because of the lack of fundamentals in the employment system.
7. We continuously tried to educate you on the intimacy and horrors of IVF and the poison of divorces.
8. We have been continuously educating you for this day on how to eliminate the things you are using, rather than consumerization, by helping our patients to self-cook, teach children, and take care of the family’s health. You can’t solve problems by spending money; you have to solve them by eliminating the evils.
9. Also, in this thread, do remember that I warned against the collapse of technical education such as Engineering, and next year’s admission will prove you that. Engineering college teachers can start looking for alternative professions.
10. Do remember who tried to educate the common people, particularly females, about the Vaccines. Next year admins the Economic slowdown, you will see a face of a pandemic that you wouldn’t want.
11. For the last three years, we have spread awareness of cardiac risk and early death for those above 30, particularly those born out of IVF.
Health, Relationships, Business, Children, Professional betterment, Family, and Finance, and almost every dimension.
Wisdom, Science, and Knowledge appear like knowing when the noise of blood money drives society. Galileos and Socrates are always blinded when the 15s shortcut becomes the new norm. That never helped Athenians and Romans to save themselves.
Education and Health are pillars of society. They are to serve society. It is the responsibility of the nation and society to ensure that health and education don’t run behind money. Because if you as a society and country fail to ensure that, the blindness of the “Bullwhip Economy” will break you.
You will face one of the toughest challenges in the next two years. History always repeats and punishes those who pay a blind eye to history. When a circus show of Economy is fabricated, the bullwhip economy appears glittering, glowing, shining, and prospering.
Remember, just because you see the other train move when your train starts leaving the station, just because you see flat earth, just because you see the sun revolving, and just because you see a triangle shaped Pyramid, neither the other train moved nor does the sun rotate, and earth to isn’t flat the way Pyramid is not sandwich.
The relativity of perception makes the opposite appear as a fact all the time.
Therefore focus on Intimacy(not relationship), labor distribution(not division), equilibrium(not equality), becoming parents(not giving birth), knowledge(not information), emotions(not feelings), service(not jobs), self-respect(not demanding respect), sexuality(not porn), workaholic(not alcoholic), accountability(not responsibility), action(not the intention), Enterprise(not startups), Sunlight(not moonlight), Text Book(not guess papers), Science(not opinions), Observation(not views), wealth(not money).
Choices are yours, and so are the consequences.
Than why there are no employees left in your company.
Why all are leaving one by one.
What has happened to the IIT investment, how much is the amount that you are going to recieve?
Why there is no doctor in healthcare startup team?
Why Dr. Shubogota left Lyfas?
Why you are not giving salary to the past employs
(1) Than why there are no employees left in your company.
Ans: Based on what data you asked the above question? How do you know that there are no employees left? When people says crow took away your ears, it is always good to first touch and see if ears are intact, before chasing a crow. Isn’t it?
(2) Why all are leaving one by one?
Ans: Exactly the reason why Amazon has layedoff 10k+ and Meta has laid off 11k+ and overall 60k+ are laied off in last three months.
Layoff Chart
Because 80% of the workforce is unproductive and non-suitable to the fast technology sector. Because our past employees, just like 80% of the rest of India are below 10 in the modern productivity scale of 100, who did not maintain any word records, call records, analytics, funnel.
(3) What has happened to the IIT investment, how much is the amount that you are going to receive?
Ans: Did you check for the updates in the MCA site before writing this question?
(4) Why there is no doctor in the healthcare startup team?
Ans: Again, assumptions and doubts are problems with anxiety. I highly suggest you do a thorough checkup of your renal profile and take a consultation of an interventional cardiologist.
(5) Why you are not giving salary to the past employs?
Ans: i) To the best of my knowledge our payroll registry suggests otherwise. As a note, the registry also suggests some of the past employees reached out to investors and shared WhatsApp chat screens, which is considered as breaching of the Critical Business Information. We are generous about not destroying fresh careers by taking them to court, and have a policy of 12 months immunity. Unless the clarifications about why company information is leaked without permission and worklog is submitted, appropriate appeal will be made to appropriate authorities with evidence, to blacklist the employees in NASCOM and employment registry. Some of the past employees are to pay over 1cr in damages to the company.
(6)Why Dr. Shubogota left Lyfas?
To my best of knowledge no such individuals ever worked with us. It seems that there are serious drug effect led you to write this comment?
Do you know that Lyfas is trademark of Acculi Labs and using the extension in the email is digital copyright violation?
Also, do you know that we track every IP address, and our location mapping takes us to within 10 meters of the position the site is accessed from? For instance how amused would you be to know that your comment was posted from Rajasthan?
Digital Imposter is a punishable offense
Also, do you know that pretending to be someone else, accessing internet, or posting with another name falls under digital identity imposter and breaching, and is a punishable criminal offense?
Considering the fact that we have the exact address from which this comment was posted, considering the fact that we keep the addresses of all our associates and past employees, and considering the fact that this comment is digital proof of a criminal act of digital identity imposter+trademark imposter, how likely would you thank your thank us for:-
1. Not submitting the proof, and initiating criminal legal offense?
2. Still publishing the comment with a response in the public domain?
3. Not damaging young careers amidst the fact that they are just damaged goods for the industry?
😊 Sometimes praying God helps. I highly recommend you to get rid of cheap drugs as such drugs often stimulates Amygdala, which eventually causes HPA stress, which eventually leads to kidney failure. Kidneys are more precious than intoxication. See, we add values to everyone, irrespective of one’s criminal intent and acts.
Very fitting reply Rupam ji to a coward who is using some one else’s identity.
Hope individual get some senses and speak directly and stands corrected.
Best wishes to Lyfas team to overcome the challenges !!