If you can accurately analyze and interpret dreams, then you can do an efficient self-assessment of your mental health, metabolic health, relationship health, and social health. You must learn to interpret your dreams or take our professional help in interpreting your dreams to solve real-life worries and problems. Interpret your dreams accurately to get creative ideas.
“dreams are the guardian of sleep“
Table of Contents
Why You Must Read The Rest of the Article to be able to Interpret Dreams Accurately?
- Dreams help us improve creativity more than incubation.
- Dreams solve our long term problems by remote association.
- Dreams heal our body during sleep.
- Dreams help our brain to talk to itself.
- Dreams improve our cognitive ability by connecting Prefrontal cortex with other processing areas.
- Dreams can help us measure the Serotonin levels, and REM sleep stage.
- Dreams help us understand our hidden desires.
- Dreams explain us about our social condition.
- Dreams tell us about our metabolic health.
- Dreams help us to understand about our short term and long term memories.
- Dreams tell us about the worry in the memory.
- Dream tell us about our emotional need and wants.
- By integrating fragmented memories into a continuous contextual memory, dreams help us improve our learning.
- Dreams can reveal if you are feeling lonely or not, and if you are able to cope-up with a difficult social problem.
- Content of the dreams can be used for early diagnosis of depression.
- Dreams may help us with early detection of apnea.
- Dreams may help us detect risk factors specific to organs at an early stage, because brain decodes transcended information from environment and organs.
- Dreams may help us quantitative assessment of the ability of an individual to recover and heal.
- Dreams may help us diagnosing early dementia.
- Dreams may provide early cues of sexual health issues.
- Dreams may provide early cues of environmental and social threats and challenges.
- Dreams help us in detecting brain patterns such as gray matter, white matter, auditory dominance, visual dominance,
- Dreams may help you diagnose past traumas and may help you immensely in CPTSD therapeutics.
- Recurrent dreams are negatively correlated to one’s general wellbeing, and they always manifest some threats. Awareness of the threat doesn’t necessarily help the dreamer to avoid the threat, but does improve the confidence to deal with the situation better in real life.
Why Dreams?
So, whatever you are feeling, thinking, planning, doing, changes the hormonal states, and biochemistry in the body constantly. The brain tries to qualify these abstract quantitative states and creates visuals to bring to the conscious brain and from there, it stores the dreams in Cerebellum, the persistent memory.
Studies on dream analysis have shown that 80% of the dreams are pitiful, ie having negative feelings1. Dreams also act like “Natural Therapy”. That is by bringing into your subconscious brain the thoughts and feelings that were hidden and subconscious, your brain heals you.
So, irrespective of whether your dreams are good or bad, the dreams heals you by regulating your emotions from subconscious to conscious brain.
Stages of Sleep
During sleep, our body cycles through 4 different stages consisting of both rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. The body usually cycles through these stages on average 4 to 6 times, averaging 90 minutes in each stage. As the night progresses, fewer NREM stages occur, and the duration of REM sleep episodes increases.
Memar et. al2
Dreams mostly occur in the REM stage of sleep. This is a state of deep sleep. Therefore irrespective of the nature of the dreams, they appear when you have a deep sleep.
Hence dreams are a proof that you had a deep sleep.
Neuroscience of Dreams
Everyone may not be interested in knowing the brain in detail to understand their dreams. You may be looking for some insights into what your dream simply means. Remember, the dream is a complex science that scientists have not yet been able to decode fully. If you even moderately understand how the brain functions, you will be easily understanding how dreams are constructed.
White and Gray Matter

The brain comprises two types of elements, white matter, and gray matter. The gray matter is responsible for processing all the information, whereas the white matter is responsible for connecting them. White matter is the fat part of the Neuron, that constructs the Myelin sheet. The gray matter creates the cortex area.
In men, IQ/gray matter correlations are strongest in the frontal and parietal lobes, whereas the strongest correlations in women are in the frontal lobe along with Broca’s area. The parietal lobe is responsible for visual processing, whereas Broca’s area is responsible for audio and sound processing.

Hence female thoughts would be more driven by what she has heard and male dreams would be more driven by what they saw.
- High-density gray matter means more analytical skills.
- High white matter means more lateral connection.
- Men are found to have more gray matter, whereas women are found to have more white matter.
- Because dense white matter connects different parts of the brain, women can imagine more vividly, and can do multitasking, whereas male are better in focus and concentration.
- Female dreams would be based on auditory correlation, whereas male dreams will be based on more imagination and what they observed.
Brain Anatomy and Dreams

Which Part of the Brain Construct Dreams?
Parietal lobe and Pre-Frontal Cortex connectivity creates dream. Pareital Cortex is our imaginary brain. Pre-frontal cortex is our cognitive processing part of the brain.
Baird et. al.6
If you see the top view of the brain, the motor cortex separates the two lobes. That means that when your dreams are constructed, the motor movement or the muscle movements must be eliminated. Therefore in deep sleep, your body movement is minimum.
Subhagata’s Transmit and Transcend Theory (ST3)
This theory is proposed by one of the top names an AI&ML specialist, who also is a surgeon. Dr. Subhagata Chattopadhyay In the process of building the Lyfas Dream Analysis Framework formalized this theory. Please note that this is not yet being clinically presented as a peer-reviewed paper, but we have enough evidence of
Transmission is a neural network where relevant nearby neurons connect and transmit electrical signals from one part of the brain to the other. This is how our all cognitive and emotional functions work.
Transcend on the other hand refers to us hopping of information. They mitigate information between remote sites(for example a physical trauma site in the leg) to the appropriate brain center without connecting all the intermediate regions. The transmission uses the grey matter of the brain, whereas Transduction uses the white matter of the brain.
Because Neuroscience has already proven that it is actually the white matter of the brain that is activated in dreams, dreams transcend information. The brain collects micro signals from the environment, all living beings, plants, and virtually every other person in the world.
“The brain constructs dream contents, not only by one’s personal observation but also by quantum signals picked up by our brain literally from the electromagnetic signal of every living and non-living being on the planet, that were saved in the brain due to some relevance and significance with a dreamer’s life.”
ST3, Dr. Subhagata
Evidence to Support Dr. Subhagata’s Theory of Transmission Transcending Brain in Dream Content
Lateral Evidence 1:- Plant Communication
Research published in the Royal Society of Open Science has shown that Fungi exchange about 50 words with other Fungi, and share their “feeling”, or interpretation of the environment with other distant fungi.7

Scientists have also demonstrated that plants talk to each other through their roots. Plants supply micronutrients to other nearby plants. The growth of a plant and its survival mechanics depend upon such communication.
So, if a Fungi with a small electrical neuro unit can communicate with another distant fungus, is it even possible that two strong electromagnetic fields like the brain and heart will not do the same, and pick up signals?
Lateral Evidence 2:- Global Coherence Project

The Global Coherence Project measures various Earth’s Electromagnetic fields and correlates them with the electromagnetic field of the heart measured using a technique called heart rate variability. The above image shows a direct correlation between aggregated human emotions and the earth’s magnetic energy on the day of 9/11.

Tchaikovsky, a Prominent Russian Scientist in his landmark paper has shown that more fierce battles were fought in World War I during the peak of solar circles. Tchaikovsky also showed that many of the important events in the globe over 2 centuries were aligned with solar circles. Global events were shown to peak during solar storms. Therefore it is quite evident that there is a distinct effect on these cosmic events into the overall energy field of the earth. Dreams are also manifestation of many of the science we do not know yet like Telepathy, intuition.
Lateral Evidence 3:- Strikingly Similar Dreams of Complete Strangers
There are several studies that have shown similarities between the dreams of twins, partners, strangers. There are now several online forums for Shared dreams. Strikingly similar dream content were found in complete strangers, with even minute details matching. This proves that dreams do have elements that are picked up by our brain from the environment.
Thus, with ST3 we can hypothize
- Overall earth’s environment has an effect on the dreams.
- Dreams may be a manifestation of many people around you, not necessarily directly connected.
- Dream environment or the world may be constructed from several electromagnetic microsignals that we can not make sense.
- Dreams may be a means of exchanging messages with the environment.
What Does It Mean If I am Not Seeing Any Dreams?
It simply means that you are not having enough REM sleep. Because in the REM sleep dreams are constructed.
During REM sleep, we normally do not move as our muscles are paralyzed. If the temporary paralysis (atonia) of REM sleep is disturbed, one can physically act out dreams. This is called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disorder. With this disorder, normal paralysis is not obtained, and there are episodes of abnormal movement throughout the night. 11
The deep sleep stages are important in normal functioning to replenish the immune system and proper metabolism and growth. People with sleep apnea do not cycle through the normal stages of the sleep cycle. They have reduced stage N3 and REM sleep as their airway collapse prevents them from breathing in these deeper sleep states. This leads to excessive daytime drowsiness as proper, efficient sleep is not obtained throughout the night11.
In short, if you are not seeing any dreams then:
- You may be having less REM sleep.
- It may be developed into a metabolic disorder.
- You may feel more and more day-time drawsiness.
- Your body movement in the sleep may be very high.
- You may have an undetected apnea.
Who Remembers Their Dreams?
Dream Recall Frequency is a term used to measure how many dreams one can remember. In a Neuroscience study, it was found that “an increased medial prefrontal cortex white-matter density in High Recaller compared to Low Recaller”12.
It means those who have high consciousness will have more vivid dreams that they can remember dreams better. Serotonin plays an important role in connecting the pre-frontal cortex to the rest of the brain13. Serotonin regulates our Satisfaction, Happiness, Cognition, and Consciousness. Serotonin is released in the deep sleep. So, those with high Serotonin will see more structured dreams and will remember them.
Note that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRI) is a common line of drugs given to depressive patients14. Therefore,
Not remembering dreams means that you have an underneath depression.
Association of Time of the Sleep and Dreams
You may ask the question, “is there any difference between nighttime sleep dreams and daydreams”?
We already know that it is the REM sleep that constructs dreams. Night sleep is long and has several periods of REM and non-REM stages. Day sleep is mostly a nap. Many studies have shown that a day’s sleep and a quick nap increase motor memory, cognition, and creativity by several folds15.
In an experiment, participants were asked to sort texture images for one hour. These tasks were repeated several times a day. It was found that the efficiency of the sorting reduced as the day progressed. This is because the retina and the brain get fatigued by concentrating on the tasks. Then the participants were divided into two groups:- One was allowed to take a quick nap, and the other was allowed to take a rest. It was seen that the participants who had taken a nap had a significantly better performance than those who did not16.
Therefore it can be understood that the brain solves the problem of sleep. Many other studies like the above have confirmed that day nap has improved various cognitive and emotive abilities. Not only that, many participants in such studies have admitted that they saw the solution to the problem task given to them in their dreams.
Therefore, if you sleep over a problem, your mind will try to solve the problem in the dreams.
- Daydreams would try to solve your day-to-day work-related problems.
- Night Dreams would try to solve your long-term problems like creativity, relationship problems, and conflicts.
You must associate short-term problems(less than six months) with your daydreams, and you must associate your long term problems in night dreams.
‘Nocturnal Therapist’ Theory
The theory that dreams help you to heal is called the Nocturnal Therapist theory17. Researchers have long investigated the reasons for someone to dream. We have different stages of sleep. Healing here also refers to your problem-solving, and creativity for the creative individuals. Let us look into both aspects:- Creativity and Problem-solving.
From the last section, we have understood two things,
- The brain gets better focus when you have sleep where you are dreaming.
- The brain tries to solve a problem in your dreams.
- Problems are short and long-term. Daydreams show you a short-term problem’s solutions. Night dreams solve long-term problems.
“The night before Easter Sunday of that year I awoke, turned on the light, and jotted down a few notes on a tiny slip of paper. Then I fell asleep again. It occurred to me at 6 o’clock in the morning that during the night I had written down something most important, but I was unable to decipher the scrawl.
The next night, at 3 o’clock, the idea returned. It was the design of an experiment to determine whether or not the hypothesis of chemical transmission that I had uttered 17 years ago was correct. I got up immediately, went to the laboratory, and performed a single experiment on a frog’s heart according to the nocturnal design.”
Otto Loewi, 1938 German, Nobel laureate for his work on the chemical transmission of nerve impulses.
The German Nobel Laureate Otto Loewi, who discovered neurons and how Neurons work, got his idea for Nobel prize-winning work from his dreams, where the dream connected his present puzzle with a 17-year-old experiment. This is called Remote Association Theory.
Remote Association Theory17
- Night Dreams connect some experiences in the distant past with the challenges you are facing.
- It is important for you to have exposure to different difficult situations in life for the dreams to dig out the solution from your memory archive.
- Even though many solutions may appear “out-of-the-box”, “Eureka”, genius, it may appear that the ideas are coming to the person out of nowhere, in reality, the brain develops these ideas from your life experiences. Things and moments that might be irrelevant to your conscious brain in terms of current problem solving are all important for such genius.
Dreams Help in Creativity
Creativity is “the forming of associative elements into new combinations which either meet specified requirements or are in some way useful”.
Mednick S16.
Almost 60 years back, Mednick in his revolutionary work showed that the difference between creative and non-creative people is the ability of creative people in associating apparently disassociated remote objects.
A non-creative person associate apple with eating, whereas a creative person like Newton would associate apple with Gravity.
The work of Mednick was revisited by Benedek and Neubauer, and they affirmed that creative people are capable of associating patterns with remotely disassociated objects.
Hence the more ways you suffer from childhood, the more your brain has to make sense of the weird situation in your life and therefore get creative.
Leonardo da Vincci, Steve Jobs, Tesla, Elon Musk Anton Chekov, and almost all the super creative people had one thing in common in them:- They suffered in life more than others.
The pattern that one develops to solve real-life problems, is the pattern of the brain that is adopted by the brain to solve seemingly unsolvable problems in their dreams.
If you are creative in the real life, you will be creative even in your dreams. If you have a comfortable life, you will have the less creative problem-solving ability, in dreams as well as in the real life. Therefore it can be safely said that:-
The more different types of problems you face in life, and solve them, the more vibrant your dreams will be and you will feel better after waking up, but if you face similar types of problems, you may not see many dreams, or may not feel good after waking up, because your brain doesn’t have the ability to associate remote objects(memory, feelings, thinking, observations).
Recall that 80% of the dreams are pitiful, and only 20% leave you with positive feelings. Therefore the creative people are 20% of the population. Also, 80% of the dreams of creative people are positive. Hence, only facing problems is not enough. You have to solve the problems too.
Studies now have shown that facing and solving random problems do not help with increasing remote association. They must be tied to a large inspiration. So if your goal is larger than life, and there is an inspiration to reach the goals over decades, then your brain will improve RAT. On the other hand, if you are merely motivated, to achieve short-term goals, then your dreams are not going to solve your problems.
The more problems you face and solve, tied to your long term inspiration, the more solutions your brain will create in the dream by remote association theory.
Points to Remember to Get Creative Ideas in Dreams
- You need to have a high inspiration(something larger than your life).
- You must have gone through several different types of problems(educational, social, relationship) and must have solved them in different ways.
- You must look at every problem as an opportunity to creatively solve it.
- You must exhaust yourself with an effort to get more rem sleep.
- You must search in different domains, and read different stories that have no correlation to the current situation. For example, if you are trying to raise funds for your startup, read child fantasies, war stories, history, biology, chemistry, love, etc. If you just look inside case studies of how different startups have raised funds, then you wouldn’t get enough ideas to solve your funding problem.
Is There Any Relationship Between Our Social Interactions and Dreams?
It is widely accepted that we are more social in dreams than in reality. Dreams rarely have us as the only character. We are often with many different characters, known, and unknown. We interact with them. We talk, we exchange emotions with them. Even social isolation or seclusion doesn’t alter the nature of social interaction18. For example, you may be lonely in real life, but in dreams, you will still have social interactions.
Social Simulation Theory of dreaming (SST) based dream studies have proven that:-
- The more lonely you are, the better REM sleep you may have.
- Most creative people prefers to be alone, because when they sleep, they get creative ideas, the more lonely they are, the more vibrant and lucid dreams they see.
- When you are lonely, you see more social dreams where you may be interacting with more number of people.
- When you are lonely, you are likely to see more familiar characters in dream.
- When you are having good social interactions, you may be seeing more unfamiliar characters.
The more lonely you feel the more familiar faces you will see in the dreams, the more satisfied you are with your social life, and the more unfamiliar characters you will see.
In a longitudinal study that lasted over one year, Psychologist Cartwright followed the dream patterns of females going through a divorce. Seventy subjects were chosen from a group of 214 potential subjects. Forty of them were depressed as a consequence of the divorce. All subjects slept for three nights in the laboratory, and during the third night, REM dream reports were collected. The depressed subjects’ dreams were emotionally more negative than those of the nondepressed subjects.
Cartwright et. al(1996)
Furthermore, the depressed subjects were more likely than the nondepressed to incorporate the about-to-be-former spouse as a character in the dreams. In a one-year follow-up, those depressed subjects who had dreamt about their spouse were better adjusted than those who had not.
Interpretation of Dreams
We have so far learned how dream and sleep are beneficial. What is the science behind dreams? Correlation of the time of sleep and your dreams. How dreams reflect the desire and emotional reality of a person. How dreams heal your body by temporary paralysis. How dreams reflect your social construct. In this section, we will learn the history, science, and art of interpretation of dreams from the theory we learned.
Dreams help us to sleep well, and help us to copeup with the world better when we wake-up.
History of Interpretation and Analysis of Dreams
Father of Psychology Sigmoid Freud wrote the first book on dreams by the name “The Interpretation of Dreams” in 1900. He explained the first-ever theoretical model of the content of a dream and proposed theories to collaborate these contests with the dreamer’s real-life characteristics. Dream Analysis became one of the key components of the Psychoanalysis technique, one of the first psychological counseling therapeutics. Freud and his prodigy Carl Jung worked extensively on the subjects of dreams.
Anna O. was a pseudonym of a woman named Bertha Pappenheim, a patient of a physician named Josef Breuer. While she was never a patient of Freud’s, Freud and Breuer discussed her case extensively. The woman was experiencing symptoms of a condition that was then known as hysteria and found that talking about her problems helped relieve her symptoms. Her case played an important part in the development of talk therapy as an approach to mental health treatment.
Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams mostly centers around the idea that dream is the gateway to our subconscious mind. The content of the dream is our unfulfilled desire. Thousands of studies have been conducted to validate these theories. After 130 years of debate and research, the scientists now have agreement on dreams, where few of Freud’s ideas still hold, but an overall change in the way dreams are to be interpreted and thought of.
Accepted Theory of Dreams Now
- Dreams are a reflection of waking life, and not entirely the phenomenon of the unconscious mind.
- Dreams related to trauma, and anxiety are a reflection of worry and are not a coping mechanism.
- Dreams serve to consolidate memory and learning.
- Dreams are now accepted as a Self-Organizing-Map, where the brain can construct a continuous signal from discrete, fragmented, discontinuous, and incongruous signals.19
- Dreams are not independently functional, but a co-product of sleep.
- Dreams reflect a dreamer’s psychological and physiological activities and construct.
- Dreams reflect a dreamer’s memory consolidation. Bits and pieces of the memories in a day are woven into a context and are stored in the long memory through dreams.20
- REM sleep is primarily implicated in emotional memory and implicit memory, whereas NREM sleep is more closely associated with declarative memory.21
- Brain use dreams in sleep because dreams are stories. Stories engross us and suppress other desires like hunger. And thus brain uses dreams to help us sleep better.
- Dream Analysis and interpretation is all about mining the context from the content of the dreams.
- Dreams have an evolutionary component. Therefore many prime contents and objects in the dreams are same.
- Dream contents are mostly metaphorical, and they do not signify much of real life events, incidents.
“How to Analyze Dreams” Rules
Step 1 Separate the Situations in Dreams
- Decouple all the characters.
- Observe the Emotions of the People you are seeing.
- Mark your feelings.
- Forget the scenes, just extract the situation.
- Pay attention to the conversation.
- Pay attention to the facial expressions of the other characters.
- Pay attention to the time of the day in your dream setup.
- Pay attention to your facial expression.
- Pay attention to the small activities that you are doing in the dream.
- Write down all the different scenes, characters, activities, feelings, and expressions.
- Write down all the current problems you are facing in life.
- Find out the current solutions you are thinking of to these problems.
- Then Map them with the dream breakdown, as closely as possible.
Step 2:- Map them Closely With Real-Life Situation
Situation | Your Problem | Your Feelings | Your Thoughts | Main Character | The behavior of the Character +Ve or -Ve? | Day/ Night? | Solution You are Thinking |
Real Life Current Situation | For Real Life Only | ||||||
Dream 1 | X | ||||||
Similar Experience in Life in the Past | How You Solved the Problem in the Past | ||||||
First Row Real Life, Next Rows Dreams | Unable to Cope up with Bullies in Office | Frustrated | I wish to get a new job | Boss | -Ve | Did you see the dream at which time? | New Job |
Step 3:- Identify Solution
Please note that you are seeing dreams because your conscious mind is not really able to make sense of your life. Therefore often the content of the dreams and the real-life situations may be way too different. Dreams are constructed by your brain, based on past experiences. Therefore, your dreams act as a bridge between the current situation that you are stuck and the past situation.
Note:- Dream contents are often manifestations of what you are going through. They are Symbolic representations of your desire, aspirations, struggle, problems, hope,
Dream Interpretation Cheat-Sheet
Dream Content (I am dreaming about) | Possible Interpretation of Dreams |
Fell in Well, dark pit, chased by people | Anemia, Apnea |
Females seeing male strangers, | Fear, palpitation, humiliation, |
Males seeing female strangers | You are feeling light, comfortable, in love. |
Females running away, or hiding from unknown males, animals | Dealing with passive aggressive people, shame, guilt feeling. |
Any transport vehicle like cycle, car, horse | your mind asks you to either move on, or explore other paths/opportunities |
Seeing ex lover, seeing ex partner | Feeling pained by separation. Separation anxiety. |
Seeing babies in dreams. | body wants you to become pregnant. |
Unmarried seeing dreams of being pregnent. | Body wants you to become pregnent. |
Not seeing any dreams | Poor REM sleep, daytime dizziness, day-time fatigue, Sleep disorder, Circadian abnormality. |
Seeing many known people, family, friends in a dream | Lonliness and Depression. |
Seeing snakes | toxic person in life, too much toxic emotions. Fear of a situation. |
Seeing fragmented dreams | low Serotonin, reduced cognition. |
Not remembering dreams | Early memory problems. |
Seeing Lucid and vivid dreams | General happiness, good sleep. |
Recurrent dreams(seeing same dreams many time in life) | Anxiety |
Being attacked by mob of unknown people | Feeling threatened by environment. Cortisol, stress, heart rate is very high. |
You are seeing yourself as a child , whereas others have grownup | Childhood trauma CPTSD is back in life. |
You are not able to come out from a building or land, or prison and trying to desperately come out alone | Feeling struck, Hypothyroidism |
Drawning, flood, extreme rainfall | Kidney stress, relationship anxiety, away from home |
Court cases, arguments, | Digestive track issues, gall bladder issues |
You with many people are struck in a place and are unable to move out | Professionally struck |
You are denied of entry into a place | Feeling of unfairness, status quo, denied right |
Suicide, death, loss of money, something else is lost | Liver issues |
Hearing voices that you are not seeing, sound of baby crying, other strange sounds but source of the sound unknown | You are not getting a good news that you may be waiting for. Someone saying I love you, or a promotion, or good results |
You are trying to draw other’s attention, but people are ignoring you. | You are seeing something that you don’t accept. For example someone cheating, someone doing crime/injustice. |
You are searching for some valuable things like jewelry, ring | You are unable to convince people about something |
You are seeing a dead known person | You may be going through some problems in life, which can be solved by the advice, values of that person. |
You are seeing cartoon characters, king-queen stories, | You may be overthinking. time to write down your life experiences. |
Fish tank fish death, or fish tank | You are missing your past(house, partner, something you lost). You may be feeling suffocated. |
You are seeing others in the dreams but not you. | You are pleasing people, disconnected from self, you are emotionally being squeezed by people around you. |
You are doing current professional job, but in a different place(probably past known place), with known or unknown people ex:-selling | You are failing to meet target in the current job, unable to achieve what you want to achieve. Pay attention to what you did in that known place to be successful, what these unknown people are doing, how you worked with these known people in the past to be successful. |
Fire, Volcano, lava | inflammation, insulin resistance, |
You are eating too much | Greed, Gluttony |
Someone is cheating you | You are jealous about this person. |
Others are eating | You are envious, and want desperately what someone else has. |
You are seeing God | You are feeling hopeless, and finding no meaning of life. |
You are fighting | Anger, Hypertension |
You are sweating, or crying | High heart rate, constipation. |
You have gone to write exam, but seeing a wrong question paper | You are worried about making wrong decisions in life. |
You are seeing lions in dreams. | You are frustrated by the lack of your success, even though you have skills to get success. Start trying things in different ways. |
You are a hero, and people are apreciating and cheering you. | You are satisfied and successful, but you are confused if you are really successful. |
Girls seeing wild Animal like Lion, tiger, Elephant, Snakes | Increase in androgen hormones and testosterone(pay attention to your Estrogent/Testosterone ratio). Growth of body hair, hairfall, palpuiation, ovarian inflammation, PMS |
Girls seeing pet animals like cow, cat, dog, rabbit | In love, and feeling very girlish. |
Boys seeing wild animal | Testosterone is increasing. Increase of conflict, anger, aggression. You must closely monitor Prostrate. |
Boys seeing pet Animal like cow, cat, rabbit | you may be feeling tamed, dominated, controlled by someone. |
Children seeing dreams of being attacked by animals(2-12 years) | Parental conflict, parental divorce |
Dream Content | Real-Life Context |
Dream Dataset for Dream Enthusiasts and AI & ML Enthusiasts
Dream Bank is the largest repo of recorded dreams. You can extract the texts of the dreams from here and can run various contextual and semantic analyses to generate meaningful associations. Read one of the sample analyses here.

When you are seeing dreams, nightmares in particular very frequently, understand that it is the suppressed emotion that your brain wants to bring to your Pre-frontal cortex. Pay attention to your dreams, they tell you what exactly the brain and body are feeling. Please feel free to write to us for assistance with your disturbing dreams.
Caution and Disclaimer
Please note that even after 100 years, researchers have not come to any generalized conclusion on dreams. Researchers, scientists, clinicians, and psychologists have invested their entire life into understanding the science of dreams. Even though we know about dreams more than ever, the knowledge is still not enough for a universal theoretical framework.
Dreams definitely give many early clinical and psychological clues about a patient. They are particularly helpful in mental health and metabolic health coherence analysis, brain cognitive pattern investigation, and the patient’s generic experience of the social, temporal, and environmental fabric. But because dreams are an abstract metaphorical architecture of the brain to construct a metaphysical reality, and because meta-physicality can not be incorporated as a primary means of clinical investigation, you must be careful with the analysis of dreams.
We have followed the best scientific approach to construct our dream framework and compose this article, but we have not done enough clinical studies and validations on the subject. Therefore we provide no guarantee of the accuracy of the analytical models shared in this article. Clinicians and commoners are therefore advised to take caution in using the information, knowledge, and wisdom of this article in analyzing dreams of self or others and making any decision judgment on the same.
Please donate towards research, development, and creating life’s wisdom and knowledgebase for the future of the humanity.
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