"Your Child Has Low Attention" Scam A. Interview Child for Admission Scam A child's brain mass=400 cc. Active neurons=70-90%, ie 250-300 cc active brain mass.Teachers(or the so-called ones): Brain...
Cost per professor in Indian Engineering colleges 1. According to the 7th pay commission, a professor's monthly salary is 1,16,000/-.2. A professor handles two subjects in a semester that lasts six...
Business Model Every business has a simple formula:-Exaggerate the problem,Make the Potential Customer feel Bad for having the problem,Give Fear of Missing Out to the Potential,Sell hope and...
How chronic inflammation is marketed today? The SCAM The corporations need something new to latch onto for marketing. Patients, general populations have played immunity-immunity in the hand of...
THE SUPPOSEDLY SUPER DRUG:- Thalidomide is a drug that was first introduced in Germany. A great drug, that could be used in the treatment of cancer, various skin diseases like leprosy, and various...