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Is There Any Difference Between Hypothesis and Assumptions?

Is There Any Difference Between Hypothesis and Assumptions? short answer blog Rupam Acculi Lyfas

Hypothesis and Assumptions are Different

Hypothesis and Assumptions are similar words if one searches in the dictionary.


However, neurologically, assumptions are created by the brain at a junction of a high-flat-sustained Testosterone hormonal profile, leading to dopamine resistance, leading to excess dopamine production, causing adrenaline high, leaving behind high stress in the HPA axis, leading to renal overload in cleansing Uric acid, leading to increased resistance to cellular electromagnetic charge differential, leading to inhibition of 5HT Serotonin pathway, leading to increased Histamine, leading to an allergic response, leading to “alert-mode brain” and high morning cardio-renal tension(morning diastolic >90mmHg).


Hypothesis, though sounds similar, happens under high Serotonin, GH, minimum cortisol, and testosterone junction inhibiting dopamine, thus inhibiting lateral neural maps, thus increasing inter-layer neuroplasticity, thus lowering the energy input to the brain, thus releasing HPA axis tension, thus lowering cardio-renal tension, thus expressing more 5-HT receptors, thus lowering Histamine, thus lowering irritation due to inhibition of allergic pathway.

Key Differences

Brain partMid-brainPre-frontal cortex
HormoneAdrenaline, TestosteroneSerotonin, Dopamine
Proven ThroughArgumentsExperiments
Psychological TraitFear, Suspicion, Paranoia, delusionCuriosity
Brain’s Decision ModelBelieving BrainQuestioning Brain
Brain’s desireQuick SuccessDiscovery
Brain’s SpreadLateral BrainDepth Brain
Social TraitSocial AnxietyIntellectual Social connections
Value SystemMoralityRationality
Brain’s Locus of controlExternalInternal
Habit RiskObsessive CompulsionOver Analysis

In short, Assumptions are the phenomenon of an opinionated, impulsive brain and the outcome of anxiety, whereas Hypotheses are a phenomenon of a learning brain, a more pre-frontal cortex-driven conscious brain.

Similar words, different pathways, different outcomes 🙂

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