Lyfas Life Care

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Preorder Zero to Plus Minus Equal to and Join Daylong Handson Workshop on Startups on 05.11.2022

Zero to Plus Minus Equal To Podcast Poster

Workshop (11 AM to 3.30 PM 05.11.2022)


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Workshop details

1. Psychology of Customers.
2. Psychology of Investors.
3. Employee Management. (Hiring, retention, perks)
4. Cofounder+team Strategy.
1. How to manage your health?
2. How to manage time?
3. How to manage relationships?
4. How to build your inner circle and support group.

A. Efficiency Improvement
1. Simple Issue tracker software(Google sheets).
2. Simple Customer management software.
3. Simple forms and Surveys.

B. Marketing
1. Funnel Software
2. Branding
3. Social Media Marketing and Lead Generation.
4. PR strategy.
5. Relationship management.

C. Documentation
1. VC-ready Digital Locker
2. Customer Digital Locker
3. Regulatory

D. Experimentation
1. Technology testing and release.
2. A/B testing strategies
3. Financial(budget strategies)
D. Strategy(interactive QnA based on your business) (limited to the following topics)
i) Increase sales
ii) Increase Profit
iii) Increase customer retention.
iv) Customer engagement.
v) Business processes.
vi) Customer grievance redressal.
E. Investment
i) Elevator Pitch.
ii) Pitch deck
iii) Number
iv) Angel Investment
vI) VC round
vii) Clauses
viii) Process

Joining link in the product bundle

Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Podcast Series

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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