Table of Contents
A. What is a Technology Business?
a) Company: An entity that transforms abundant unusable resources into wealth that society(people and other dependent beings) can use. Ex: Chip manufacturers transform silica.
b) Productivity: Volume/rate of transformation.
c) Technology: A process(intertwind tasks) that makes work more efficient(reduce T, effort) to increase productivity.
d) Wealth: Capital+Asset+Potential. Capital and immediately usable resource(like mango), asset=long term capital producer(mango tree), Potential=semi a transformed raw material that can become a capitalizable asset(like a seed).
e) Profit: Less resources more wealth.
f) Management: One that efficiently manages and tradeoffs labor, time, wealth, asset, resources, and capital, for maximizing profit.
g) False notions=>
i) Profit is more money(already defined)
ii) Cost is only expenditure(no, space, resource, time, energy, process, potential=>asset, asset->capital transform)
iii) Revenue=Money(no, it is wealth, ie money(capital)+wealth+capital)
iv) Growth is increased revenue and reserved capital(no, asset appreciation, potential specification)
g) So a technology company has to take the raw brains(raw material), convert them to talents(potential), transform them to intellects(capital), and then use the capital to earn profit.
h) Employment: Is a cyclic process of raw talent->process creation.
i) Fundamentals:
i) One can not build a home from sea beach sand.
ii) One can’t build a bridge in the desert.
j) So all the resources, material, capital, asset, potential, transformation, etc are not only money but discipline, quality, social benefit, and so on.
k) Companies invest in raw talent because they will become assets of the future. Self-deprecating and deteriorating assets(or potentials) by definition are a thing of the past.
In short a technology business converts a personnel’s intellectual energy into profitable asset(code, design, architecture, process, methodology) etc.
B. Why every hired resource is a bet for a company?
A fresher with minimum experience comes to the industry with only a degree. University seats and marks are dependent on Intelligence, not Intellectuality. Intelligence is the smartness to take the most profitable or beneficial decisions out of given choices. Intellectuality is the ability to make better sense and meaning out of any situation.
Because every business solves the human problem, intellectuality is a metric that determines one’s ability to understand life, and then explain the life event with relevant data, and information, in a way for anyone to understand easily, and if there is a problem, then finding possible solutions easily.
Because freshers have not gone through any life struggles for a sustained period of time, their ability to find the meaning of different lives is limited. One may have a skill like software skill, but machines will always be more efficient in applying the skills.
Even when experienced personnel join a company, the personnel is a new resource for the company who has to sync intellectually with the vision, mission, and culture of the company. No two companies serve the same client’s same necessities. Therefore once one switches a job, one is in a new territory.
Therefore whether one is fresher, or experienced, an intellectual resource is always a bet for a company. Just because there are newer and better software available every day, you can not get new software and replace your entire business and existing protocols with it.
Because neither a fresher nor an experienced would know about the client, their problems, and their lives, both wouldn’t be able to apply their intellectuality to the work. Machines are smarter in taking a decision in a finite set, they are more intelligent, informed, and adaptive. What machines can not do is an intellectual task. That is why technology company needs intellectuals with skills. And because intellectuality can’t be tested at the beginning, every hiring is a bet for a company.
C. What is expected out of the employees
D. Why employees are not able to keep up with the technology speed?
1. Loan: Freshers are burdened by education loans for 3 years, and experiences are burdened by car and home EMIs. Companies are just solving their’s employees’ EMI problem.
2. Goldfish: Attention is a key marker of success. Current ADHD youth finds it hard to focus more than 15s on a task like a goldfish. Goldfishes look good in aquariums not in hard businesses.
3. Antiproductivity: ADHD is addictive, spreads like a virus, and not long you see productivity at an all-time low amongst everyone in the building.
4. Anxiety: Core to ADHD is an anxiety disorder that is an epidemic. An anxious crowd(like mad dog packs) inflicts sheer irritation, and fear in the entrepreneur(and others).
5. No Journaling(Worklog): Over 90% of the workforce doesn’t journal their daily activities(if they do, they would know that they are not working, so better not to write and feel like working hard). So the company gets no intellectual assets.
6. Zero Creation: Any task is first searched on the internet(code, concept), and is shamelessly ripped. The idea is to show the work, not create something that attributes to company assets. The focus is on “done”, rather than satisfaction.
7. Idea overload, execution fear: Everyone is loaded with ideas(that’s because an empty and lazy brain sits and visualizes a fantasy world, and so ideas).
Most can’t document problem statements, plans, and methodologies, then implement and update feedback metrics.
8. Draggers: If you do something fast, more tasks will be given. So drag and show how tough the work is.
9. No Prep: Most workforce hasn’t understood that even Tendulkar needs 3 hours of morning practice, Shreya needs 3 hours of Riyaaz, and everyone needs 3 hours to do hardcore reading and practice to be good at anything. Home time is all about Netflix and phones!
10. Poor Fitness: Dop into any office and you will find low-energy bodies, dead eyes, dry faces, and looser posture. That’s because of fast-food, poor physique, late night sleep, and no exercise. Energy is a key indicator of success.
11. ASPD: No inner circle, no intellectual circles. Traditionally Employees heal by spending time with industry seniors and teaching juniors. Social today is drinking parties.
12. Feeling: Workforce is”Feeling bad, feeling good, feeling this, feeling that.” Business is a hunting tribe that needs hunters not motherly diapered babies on feelings drug.
13. Overpay: VCs forced funded startups to open glittering offices, and recruit aggressively. Employees are poached at 10x-20x. You can throw free money to attract the next fool, but no ethical business will pay for that. So companies are just “waiting for platforms” for employees’ next higher pay jobs.
All IT and Tech companies will follow the trend; it’s when, not whether.
E. How Mediocrity is grasping the Indian workforce?
I have worked with cement, jute, and manufacturing industry labors in the past, in South America, China, Vietnam, and Spanish workforces. Nothing comes closer to the current Indian workforce in the so-called IT and tech sector in terms of mediocrity.
i) Physicians: 2 min, no case documents, only prescription.
ii) Accounts: Only Excel and software entry, no studying patterns, and no intellectual inputs about deeper correlation to market and current geopolitics.
iii) Marketing: Only tools. No literature. No study of human behavior and psychology. Target 2% by-luck click rate, and not impact and retention.
iv) Sales: No care for relationships. No care to build skills to help customers. No listening to customers’ stories. Parrot a script and force sell.
v) Coders: GitHub rippers. Poor code, no structured comment. Just open your company’s recent code base and search comments in silly codes. No optimization/robustness engineering methodology.
vi) Customer support: The poorest human skill of all time.
vii) HRs: Yea, one learns humans in college and office buildings, and before 10 years.
viii) Compliance: Template run!
Is anyone even concerned? Get disciplined or you will perish. No jobs for those who lose jobs today.
F. Is increasing mediocrity in the workforce due to over-expectation?
There is no stress in economics, and this is neither a budget problem nor an expectation problem.
Self-discipline has no correlation to either economy or budget. For instance:
1) A graphics designer in India gets ₹30k-₹50k, that is about ₹2000 per working day(if working days are 25, and about ₹2500 per working day if days are 20.
2) Considering one designed graphics standard freelance price by an expert is about ₹650 with standard 5 revisions.
3) A design with tools such as Photoshop or Canva per version would take 30 minutes. With 4 average versions, 120 minutes per design. To be profitable, the company should get 3 approved designs(6 hours)=>2150, + concept note(3 x 30 minutes).
How many companies have their top graphics designers(₹75k to ₹150k monthly salary) created 50+ graphics in a month? Answer to be found in Byjus, one of the highest recruiters of Graphics designers, and graphics across their content.
When free money is in circulation, very few care to measure themselves.
G. How the current technology workforce is going the past manufacturing sector employees that are now automated and replaced humans to a majority
I was associated with CITU from 1996 to 2006 and had an opportunity to actively participate in Union activities in Cement companies such as Basavdutta Cements, Rajasree Cements, Wadi Cements, Alstom Powers, and so on.
I have witnessed profitable companies and factories getting closed in bulk due to this lazy socialist mindset. Several of the Television star communist leaders of today like Mr. RamAndWife Yachu have had great roles to play in this game.
The left leaders have addressed mass crowds against computerization and automation, reading their speeches from IBM laptops. Workers were instigated to work less and bring down productivity. People screamed victimhood and overwork.
By 1990, people have worked 8 hours, + 4 hours of overtime (paid), and lived healthily for up to 90 years. Later, entire union politics was around not working at all in 8 hours, and only on overtime. Later employees abstained from work and did overtime. Then they abstained from any work and sued management for salaries.
Earlier there were floor record books. They were abolished and punch cards were introduced(money for punching cards, not working).
The current IT and Tech sector is going in the exact same direction.
H. Why weaker and unfit body can not progress in the technology career?
Say someone has to walk for 15 km, one has to drive his/her legs with the brain. One would have to constantly talk to the self, make small plans during the journey, and so on.
So, hard physical work needs strong mental strength.
In the same way, strong mental work needs hard physical strength. One of the top most reasons why once growing Indian manufacturing sector couldn’t maintain its growth was that management made cheap liquor available near factories.
So those with hard work would relieve their body pain with alcohol. However, this also over time weakened their brain. After the 1990s, many top talents in the manufacturing sectors just couldn’t hold onto their skills even though the body was disease-free.
Then after 1990, cable TV was introduced in almost all factory housings. The idea was to offer relief to the body and brain by introducing entertainment.
Earlier employees will hang out in clubs, where they would socialize, read books, and learn from seniors. With a weak brain, the body could no more sustain itself. This was when VRS(Voluntary Retirement Scheme) was introduced in several industries in India.
Today youth’s brains and bodies are both weak with Mobiles, and fast food. No getting back.
I. Why Minimimum Productivity should be a new way of looking at employment?
One of the key problems in the country has been that all the discussions are around minimum wage, wage equality, 2 days working week, 100 days holiday, a gym in the office, party perks, and so on.
We have no baseline for minimum productivity. Here everything has gone unaccountable. Teachers get their salaries irrespective of whether the students make a career. Clinicians earn irrespective of whether a patient recovers. An Employee earns irrespective of productivity. Politicians get votes irrespective of their work for the constituency.
The true socialist form of economy is lazy people, who are put onto the expectations of ensured benefits, without an ensured output.
And when such a trend starts and continues for over a decade, the outcome needs to be seen in Russia, Venezuela, and other communist countries.
J. Why truth needs to be told? Why reality may hurt, but won’t damage? Why the workforce is drifting away from reality?
reality is the only reality, neither hard nor soft. Across animal kingdoms, every animal has to get up and hunt for food, stay fit to not die.
The success rate of the most dreaded hunter Lion is 1/70. It is those 70 attempts that make a lion survive and hunt that one game.
The problem is Netflix has turned youth’s lives into Marvel movies. Waking up from their fantasy appears hard for them. If a super predator like Lion goes hungry for days, unsuccessful in hunting, then that is reality, and life is designed this way.
So no, youth won’t have to be mentally and physically healthy and yet they will survive! Universe 25 experiments carried out dozens of time has yielded the same result. The easier the food is, the faster one dies, and the faster the rate of reproduction vanishes.
But then, this is also nature’s design to eliminate lazy genes.
ruth hurts, both to the ones standing by it, also the one standing opposite to it, as well as to the one who denies it, and even to those who accept it. However, to everyone, truth disciplines.
The problem with the politically correct world is that it gives comfort to some and discomfort to others on the other side of the opinion. But they do no good to anyone.
Therefore, it is better to get hurt by accepting, telling, and living by the truth. At least that hurt and pain is real, and at least there are chances of corrective measures. With fake fantasies like startups, it is living well in a bubble as long as that bubble exists.
It a 100 years of painful but real life, and over 40 years of exciting, enjoying fantasy life. Anyday.
K. How carrying “feeling” to work is spreading negativity and victimhood?
feelings by definition is a relative change in the hormonal levels, not absolute.
So Good=>Good=>No feelings
Good=>Bad=>Bad feelings
Bad=>Good=>Good Feelings
Bad=>Bad =>No feelings.
No, you can see, logically one living in feelings has a merely 25% chance of being happy on a day-to-day basis. But for that happiness to be felt, one has to first feel bad. Without feeling victim, feeling bad is not possible.
So, when one chases only a 25% probability of a successful day, and that probability also depends upon the equal probability of currently feeling bad, which state do you think more people would be in?
And if one feels bad, then one will have low energy. How can one with lower energy take accountability?
A career is like a Sadhna, a dedication, focus, and servitude. There is nothing called I, me, myself, my life. If the brain stays busy with loans, salary, earnings, drinking, complaining, and comparing, then where does the brain learn from?
Many have not yet seen the life of the other side. Today talented people think, “Oh I don’t need a company.” Look at the last stage of the lives of Pancham da, Nichole Tesla, Galelio Galelai, and Oppenheimer and see how talented individuals are hunted when they are away from the group.
Earning has always been hard and has always required 12-16 hours of sheer effort. Those who don’t get it today, choose not to do so because they are unaware of the power game. They have not seen Nandigram. They have not seen unemployed mill employees and their families. They have not seen VRS takers and their fate. They have not seen drinking parties of communists and factory owners.
L. Is it, not a hateful post that tries to justify perhaps the company’s own actions of removing 93% of its workforce?
Let’s dissect the post.
a. My Gains
Some likes? Some support that I was right, some popularity, blah blah. I am neither a social influencer nor an occasional writer. I write almost every day three posts. (Besides, I have no plans to conduct any masterclasses or books on “How to be a good employee”
b. My Losses
Of course, it is no brainer to estimate the downside of anything that is not politically correct today.
C. Choices
a) Who cares what bad employees do, let them suffer(the revenge mindset)
b) They have families, at least some will take corrective measures (hope)
Anyone going through my timeline or knowing me would criticize me for anything, but for being revengeful. Not my strength.
I have written enough posts on employment, corrective measures, and how one should survive the pink season, including predicting the pink season. Why?
My losses in being quite=28,000 students, patients, and children are unhappy. My son may end up in this group tomorrow. That’s a lot of price to pay.
Losses of saying the observation=> Criticism, people’s hate, memes, etc.
M. Why easy-going casual workforce may sink the country as well as themselves
Easy-going people create tough times, but not before eliminating themselves.
1) South Korea was once a “poor country.” They then decided that population control is the way. The country grew exponentially financially(Honey made money), but the population rate dropped below 0.78, and so now is a country awaiting to be old and dying in 30 years.
2) None of the mill workers in the ’80s who lost their job after the Union instigated strikes ever got a job(there were over 10,00,000 mill workers in India). The poverty of such families is to be seen by going to Bengal, Sholapur, Kohlapur, Sangli, and so on.
3) When the US decided that calls are too low of a job, and are for third world countries, not only their employment, but other jobs like manufacturing also evaporated. One just needs to see the crime rate in San Fransisco.
4) Once Kolkata was called the Intellectual capital of India. It produced planning commissions and statistical geniuses like Mahalnobis. We know what intellectuality Kolkata produces today.
So weak and easy-going men have sunk Bengal, Russia, the USA, and Maharashtra, but we won’t learn. We will keep our eyes closed and think about marble movies.
N. Why should the good health of the workforce be a key index for the workforce?
Not only free Internet and apps, free Narcissism with Selfies and Reels.
In Rome, there was a proverb “Mirror squeezes half of the soul.” The story of Narcissus that gave birth to Narcissism word is one where the Narcissus falls in love with himself when he sees his face on the water.
The social influencers and the bubble of money are unreal. Wealth is a cumulative appreciating asset of {social security, intellectuality, Intelligence, Health, Mental Health, Emotions, Employment, Culture, } etc. And there is a reason why WHO has defined health as “A complete mental, physical, and social well-being,” peace, and cooperation, informed opinion.
As the health of society has been used as a demographic dividend marker to predict future productivity and secure loans from the World Bank, the health of an organization can be taken as a surrogate marker for its assets.
So now, because a technology company is essentially a tribe of intellect, the health of the individuals and their cumulative cooperation is the health of an organization.
This post highlights exactly the markers WHO has proposed for health.
It is more of an awareness than an exposé!
O. Why Employee and Entrepreneur bonding and trust is essential in today’s time?
we, humans, have survived thus far due to one of the biggest gifts “trust.” We pay a bill in MacD and we trust them to give us the same hygienic food every time we give the bill.
Mothers give birth to a child, with a trust that society and the state would take care of her and the baby. A soldier bets his life, trusting the country to honor his family and support the family financially should something happens to him.
The entire grocery distribution supply chain is based on the vendor’s trust where goods are given to the shops and pay is collected after sales.
Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd raised its seed round through PAIO from 139 investors. They sent the money with trust without any bonds, which took us a year to dispatch.
How many companies can claim today that their employees have not used office time to prepare and broadcast their resumes? How many startups can tell that their top resources have not been lured by VC-funded competitors?
Trust is mutual. Entrepreneur-Employee trust is all-time low today. Seasoned Entrepreneurs will invest in machines and automation to get their job done.
What will employees do? What is easier to replace? An entity or an individual?
P. Why not caring about the mass layoffs can be devastating for the current workforce?
1) Anyone in the industry who has worked hard, with honesty, and integrity, has delivered, architected, and acquired a project, the delivery personnel, the coders, would know the ratio of the top performers vs those that they are forced to give back ride.
2) And so those with a fair bit of understanding of the economy, the inequality of quality, and mediocrity will take a pause, take notes, make corrections, and push ahead of the rest. The rest would perish.
Alstom Power Case Study:
In 1989, Alstom, a Boiler part manufacturer had 4700 employees in its Shahabad(Karnataka Unit). Employees would only work overtime, would drink during duty hours, and wouldn’t log the floor logbooks. The union provided them immunity.
The management then brought VRS and offered cash money. Almost 80% workforce took VRS with cash money. Almost 70% of them exhausted the money within a year, there were 1200 suicides. Now Alstom has 322 employees, and machines, and is the most profitable.
Every power equipment manufacturing company followed Alstom. Today it is 10x more productive, with 10x fewer employees.
Q. Why lazy, unfit, low-attention, debt-ridden, and casual workforce is a concern for highly productive personnel in the industry
If we look into how the industry is shaping, keeping our bias aside, we would be amazed to see several facts.
1) Talented brains are no more interested to work with the system. There are too many “averages” to carry on the back.
2) Top institutes like IIM and IIT are now just brand sellers, and the rate of campus placement, as well as packages, is dropping.
3) Socialism to date had infected our manufacturing sector through trade unions and has infected the intellectual sector badly.
4) Pick any engineering friend of yours, and ask them “Can your computer HOD compile Linux?” Do your survey and you would know.
5) Youngsters who are talented are no more interested in education and staying under loan.
6) Corporates have slowly created a creator’s economy. It may look promising from the onset(like influencers, YouTubers, Free lancers), but eventually whom they are dependent on. Corporations.
7) Humans have survived throughout their evolution due to tribe culture. It is easy to separate a talented brain from the tribe, showing him/her some glitter, but then they are under the mercy of the corporates.
If we do not talk about reality now, then when?