Table of Contents
A. Why this post
1. As the CEO of a company backed by 130+ investors, it is my professional, moral, and social responsibility to be accountable to people, nation, and society.
2. A founder and CEO is not the owner of a company. He is merely the caretaker of the company at this point. A child develops the parents’ values. Every organization carries the gene of the founder.
3. Money belongs to no one. Money is a debt bond; the only debt we have is the debt of the human race and society. We consume ₹ 73 Cr Air up to the age of 60, ₹14L worth of drinking water at ₹28/10k IU Vitamin D3, ₹ 4.08L of Sunlight(up to age 40). Including Land, daily water, food, and a 60 years debt to Earth=₹80 Cr.
On average ₹6L is the salary of an average urban Indian. He can work up to 40 years for ₹2.4 Cr total cost. So, one has to be at least 33x more productive to return the debt of the planet and society.
4. No measurement is absolute, and yet anything that is not measured can’t be improved.
B. Secondary(Critical Reason)
Few “wellwishers of ours” have reached out to our clients and investors and, true to the character of wellwishers, have littered public space with misinformation. Also, few have leaked company and patient information and data to competitors and unauthorized parties.
-Why are employees leaving?
-Why no doctors?
-Why blah, why blah?
(Well, some can’t produce, and so they ask questions)
C. Performance
Attached is the performance document. In Summary, I have taken a salary of ₹3.61L and produced goods, services, and assets worth ₹3.3 Cr with productivity of 104x in the last year.
-Coding ₹31L
-Marketing ₹52L
-Clinical Care ₹22L
-Public Awareness and Education ₹20L
-Knowledgebase(Asset Leverage) ₹2.2 Cr
D. Employee Performance(Last 5 years)
A total ₹2.64 Cr of Salary is being given out. Here are some of the performances:-
1. Ex Sales VP= Salary=₹22L, revenue ₹17,000, Tenure 22 months.
2. Ex Marketing VP=Salary=₹13L, revenue=₹8,400
3. Ex Digital Marketer=Salary ₹4.5L, leads generated=9(₹36,000)
4. Ex coder=Salary ₹9L, Lines of Code=1906, ₹472/LoC(Compare that with mine ₹1.24/LoC)
5. Ex Public Relation= Salary=₹6 L, Investment conversion=₹41 L, leads generated=3(in 15 months).
6. Ex Clinician=Salary ₹9.6L, papers published=10, consultancy hours=13)
These are just some of the numbers!
F. If Employees were underperforming, shouldn’t they have been removed much before?
Every company follows a power distribution law and compound interest. By definition, no one ever becomes productive before 7 years.
2. Just as we grow our children, without putting them into child labor, we grow companies to become profitable after 7 years.
3. A company only rips the benefit of leverages after 12 years, when it becomes exponential. That is just Maths; the rest is blabber.
4. Some of us have to do the duties of 20-30 people, not because we don’t have a life or it is the only thing we want, but because we have to carry the burden of a bunch of unproductive people. Plus, we have to carry the accountability of mothers, and children, because upbringing them is our duty, and so we have to donate labor equivalent to them too.
5. Some have turned the industry and country into a joke. Take people’s money and live in a dreamland; how much more money am I worth? Care for how much you are returning to society, not what you are getting. You already got 80Cr debt.
6. We create and manage relationships in our lives. Clients, investors, people, patients. We are in service, we serve people. What amount of disloyalty has this system taught to the young that they feel it is cool to crush relationships?
Don’t dream, do!

Our employment philosophy
1. I differ from Elon. I don’t kick the A$$ of pigs and make my legs dirty. I just open the doors towards the mud, and pigs jump in there.
2. I can be as vengeful as it takes, but hate is something I have not learned in life. One life is too small to pay our debt back. Hate has no place.
3. I don’t believe in micromanagement. Choices are people’s so are the consequences. What we get in life=What, what we give to society. One who is not accountable will suffer because society won’t care.
4. Because of this simple theory, no manager is required in the industry. The industry needs producers, self-management, and accountability.
5. Good marks≠ , Good engineering, Good attendance≠, Good learning. All that matters is the outcome.
6. Therefore, there is no attendance sheet and managers in Acculi. Which in no way means that one wouldn’t be maintaining accountability.
7. We pay high salaries because we keep our operating and marketing costs to zero. Because if you are valuable, you don’t have to shout or operate from Glassdoor to prove that worth.
8. I am Narcissistic and Psychopathic about productivity and the future. There is no place for emotions in a mission. Unquestioning submission to society and nothing else.
F. Answers to Why We Decided to Become an Employee-Less Company
i) You can’t blame me for this country to produce an unproductive bunch of jokers.
ii) A company grows using power law and compound interest. By Rule, Compound returns after 7 years. (So, min employment period=7 years).
iii) Total mentoring hours/month =83, average 11.3h/month/employee. Company’s cost of mentoring per employee/month=₹1.31L.
Were enough opportunities given to the employees?
- No employee in their tenure in the Acculi had to be hospitalized or suffer from any health problems. We took care of everyone. Some of the employees had critical chronic diseases when they joined. The company provided healing for everyone.
- No female employees needed to work on their periods and we did not have to beat drums on this.
- The entire team sat and had their afternoon lunch together. The company sponsored 70% of the food cost.
- Not a single employee was Covid infected during the two Covid waves.
- Every employee has been given an average of 2 hours of daily training and teaching(recorded and documented) on various aspects of business, from sales, marketing, technology, business, and so on.
- No attendances were ever taken.
- No employee in the history of the company was blamed for any mistakes. We always took the blame and passed on the credit to the employees.
- No one ever worked overtime, and no one had to stay in the company beyond 8 PM.
- Even interns were given the opportunity to pitch to the investors. (In the PAIO round we were offered ₹2.98 Crore of investment. Even the freshers were given the opportunity to pitch to the investors. Many backed out because they did not find the confidence. We finally raised ₹93 Lakhs. But the company celebrated the effort of the team and never worried about the ₹2 Crore lost opportunities).
- Everyone was repeatedly taught how to maintain their work log. However, none of the eliminated ones ever bothered to document their work log.
- Every employee’s birthday has been celebrated by the company with gifts, and dinner, averaging ₹5,000 per birthday. No one can say that we did not make their special days more special.
- Whenever anyone had to travel on company duty, everyone have been sent via air.
- No salaries were ever deducted for any employees on any month.
- Several of the employees were given permission to visit their homes several times a year when they felt homesick.
- The company sponsored two tours for everyone.
- Directors were selected from the employees and they were prepared for taking the business ahead.
- A new business was created with complete ownership of the employees.
If this is not growth culture, then I don’t know what it is!
Employees were not evil, and any projection will be a one-sided story
- Our team cooked, brought essentials, and collaborated in every aspect of life.
- Several of our team members took personal loans to fund the company in these difficult times.
- The team stood by the company when rumors were spread, personal attacks were made against me.
- No one hesitated from taking on different roles.
- The team stood for the other teammate whenever one suffered emotional turmoil.
- No one drank and came to the office ever.
- No one had been disrespectful to anyone else during their tenure.
The mistakes of the ex-team are not for public consumption.
The problem is not that we removed the bulk workforce, the problem is we could remove the bulk workforce
How we implemented end-to-end AI-enabled automation
i) Data
ii) Diagnosis
iii) Therapeutics
iv) Diet
v) Coding😎
vi) Graphics Design
vii) Video Editing
viii) Documentation
ix) Compliance
x) Accounting
xi) Marketing: Patients are marketing for us.
Result of the change
i) Past: Total 56 Employees in total ₹2.8 Cr of net burn, 18% of stakes for operational revenue of ₹16 L. Intellectual Assets? a Big Zero.
ii) Now: 6 Months, 3 members, ₹5.4L cost, 96% case success, 93% retention. 0% marketing cost, ₹18L revenue.
The concern of workforce elimination through automation
When I alone can replace 13 doctors, 11 Engineers, 6 MBAs, 5 coders, 3 Compliances, 13 Sales and marketers with International degrees and a combined experience of 400+ years, forever in 6 months with machines, just imagine the mediocrity of the workforce. Is this something that we should be proud of?
Absolutely not. This is something that we must become concerned about. No country can go forward with a workforce that can be easily replaced by machines and automation. If that is what is happening then there are more problems than that meets the eye.
F. Conclusion
Carry your self-accountability sheet. Don’t say two years of experience; submit metrics to the companies. As an investor, ask your CEOs about productivity. As CEO, ask about your employee productivity. Don’t walk with a 2-year experience resume; carry an accountability sheet.
Also, it is easy to try to create a perception of negativity about a workplace. The stories you hear in the media today are one-sided. If youth doesn’t get disciplined, and increase their productivity over 33x, they have a doomed future. Companies grow due to their value system and charter, serving people, improving technology, and creating a culture of innovation and humanity. Avoid the lazy habit of judging a book by the dirty bag one carries the book in.