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10 Powerful Laws That Actually Made Devastating Cryptocurrency Collapse

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”

-Margaret Thatcher

The 10 Powerful Laws that No One Cared for While Investing in Crypto

1. If a product is marketed aggressively, i.e., every media is talking about a product/service/solution, the whole thing is just a stage show. We don’t invest in comedy; we throw some pennies.

2. There is only one criterion for knowing if a man is wise and knows his stuff. His knowledge of history. Because only history gives macro trends, which repeat over and over again, unless a man knows his history and ancestor, he is not trustworthy with money.

3. Philanthropy is when your left-hand doesn’t know when you give from your right hand.
One who walks around with a media team during philanthropy and “billionaire donates his money to the poor” is not a man.
Only a man can be a philanthropist, exactly the way only a woman can be a preservationist.

4. Money is a promise. The promise is delivered through trust. Trust is a phenomenon of strong character. Only men can have strong character because they have literally no Estrogen to change their feelings every second.

So a fake philanthropist with money is a guy without masculinity. Guys have our sympathy, not trust.

5. Only a worthless and fatherless loser has to show Lamborgini to prove self-worth. One who has to flaunt money to prove his worth has zero inner wealth.

6. A man is a soul with a strong character, not strong muscles(muscles are a bonus). Luigi Galvani refused to sign that “electricity is given by God” and suffered dire poverty when his contemporaries signed the pact and enjoyed church money.
“Church is a moral authority, not scientific authority” took away Galileo Galilei’s eyes.

Because money is masculine, always test people’s integrity, put them to hunger, and see if they bend. One who bends in hunger mends with money.

7. Social media is for the depressed. Social interaction needs touch because Oxytocin is a social hormone that is synthesized by touch. Scrolling inhibits Oxytocin. Social media influencers are social losers.
Because 95% of the population is scientifically stupid, one who is an influencer of this 95% is, by the law, stupid.

Never believe a monkey with a razor as your barber, irrespective of the degree he flaunts. Monkeys are far less stupid, and money is sharper than a razor.

8. One with drug and alcohol is mid-brain driven. Amygdala inhibits the prefrontal cortex, which drives trust as its executive function. The midbrain is the lizard brain. Good luck trusting lizards with money.

9. Value of money is linked to productivity. Money is only as worthy as what it creates. Lending money is not productivity but rather a way of printing more money. Never invest in a money printing press. Such as banks and exchanges.

10. Men live by action; morons live by words. Action needs no word; words can’t become action. Anything that is not seen is not action. A deck is decorated with words. Good luck investing in decks.


This post has everything you need to know before investing in any instrument, including crypto. Don’t be an expert like Kevin O’Leary. Be wise like Giovani Medici and Michelangeloo.
Only Mallya makes money in the pubs; only casinos make money in a gamble; only brokers make money in trading; only VCs make money in an investment; only an influencer makes money in an advertisement;

Those who teach how to make money by taking money are the only one who doesn’t know how to make money, and yet makes money because you don’t know that they don’t know how to make money.
Good Luck.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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