Lyfas Life Care

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How to Reclaim Disconnected Life Back to Prevent Boredom?

How to Reclaim Disconnected Life Back to Prevent Boredom

Why do we get disconnected from ourselves?

In order to interact with different people, and socially, we create different personalities. Each persona has its own memory, roles, responsibilities, feelings, and long emotions. When there are not enough boundaries, these personalities overlap. For example, our father persona which interacts with our children and takes care of their education, and well-being gets mixed with our son persona which interacts with our parents. Let us say that our parents are comparing us with others, we start comparing our children with other children too.

As we try to fit into different roles for different people, we somewhere lose track of who we really are. We remain fragments of each of these personal.

  1. When we do not keep boundaries between the personas.
  2. When we allow other people to tell us who we are and what we should or should not do.
  3. When we multitask, that is while playing one role, think about the responsibilities of the others.
  4. When we are driven by feelings and try to not hurt people or to feel good.
  5. When we have no time for ourselves, think and feel ourselves.
  6. When we push ourselves and keep working. (our brains can not store day-to-day events in the memory due to lack of rest, when the brain stores events in the Cerebellum, the permanent memory)

What are the signs that you are disconnected from yourself and your life?

You are reuniting with the friends you probably have had the best moments of your life. And you feel there is something that is missing. You are finding your friends unknown. You are trying too hard to fake and smile.

The diner table that once was so special for you is no longer attractive. You are waiting to finish the food.

Your eyes appear dead, emotionless. Your near and dear ones start telling you that you have changed. You observe a distance, with everything, everyone, every moment.

You are not disconnected from the world but from yourself. The energy, positivity, and smile in your eyes are replaced by never-ending hopelessness.

Disconnection results from a shock when you realize the person who once was your life was nothing but a fantasy creator. The promised future was a dream, and the then reality was a fantasy.

You have turned into a mere extension of the person. Your brain is addicted. Your feelings and memory are all corrupted.

But you have no essence. Your mind and thoughts won’t let you connect back to yourself. You see no end to the tunnel, no hope, no life.

What is disassociation disorder?

Dissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life.

When disassociation becomes pathological, it becomes a psychic disorder which many times is also called Multiple personality disorder. However, here we are not discussing about MPD, but rather the early signs of disassociation with self.

What is boredom?

Boredom is losing interest in our day-to-day life. When the brain always seeks a novelty, it is called boredom. We get bored easily when we are not emotionally connected to what we are doing. For instance, one does a job for livelihood, without really being passionate about the job. In such circumstances, our work doesn’t give us any satisfaction and we seek new work.

When we do not build good habits, and tasks that are to be done every day, then we do not know what to be done after getting up in the morning, and we do not know why should we do what we are doing. Dopamine is a hormone that works like a reference hormone for the feeling of the brain. When you have a set of rituals and habits of doing tasks every day, your brain is insensitive to dopamine variations. However, when such rituals and regular tasks and habits do not exist in your brain, you get bored as dopamine is low.

Then you seek novelty because dopamine is increased in new tasks. However, as you take up learning new skills and hobbies, you feel good initially due to the raise of dopamine, and then get bored soon when the new hobby stops supplying dopamine.

Therefore, boredom also becomes a habit.

What is the relationship between disassociation and boredom?

Disassociation and boredom are interlinked. It is hard to say which one causes which one, but one always results in the other. The more you are bored with your current life, the more you start disliking yourself and start seeking external objects to make you feel good. As you connect to yourself and feel yourself, you start liking yourself and everything that you are doing, eliminating the need for novelty and therefore dopamine supply every day.

In fact, your ability to do repetitive tasks every day is a key pointer to your mental health. Boredom obviously reduces your neuroplasticity(the conductance between the neurons). Therefore boredom leads to neuroticism. When the neuroplasticity is decreased, your brain’s ability to connect to permanent memory, cognition, feelings, and thoughts in a coherent way decreases. This leads to brain fog, which eventually leads to self-disassociation.

Why disassociation disorder leads to depression?

When you are bored with your current life, you don’t feel like doing anything. So your body conserves energy by slowing down the metabolic rate. You feel like eating more because your body goes into energy preservation mode and it wants to store more energy for the future as your current energy need is less.

Under these circumstances, not only the body but also the brain gets less energy. When the brain gets less energy, several functions such as cognition, emotion, and executive functions are impaired. Over a period of time, you feel fatigued and don’t feel like going up or even getting up from bed. The brain somehow doesn’t like this situation and therefore keeps thinking about the past instances and problems that might have led to the current situation.

Low energy, low enthusiasm, disconnection from self, and a chain of negative thoughts combined push you toward depression.

Why must you reclaim your life back and connect back with yourself?

Without connecting back to your soul and core, no matter what you do, your brain again gets into a depressed, withdrawn, and boring state. Therefore you feel excitement for a few days, and then again you get back to the same old pattern of boredom and depression.

After some time you start hating yourself. Spending time with yourself makes you feel lonely and elicit all the insecurities. Therefore your top priority has to be to connect back to yourself and never to disconnect from yourself.

How to take control back of your life by reclaiming your life?

By interlinking your subconscious with a direction of how and what it may think, you prevent the random firing of Neurons which significantly reduces your brain’s overall energy needs.

Lastly, our core sexuality exists in our right brain, which is our creative and imaginary brain.

  1. Arts and painting.
  2. Reading novels.
  3. Write journals of the entire month in those three days, specifically mentioning what you learned.
  4. Thinking of great experiences of your childhood(not the pain) before sleep.
  5. Making toys with clay etc.
  6. Creating symmetric designs.
  7. Imagining your sexual desires and overall sexual core.
  8. Stop playing the victim. Stop complaining, comparing, and self-criticizing.
  9. Think about what you have in life and how whatever you have is better than others, rather than thinking about what else you need in life to become happier.
  10. Cherish every moment in life. Life is short. It is not worth spending in depression, boredom, and disconnection from self.

It will all help your brain to turn off the personas and attach to a single child core of yours during the periods. Not only cramps, but you will also find great relief in headaches, bloating, acidity, and shoulder stiffness, as well as heavy bleeding(or darker blood).


No savior will come to save you. Either go back to fantasy or challenge that with reality, every moment, every day, if you want to live. But do you?

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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