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Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 11 Conversations in Relationship, Purpose, Preparation, Healing

Intimacy Laws Educational Series Episode 11 Art of Conversation in a Relationship Energy, Preparation, Touch, Dos, Don't, Purpose
Intimacy Laws Art of Conversation Energy Healing in a Relationship
Intimacy laws Podcast
Intimacy Laws Podcast Episode 11 Conversations in Relationship, Purpose, Preparation, Healing

In Episode 11 of conversation in the relationship, we shall learn:-

  • 1) What is a conversation?
  • 2) Difference between conversation and communication.
  • 3) What is the purpose of the conversation?
  • 4) What roles are the two partners in a relationship play in order to carry out a successful conversation?
  • 5) Energy revisited, what are the positive and negative charges and positive and negative energies?
  • 6) What does energy matter so much in a conversation?
  • 7) How must you prepare yourself for the conversation?
  • 8) What happens if you do not prepare yourself for the conversation?
  • 9) Why do we expect another partner to give us positive energy in conversation?
  • 10) Can two individuals with negative energy can carry out a positive conversation?
  • 11) What role does touch play in conversation?
  • 12) A simple breathing exercise for preparing for the conversation.
  • 13) How to take forward the relationship where there is no positivity and positive conversation?
  • 14) What roles do the stories play in conversation?
  • 15) How to end a conversation?
  • 16) How will you know that a conversation has ended successfully?
  • 17) What two things must be totally avoided in a conversation for the conversation to remain positive?

Book Intimacy Laws for Men, Volume 1, The Birth of the Lugal

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