How to Evaluate Early Potential Customer Feature Suggestions of I Need What You Don’t Have Syndrome? Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast Episode 29
Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast by Rupam
How to Evaluate Early Potential Customer Feature Suggestions of I Need What You Don't Have Syndrome? Zero to Plus Minus Equal to Startup Podcast Episode 29
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How to Pivot a startup product and evaluate potential customer feature requests in a startup? Zero to Plus-minus equal to startup podcast by Rupam Das, Episode 29
1. Why do people ask what you don’t have in the product? 2. If most people you meet say that you should have something, should you pay attention? 3. Why do a startup or innovative product customers often not know what they want? 4. Why, if people need what you have, do they start using the product? 5. Yahoo vs. Google case study about changing or not changing the product. 6. What is A/B Testing? 7. How to use people’s free advice with A/B Testing to derive data for decisions? 8. Why, without data-driven decision-making, is it hard for the founder to pivot? 9. Case study of the book Intimacy Laws for Men. 10. Lyfas ECG case study. 11. Why do people use anything that solves their pain, irrespective of validation? 12. Why is the customer the biggest proof that a startup product works? 13. What is a growth mindset? What is the key difference between a growth mindset and a static mindset? Why is it important for a startup to work with a growth mindset people?
Zero to Plus Minus Equal to eBook for the Startups
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