Table of Contents
A change needs 50-100 years, if you think otherwise, you are just imagining.
Plantation Case Study Comparision
In the 1970’s Saudi Arabia decided that they would have to become self-sufficient in drinking water and grains. Billions of dollars went into a project of how to harvest corp in Saudi. They created circular pockets of land, got the reserved groundwater pumped, and implemented farming.

Saudi was producing grains within 10 years. Who says change takes time? Come 2022, farming is becoming dead in Saudi, because the design was about quick success, and not about sustainability. How would you ensure rainfall, and without rainfall, how much water processing and groundwater mining can you do?
D. Sarvanan on the other hand invested 30 years of his life and turned a 100-acre barren land into a forest, a sustainable forest in 30 years.

To whom does the world belong? No, the world doesn’t belong to poor, rich, white, black, Hindus, or Muslims, the world only belongs to the future.
D. Sarvanan, who turned barren land into a jungle
Case Studies
- Nichole Tesla talked about video calls and wireless electricity, how long did it take for these to see the day of life?
- Charles Babbage created the concept of a computer when you had your first personal computer.
- Leonardo da Vinci proposed the first model of an airplane, how many years did it take?
- How many years did it take from the proposal of a steam engine ship to a real one?
- How many years did it take for Micheal Faraday’s electromagnetism to become Electricity production, a steam engine train to become an electric engine train?
- How long it took for Neil Bohr’s quantum physics to produce consumer nuclear energy?
Big Idea Takes Big Time
If you are the visionary of a big idea, make no mistake that you won’t see the end of that. And in most likelihood, you won’t even get the fruit of that.
Think about your life from the spectrum of this reality and facts. Now think, are you creating enough resources for your idea to last 100 years? Are you reaching enough people? Are you making sure that your idea moves from one generation to another?
Genetic Changes in Us
Whenever we go to the mountains for travel for example from our natural habitat of planes, there is a temporary genetic change that helps our body to deal with the new environment. Genes are the programs that help us function. However, just because we are in the mountains now doesn’t change the years of brain processes that the brain creates to function well. Hence brain always wants you to come back to the plains because in a new place, it has to adjust again from the basics.
So, such changes remain temporary. The changes become permanent after about 7 years of time. Such changes are encoded into the non-inheritance genes. That means we are a changed person after seven years, but these changes are not passed on to the next generation. Inheritance genes take about another seven years to import the genes.
Often it is agreed through various scientific experiments that 10,000 hours is needed for someone to become really good at a skill. However, it is also seen that someone starts becoming successful only after one starts combining multiple skills. Considering that one is working for about 10 hours a day, then 1000 days or about 3 years is needed for one skill to master, another three years for the second skill to master, and at least a year to use two skills together to deliver something.
After we have successfully mastered multiple skills, it may take another seven years minimum for one to help people adapt to the changes, and an additional seven years for those changes to become an integral part of someone’s life.
Remember, any change requires genetic mutation. Fast mutation results in unstable genes, threatning the species. Therefore, neither a quick change is feasible, nor biologically desirable.
Even thinking about a change takes decades
When one starts a career, often the brain doesn’t have an understanding of the universe as one has to establish oneself in the competitive world. For us to be able to make something that the entire world desires, the entire world has to accept one as a master and submit to the master’s ideology. For one to become a master, one has to completely submit oneself to the human race and the future of the race. For one to be able to submit oneself and squeeze oneself for humanity, one has to learn the art of the submission. This art takes the brain away from pleasure-centricity and pulls one towards spirituality.
Every startup founder may think that they want to change the world! Now tell yourself that “I am going to get up every day at 3 AM” and try to implement the same for next seven years. Or say to yourself that for the next seven years I am not going to watch any movies or hang out with friends. You will see that it is hard for you to even see a change in yourself.
Learning the art of submission where you don’t care about your pleasures, but rather want to push yourself every day like a machine for serving humanity needs a tremendous amount of brain rewiring. That happens when you submit to a master’s and work under the master for years. The master remains submitted to God, and you remain submitted to the master. Then you become a master yourself and start going for the change.
Becuase submitting to a master’s to develops an extraordinary work ethic, which is further needed when you want people to adapt to the changes. The brain has to have the ability to foresee a new world that doesn’t exist yet and then has to understand the roadmap, practical challenges, and fights ahead to sail the people through the world.
In Jews Bible, Moses guided his people, who were enslaved by the Egyptian phraos through freedom, but is said to wander in the wildness for 40 years.
That is the reason, one has to become ready to invest an entire life to prepare oneself to have the ability to change, then to have the ability to visualize a change, then the ability to plan the change, then the ability to squeeze the life out to see the change, then have the patience to work for decades for the change, and then finally leading the race through the change.
Once one has seen through the change, it is almost always the end of life. Then one has to identify a worthy successor. This hunt will take years, and then perhaps a decade to mentor the successor.
Add responsibilities, family pressure, people’s criticism, judgment, and hard life to the journey, and you know why very few in human history have ever been able to achieve what they set out to achieve.
Do you have 100 years of blueprint? Do you have enough intellect to foresee that future?
If you remotely believe that your idea is achievable in your lifetime, then it’s a small idea.
One must never really think about the changes. One must always start thinking about the discipline in life to walk away from pleasure towards a satisfaction-driven life. This journey itself is going to be a hard journey. Not many readers can make sense of this article today, but as you progress in your life, this will remind you about wisdom, and then when you will want to give up out of frustration would work like a guiding principle.
If you truly believe in an idea, get ready to invest your entire life into this single idea. When you invest 50 long years into any idea, the idea becomes powerful by the law of the brain and genes. That idea which is nurtured for 50 years is so extraordinary, that the idea itself pulls people towards the change.
No one can change the world. World is changed by that idea which is created by someone in 14 years, then grew another 21 years, and then crated an environment where the idea can thrive for another 14 years.
Medici bank was created by Giovanni Medici in 1397 in Florance, and it is one of the top most banks in Europe today even after 650 years. That is change.