Lyfas Life Care

Stop Worrying, Start Living

This Simple Therapeutic Will Cut Down Your Dead-Feeling by Over 30% and Bring You Back into The Moment

A girl is feeling low symbolized by an energyless battery against which she is resting. In front of her a child is jumping with energy, symbolizing life and energy.

🔖Signs of Withdrawn Feelings

1. You keep talking and the other person pretends to listen to you very carefully. No change in the eye.

2. You observe someone(mostly a partner) and the face will appear blank as if inner aggression is suppressed.

3. While communicating, just pause and ask some questions, and there is no reply.
But the biggest sign:
“What happened?”
(Interpret this as ‘I am feeling nothing’).

🔖Main Reasons behind Withdrawn Feelings

1. Too many active threads in the brain for the brain to focus on reality.
2. Something being said by someone recently is interlinked to several threads from childhood.
3. One doesn’t have any energy left(due to excessive wastage in irrelevant things).
4. There is no connection with self(worst, there exists no self, but just different personas).

🔖 The Science of Feeling Low

1. Feelings are the decoded variation of the hormonal levels by the hypothalamus of the brain.
2. So, NO-FEELINGS means either no variation, inability to decode variation, or inability to produce neuro hormones in accordance with the feelings.

🔖Why Not Feeling Anything is Harmful?

1. Feelings is key to awareness, and awareness is key to knowledge of being alive.
2. So, no feelings are equivalent to being dead.
3. Lowered awareness severely lowers immunity and both Viral as well as bacterial load increase in no time due to lowered Neurohormonal Immunoregulation.

🔖How Others Suffer When You Feel Nothing?

1. We are primally wired to be empathetic. (Even psychopaths have functional empathy)
2. Empathy=> Ability to decode other’s feelings, and resonate and modulate actions in accordance.
3. Dead face is hard to decode. So others get into thinking and predicting.
4. This exhausts the energy of the other person in no time, and for no reason.
5. We are hardwired to be alerted in a non-empathetic interaction. So everyone becomes angry.

🔖Simple Therapeutic to Get Rid of Dead-Feelings

Altered Awareness Mirror Shock(AAMS, Innovated and Validated by Lyfas team)

1. Ask your partner(if your partner presents a dead face), or force yourself(if you realize feeling dead), to go and stand before the mirror.
2. Now ask your partner, or force yourself to keep looking into the eyes of you in the mirror.
3. It takes 10 seconds to bring the dead face into reality, eliminating all negative thoughts in the brain in a whisker-like magic.
4. Go for a walk with your partner, or push yourself to go for a walk.

🔖Science Behind the Therapeutics

1. Threat of being dead has higher priority over fear(overthinking cause).
2. Low feeling lowers awareness, so elevated awareness of threats of death increases feelings.
3. The moment a dead eye looks into the mirror, it gets horrified by the vision of its death, and the brain creates a sudden shock resetting the hormone levels. So one starts feeling again.

And oh, if someone remains hellbent on being dead, dump the dead to decay, because only rats remain alive in a morgue.


There is a law in the war. If the burden of carrying a wounded soldier can cause the life of the other soldier, then the soldier has to leave behind his pal and move on. However hard it is, the reality of life is one dead is better than two dead.

Everyone is born with a life, and death is more or less fixed by the genes one carries. So everyone will die. And just as one did not decide on the birth, parents, time, and place, death would also be decided by life.

So, anyone choosing to be dead, even for a second is one who is disrespectful to the beautiful human life. And when one is not bothered to understand that his/her dead face is causing death to people around them, they violate the fundamental social moral law that “everyone has an equal right to live.”

Energy is limited. To feed you one bowl of rice, hundreds of people, including farmer, electricity production, mill, packaging, transport, and society has to work.

Coming out of such a low state often needs excess food. Nothing is infinite. When food goes to you, the stress of production gets higher. Being immoral and causing pain to others is a psychopathy. So when you see the dead faces at home, deal with the iron feast.

Stop this fastest epidemic and silent killer.

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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