Lyfas Life Care

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Lyfas Geriatrics Depression Care:- Solving the Mental Health Problem Amongst Senior Citizens

Monitor the progress of depression and Intervene with Lyfas Geriatric Depression care

Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd Lyfas Geriatric Depression Care: The Tide 2.0 Pulse Challenge 3rd Prize Winner: Solving the Depression Problem in Senior Citizens

Depression amongst individuals over the age of 55 is rising and is expected to become an epidemic once the migration starts after the lockdown.

After living with their children for a substantial amount of time in the last two years, the children will finally leave home, causing grief known as “Empty Nest Syndrome”. Several studies have shown a direct correlation between Diabetes and Empty Nest Syndrome. Studies have also shown an increased risk of irritability, hypertension, and rising cardiovascular diseases due to this state of pain and grief.

Such a depression then gets spread to other individuals, including the children, affecting overall mental health and thus the economy of the country.

We are working extensively in the field of mental health with the support of Meity(Minstry of Electronics, Information, and Technology), and the DERBI Foundation towards building the Digita Mental health screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and care infrastructure of India.

Due to inefficiency in our social support system to take care of the mental health of the senior citizens, a large percentage of them suffer from early to clinical depression, leading to other comorbidities. 

Such depression is often spread in their children due to shared psychosis. We are working in early Geriatric depression care, by innovating early detection and comorbidity tools. 

Our solution would help our senior citizens, particularly those over the age of 55, and their children to remain better connected and to keep mental depression, trauma and pain aside.

How Can We Help?

If your children have just left home, or if you are worried about your parents being depressed and socially withdrawn after you leave home, then consider taking Lyfas service for yourself or your parents respectively, to objectively monitor the progress of depression traits and to intervene with the help of our experts right at the early stage to avoid the full unfolding of the condition.

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