Lyfas Life Care

Stop Worrying, Start Living

What is the Ultimate 18 Worry of Most Men Past Age 40?

What are Ultimate 18 Worry of Most Men Past Age 40 Rupam Acculi Lyfas Care and the top reasons for such worries

Top Worries that Every Man has but Very Few Does Anything about Them!

1. If I have a daughter, and should she pursue a passion, would she be able to grow without compromising?
2. When I am old and can’t move much, will I be safe if I have enough money?
3. How would I get my emotions when I am older? Will I have to spend my vulnerable old age becoming a burden on my children?
4. If anything happens to me, is there any avenue for my partner to earn her livelihood with respect?
5. When my grandchildren grow up, how can they start their careers?
6. When I give more, my family seems to value me more. Is my need for the family all about how much I provide? Am I even needed as a person?
7. If I leave behind assets and money, my children will fight for the inheritance. If I don’t, they will complain to me about not leaving behind anything. How can I ensure my children are not thirsty for each other’s blood?
8. If I ever meet an accident, or become terminally ill and bedridden, is there anything that will drive my family then?
9. If I become terminally ill, is there anything that will motivate me to get up from bed?
10. Today, when my daughter and wife go out to the street, even a plumber or rickshaw puller looks at them with lustful eyes. What can I do to protect females in my family when they go out?
11. Even if I leave behind a lot of money, should anything happen to me, will my relatives let my family live peacefully?
12. If I have money, my relatives will value me for money, hoping to get something from me; if not, they will avoid me. Do I even need relatives? What is the point of living if I don’t have relatives or anyone?
13. How can I make society value my family long after I am gone?
14. When I go to work, my children sleep; they are already sleeping when I return. If I can’t work my a$$ off, I can’t earn a decent living, and my family can’t sleep. And still, they complain I give no time!
15. What if a bad disease strikes my family? Will my earnings be enough?
16. How many more compromises will I have to make, and for how long?
17. I am grinding my life out, yet my family doesn’t seem happy. What else can I do?
18. Can I ever pursue my passion? What if I fail? How will my family survive?

Reasons for men’s worry

1. Not building leverage.
2. Struck with the same friends and relatives forever.
3. Overspending.
4. Focussing on buying fish and feeding, rather than teaching them to fish.
5. Reliving pain through pleasure, not finding pleasure in the painful pursuit of purpose.
6. Not building institutions.
7. Job, not service.
8. Goals that don’t include society.
9. Caring for what my family and I get over what society gets from my family and me.
10. Planting and selling more Spinach than planting, nurturing, and growing mango trees.
11. Dreaming, not doing.
12. Chasing rich, not meaningful.
13. Fear of judgment by people, not history.
14. Becoming advisors, not examples.
15. Complaining against systems but not rebuilding.

And then overthinking, “why no one cares?”

Passionate, Accountable Student for Life

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