Beyond “Sex is a bad thing, and for bad boys”:- Implications of Lack of Sex and Ejaculation on Men’s Health
We have come to an age, where every natural gift from water to air has become a commodity. We first destroy the trees and then pay for the small home garden. We put on weight eating madly, and then pay money to walk on the trade mill, where the world is for the walk. From sleep to food, to air, everything is a commodity today. And therefore you are automatically a consumer.
The less you get something naturally, the more you are going to buy that. Hence you are conditioned at every level, from childhood to become an obedient consumer.
Sex for men is one of the most essential needs of life. This is not premium or just a part of life. Most of the brain functions are linked to good sexual health. And most of the organ’s homeostasis is linked to Sex, via the homeostasis mechanism.
That sex is a bad thing, masturbation is bad, ejaculation is bad, and that sex and orgasm are not to be discussed or prioritized by men is a narration of a sick society sponsored by sick capitalism.
Diabetes, Hypertension, Prostrate, Heart Disease, UTI, Depression, and Kidney disease in men have all one common precursors:- Lack of sex and orgasm.
This is facilitated through a systematic narration of emasculating the men and making them less focussed on sex and more on the meaningless rat race. This, so that you become a good consumer of the otherwise not-needed healthcare and wellness industry.
Squeeze your life to satisfy and validate your parents, then to make money for the capitalists, and then pay back the entire money to the healthcare industry, dying a slow daily death. Leave behind your wealth for your next generation, so that they have to work less and less and can become consumers from an early age.
The following article brings to you the science of sex, orgasm, and ejaculation for men and the consequences of neglecting this facade of life.
By the social narration and give your life in a platter to the industry, or take the control back of your life and live. All the decorated university degrees, and titles in your profile won’t compensate for your impaired sexual health and orgasm. The cost is much higher than you are told.
Become a man, or become a healthcare consumer, the choice is entirely yours.
Yes, I believe premature ejaculation is a serious and complex sexual disorder in men. People should definitely take necessary solutions to prevent it or cure it. Thanks for posting such amazing content with us.